Ruslan 2005 написал(а):Хотелось узнать что добавили в версии 5 и как пишет spleenJack
Насколько я знаю, В WMvare нет поддержки DirectX и OpenGL.и как пишет spleenJack Насколько я знаю, В WMvare нет поддержки DirectX и OpenGL.
реализовали это в 5 версии и где можно почитать как с ней работать поподробней. Я эту прогу сейчас докачеваю и раньше с ней не работал хотелось узнать как её устонавливать и как виртуалить системы.
Enabling Accelerated 3D for a Guest Operating System
To enable the guest operating system for accelerated 3D:
1. Power on the virtual machine.
2. Install VMware tools.
Note: It is critical for stability that your VMware Tools match your current VMware Workstation.
3. Install DirectX 9.0c End User Runtime
This download is available from Microsoft at:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
4. Install and run your 3D applications
!!! Активизация 3D, как пишут разработчики, может послужить причиной краха как guest так и host машины, даже если функции 3D не активны !!!
Experimental Support for Direct3D
VMware Workstation includes experimental support for Direct3D video acceleration. This feature is not fully functional.
Caution: Features with experimental support are not intended to be enabled on production systems. Enabling 3D acceleration may cause the host or guest to crash, causing you to lose data, even if 3D applications are not active.
Experimental support for Direct3D functions only for the configurations shown in the following matrix.
Host Operating System Guest Operating System
Windows 9x/ME/NT Windows 2000/ XP Linux
Windows 2000/XP No Yes No
Linux No Yes No
Experimental support includes the following limitations:
Workstation accelerates DirectX 8 applications, and DX9 applications which use only the subset of DX8.
Performance/speed of 3D applications is not yet optimized.
OpenGL applications run in software emulation mode.
All aspects of 3D acceleration are not enabled. Some 3D features that are not yet accelerated include:
Pixel and vertex shaders
Multiple vertex streams are not supported.
Hardware bump-mapping, environment mapping
Projected textures
1, 3, or 4 dimensional textures