Версия тут непричем.
Поставил последнюю версию 0.44d.
Тоже самое.
Попробывал протестить порты.
Вот что он мне дал:
Please wait while the ports of your eMule are being tested...
Testing IP: *******(ип провайдера, не мой)
Starting TCP connection test...
TCP test failed! UDP test will not be performed.
Connection test finished.
Results in detail:
* TCP connection test failed.
It was not possible, to establish a TCP connection to your eMule.
Other users will only be able to connect to you with the help of a server, resulting in a low ID for you. While eMule still works, this will give you several disadvantages. Therfore it is highly recommended to solve this problem.
Что делать дальше?
Поставил последнюю версию 0.44d.
Тоже самое.
Попробывал протестить порты.
Вот что он мне дал:
Please wait while the ports of your eMule are being tested...
Testing IP: *******(ип провайдера, не мой)
Starting TCP connection test...
TCP test failed! UDP test will not be performed.
Connection test finished.
Results in detail:
* TCP connection test failed.
It was not possible, to establish a TCP connection to your eMule.
Other users will only be able to connect to you with the help of a server, resulting in a low ID for you. While eMule still works, this will give you several disadvantages. Therfore it is highly recommended to solve this problem.
Что делать дальше?