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...а во-вторых, по поводу собирания всего в образ и прожига - читайте приложенный NFO-файл, в котором ясно написано, где искать инструкты (а именно \docs\winpe.chm)
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To create a customizable Windows PE image
Create a directory on your hard disk to store the Windows PE build tools, denoted as build_version. For example, type:
md c:\build_x86
Place the Windows OPK CD or the Windows PE CD in the CD-ROM drive, denoted as cd_drive.
Copy cd_drive\Winpe\*.* to build_version. For example, type:
copy e:\winpe\*.* c:\build_x86
If you use the OPK CD, copy the cd_drive\Tools\platform\*.* directory to build_version. For example, type:
copy e:\tools\x86\*.* c:\build_x86
Remove the Windows OPK CD or the Windows PE CD from the CD-ROM drive.
Place the Windows product CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Navigate to build_version. For example, type:
cd c:\build_x86
Run the Mkimg command with the two required options:
mkimg.cmd source_directory destination_directory
For example, type:
mkimg.cmd e: c:\winpe_tmp
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...да, чуть не забыл...после этого читаем дальше:
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Creating a Custom Windows PE CD
After using Mkimg to create your Windows PE image, you can customize it and use the Oscdimg tool to create an .iso file from your customized image, which you can then burn to a CD.
To create a custom Windows PE CD
Run the Oscdimg command with these minimum options:
oscdimg -blocation -n sourceroot image_file
For example, type:
oscdimg -bc:\build_x86\etfsboot.com -n c:\winpe_tmp c:\winpex86.iso
Use CD-recording software to burn the .iso file to a blank CD.
In this example, Oscdimg uses the El Torito boot sector file in C:\Build_x86 and the customized Windows PE image in C:\Winpe_tmp to create C:\Winpex86.iso with support for long file names.
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...mkimg.cmd и oscdimg.exe находятся в архиве, в папке WINPE