Гастрономия. Книги о пище [2]


15 Янв 2009
Название: Chefs Of The Margaret River Region
Автор: Sue-Lyn Aldrian-Moyle, Lisa Hanley
Издательство: Margaret River Press
ISBN: 978-0987218001
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 160
Формат: pdf
Размер: 46,57 Мб
Язык: English

Margaret River – a place that immediately conjures a vision of world-class wine, beautiful surroundings and an almost endless supply of quality dining rooms. Featuring the profiles and a recipe from each of nineteen acclaimed chefs from the region, the book not only takes you on a culinary journey but shares with you the natural beauty of the region. Most chefs featured in this publication have been the head of their kitchens for quite some time now, and have learned how to bring together the best of local produce, presenting us with food that perfectly enhances the award-winning wines of their own venue or those of neighbouring estates. Through the beautiful photography of renowned local photo-journalist Sue-Lyn Aldrian-Moyle, the breathtaking sights and localities of the region and its culinary excellence have been captured in all their beauty. As you will discover, Sue-Lyn’s passion for photography is much like the recipes shared with you by our chefs; fresh, alive, vibrant and forever memorable. This book shares what is special about these chefs and this region.

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Chefs Of The Margaret River Region, качка, суфле, цвітна капуста, ньокки, кролик, рагу, гребешок, крем, суфле, сладкое, буряк


15 Янв 2009
Название: The German Cookbook
Автор: Alfons Schuhbeck
Издательство: Phaidon Press
ISBN: 978-0714877327
Год: 2018
Cтраниц: 450
Формат: pdf
Размер: 80,8 Мб
Язык: English

The German Cookbook provides 450 pages of recipes, ranging from classic dishes to contemporary culinary offerings, all beautifully packaged in a hardcover... It's hard not to feel hungry after browsing through the hundred-plus food photographs."—Vogue Online "...Beautifully designed, lavishly photographed, well written and pretty exhaustive too. You get a true insight into [the country's] food, with history, culture and regional recipes all mixed. My favourite culinary series."—Mail on Sunday The only comprehensive collection of German recipes - from authentic traditional dishes to contemporary cuisine Germany is made up of a series of distinct regional culinary cultures. From Hamburg on the north coast to Munich in the Alpine south, and from Frankfurt in the west to Berlin in the east, Germany's cities and farmland yield a remarkable variety of ingredients and influences. This authoritative book showcases this diversity, with 500 recipes including both beloved traditional cuisine and contemporary dishes representing the new direction of German cooking - from snacks to desserts, meat, poultry, and fish, to potatoes, dumplings, and noodles. An introduction showcasing the culinary cultural history of the country introduces the origins of the classic recipes. These recipes have been tested for accuracy in a home kitchen, making them fully accessible to a wide range of cooking abilities. Icons indicate everything from vegetarian, gluten-, and dairy-free options to recipes with five ingredients or fewer and simple one-pot dishes. The German Cookbook is the latest in Phaidon's bestselling series of authoritative cookbooks on global cuisines.

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The German Cookbook, немецкая кухня, селедка, курица, чизкейк, штрудель, индейка, солянка, яловичина, капуста, шницель, рагу, стейк, говядина, свинина, гарбуз, пудинг, тарт, сладкое,


15 Янв 2009
Название: Cooking with Chocolate: Essential Recipes and Techniques
Автор: Frederic Bau (Editor), Clay McLachlan (Photographer), Pierre Hermé (Foreword)
Издательство: Flammarion
ISBN: 978-2080200815
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 416
Формат: pdf
Размер: 124,44 Мб
Язык: English

This comprehensive, illustrated reference offers the essential building blocks and recipes for working with chocolate in the home kitchen. This cooking school in book form opens with 100 step-by-step techniques: chocolate basics (tempering, ganaches, pralines), candy fillings, decorations, doughs, creams and mousses, ice cream and sorbet, sauces, and baker’s secrets. Each method is explained in text and photographs; fourteen are further clarified on the ninety-minute DVD.
Organized into nine sections, 100 recipes are simplified for the home cook: classics (Sachertorte, pro fiteroles, molten chocolate cake), tarts (chocolate-pear, nut-caramel), snacks (macaroons, waffles, brownies, choco-ginger churros), frozen desserts, special occasions (dark chocolate fondue, hazelnut-praline Yule log), and candy (truffles, lollipops, coconut bars).
Each recipe is graded with a three-star rating so the home chef can gauge its complexity. Cross references to techniques, DVD footage, glossary terms, and complementary recipes make navigation easy. The volume includes practical resources: visual dictionaries of kitchen equipment and common ingredients; tips for conserving chocolate; a guide to dark, milk, and white chocolate and the importance of cocoa content; and a detailed index.

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Cooking with Chocolate, Essential Recipes and Techniques, Frederic Bau, Pierre Hermé, випічка, шоколад, ганаш, декор, глазур, сладкоежкам, десерт,


15 Янв 2009
Название: Fusion Chocolate (Chocolate in Cuisine)
Автор: Frederic Bau
Издательство: Montagud Editores
ISBN: 978-8472121171
Год: 2008 (English edition)
Cтраниц: 300
Формат: pdf
Размер: 39,14 Мб
Язык: English

It's not just a question of desserts, but rather savory cuisine, with chocolate playing a central role. Transformed from being the "final touch" in the texture of a sauce to being the star of the dish, exalted in all its splendor, a new world of aromas and flavors is created around chocolate. Frederick Bau, the celebrated head pastry chef and director of L'Ecole de Valrhona, undoubtedly knows more than anyone concerning chocolate and its application in sweet or savory cuisine.

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Fusion Chocolate, Frederic Bau, Chocolate in Cuisine, Pierre Hermé, випічка, шоколад, ганаш, декор, глазур, tempering, Cooking with Chocolate, Essential Recipes and Techniques, сладкоежкам, десерт,


15 Янв 2009
Збірник рецептур страв для харчування дітей шкільного віку в організованих освітніх та оздоровчих закладах - Є. Клопотенко

Название: Збірник рецептур страв для харчування дітей шкільного віку в організованих освітніх та оздоровчих закладах
Автор: Євген Клопотенко
Издательство: Львів: Літопис
ISBN: 978-966-8853-92-0
Год: 2019/2020; 2024
Cтраниц: 296+880
Формат: pdf
Размер: 160,5 Мб
Язык: українська

Автором збірника є високо кваліфікований кухар – кулінарний експерт, випускник французської школи кулінарії Le Cordon Bleu та автор проєкту «Нове шкільне харчування» – Євген Клопотенко.
Ідею, яку автор поклав в основу проєкту полягає в тому, «щоб діти на перервах не бігали у кіоск за чипсами і колою, а з задоволенням харчувались у шкільній їдальні».
У Збірнику рецептур враховані сучасні вимого щодо здорового харчування. А саме, в стравах зменшено кількість солі та не використовуються продукти, що містять трансжири. До списку інгредієнтів додано сезонні овочі, які раніш не використовувались (наприклад гарбуз), та спеції із сушеної зелені та пряних трав, які не є алергенами. Також до Збірника рецептур додані страви, які містять рослинний білок, наприклад, фалафель з квасолі. Крім того, до рецептур введено ягідні соуси, які зроблять страви не тільки більш корисними, але й більш привабливими.
Поява сучасного збірника рецептур спрямована на формування у школярів культури харчування, правильних харчових звичок, основ здорового харчування та здорового способу життя. І це серйозний крок на шляху до здоров’я майбутніх поколінь.
Бутерброди та закуски. * Салати. * Перші страви. * ГАРНІРИ. * Другі страви. * Солодкі страви. * Соуси та заправки. * Напої. * Спеції.
*Цікаві факти про нові страви (для вчителів та кухарів).
*Вісім кроків для впровадження нового шкільного меню.

** Збірники 2019-2024 р.р. + технологічні картки до страв.

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Збірник рецептур страв для харчування дітей шкільного віку в організованих освітніх та оздоровчих закладах, Клопотенко Євген, сирник, маковий, Печеня, Фрикадельки, Фалафель, Полента, Буряк, печінка, Найкращі страви вправних господинь, пісний стіл,


15 Янв 2009
Название: The Real Food Cookbook
Автор: Valentina Harris
Издательство: Duncan Baird
ISBN: 978-1844839575
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 232
Формат: pdf
Размер: 176,66 Мб
Язык: English

Celebrity cooks such as Raymond Blanc and Giorgio Locatelli reveal how you can bring out a whole new spectrum of flavours at home from food that is refreshingly free of all the bad effects of mass market production. As increasing numbers of people buy ingredients directly from farmers' markets, food festivals, local farm shops and specialist retailers, it's clear that there is a growing desire to learn more about the provenance of our food - and to re-connect with traditional farming and enjoy the fruits of the land. But ultimately it's all about taste - fresh, bold flavours that explode in your mouth. Cut into a freshly grown tomato, for example, and enjoy the sweet ripeness that is miles away from mass-produced varieties. Roast these with peppers, perhaps, and put onto bruschetta for a quick snack; mix with goat's cheese and basil and pile onto puff pastry for a lunch-time tart; or pan-fry, drizzled with balsamic vinegar, with pork, fennel and red onion for dinner. The Real Food Cookbook gives you great recipes for meals that are simple to prepare - and shows you how to make the ingredients really sing, and your heart melt.

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Real Food Cookbook, Simple Beautiful Food, Recipes for Everyday Cooking, маффин, паштет, вегетарианский, паста, курица, десерт, креветки,


15 Янв 2009
Название: Take One Veg: Over 100 Tempting Veggie Recipes for Simple Suppers, Packed Lunches and Weekend Cooking
Автор: Georgina Fuggle
Издательство: Kyle Books
ISBN: 978 0 85783 609 0 (Kindle Edition)
Год: 2015
Cтраниц: 176
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,28 Мб
Язык: English

Celebrate vegetables! They are cheap, versatile and packed full of goodness. In Take One Veg, Georgina Fuggle explores the colours, textures and flavours of veggies to create delicious and wholesome dishes. In each recipe, she focuses on one veg - the star of the show - and brings out their best qualities, with ideas for brunches, lunches, week-night suppers and weekend occasions. So make the most of gluts from the garden and cheap deals at your local market, grocer or supermarket, try cooking with a new vegetable, or find an interesting way to use an old favourite - these recipes are inspiring, nourishing and easy to create.

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Take One Veg, Over 100 Tempting Veggie Recipes for Simple Suppers, Packed Lunches and Weekend Cooking, Recipes for Everyday Cooking, маффин, паштет, вегетарианский, паста, курица, десерт, артишок, спаржа, креветки, Vegetable Cooking


15 Янв 2009
Название: Coffee Cookbook: 150+ Homemade Recipes that Taste Exactly Like Bar!
Автор: Frank Marino
Издатель: PublishDrive
ISBN: 978-1738836451
Год: 2024
Cтраниц: 140
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,44 Мб
Язык: English

Coffee Cookbook: 150+ Homemade Recipes that Taste Exactly Like Bar! Tips and Tricks to Make the Perfect Cappuccino, Iced Coffee, Mocha, Chai Espresso, Dalgona and More:
Finally, how you can stop wasting money in your local coffee shop and make the same recipes at home! I love coffee!
And if you feel that you love coffee just like I do, or even more, this may be the perfect cookbook for you.
Most people struggle to make a delicious tasting coffee drink at home consistently, so instead, they choose to go to a local coffee shop and buy it there. And there is nothing wrong with it…
If you know a good spot, but… If you don't want to leave home, don't want to spend close to $10 on a simple drink you could make at home and just as tasty, you need this cookbook!
Take a look at what's inside:
• Over 150 delicious coffee recipes to make your most delightful Cappuccino, Iced Coffee, Mocha, Chai Espresso, Dalgona, and more!
• Detailed instructions next to each recipe (including water, coffee proportion, ingredients, timing, and more)
• How to make your home coffee even better than at your favorite coffee shop? Coffee-making tips inside!
• Don't want to purchase fancy coffee equipment to make coffee at home? Here are easy options for you!
• Proven-taste recipes that have been used thousands of times and perfected before put into this fantastic cookbook
• Don't have much time to create "coffee-art?" This is how you can make and serve beautifully looking coffee in just a couple of minutes!
• So much more…
And don't worry if you have no or almost no experience making these delicious drinks at home. This book will take you by the hand and lead you through every single step!

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Coffee Cookbook, Cappuccino, Iced Coffee, Mocha, Chai Espresso, Dalgona, кава, кофе, капучино


15 Янв 2009
Название: Babka Zana: Boulangerie levantine
Автор: Sarah Amouyal, Emmanuel Murat
Издательство: HACHETTE Cuisine
ISBN: 978-2-01-945922-2
Год: 2022
Cтраниц: 192
Формат: pdf/epub
Размер: 49,8 Мб
Язык: French

Il y a quelques années, lors de leur premier voyage à Tel Aviv, Sarah et Emmanuel, un couple de gourmands, découvrent la babka… Un coup de foudre, un plaisir inouï, une addiction, une obsession !
« En créant BABKA ZANA, nous avons réalisé un rêve, ouvrir au coeur de notre quartier une boulangerie levantine. Un hommage à la babka mais aussi aux rugelachs, à la hallah, aux sandwichs et borekas… et bien d’autres délices. »
Sarah et Emmanuel Murat

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Babka Zana, Boulangerie levantine, Beaux Livres Cuisine, бриошь, чизкейк, багет, хала, булочка, выпечка


15 Янв 2009
Название: Italian Breakfast
Автор: Ferran Adrià & Enrique Cillero (elBullifoundation)
Издательство: Phaidon Press
ISBN: 978-1838665142
Год: 2022
Cтраниц: 416
Формат: pdf
Размер: 133,59 Мб
Язык: English

Ferran Adrià’s elBullifoundation uses the Italian colazione to explore the concept of breakfast through the rigorous Sapiens methodology – the result of years of extensive in-depth research by experts from around the world
This in-depth encyclopedic volume, from world-renowned chef Ferran Adrià’s think tank the elBullifoundation, provides the last word on the first meal of the day. From what breakfast comprises to where it is served and consumed, its history, and how it differs around the globe, this book is the ultimate companion for all chefs and serious food enthusiasts.
Guided by the unique ‘Sapiens’ methodology, and with the breakfast of Italy as its foundation, this valuable reference work redefines the way we look at what is regarded by many as the most important meal of the day.

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Italian Breakfast, итальянская кухня, традиции, сладкое,


15 Янв 2009
Название: The Vegetarian Silver Spoon: Classic and Contemporary Italian Recipes
Автор: The Silver Spoon Kitchen / Astrid Stavro
Издательство: Phaidon Press
ISBN: 978-1838660581
Год: 2020
Cтраниц: 376
Формат: pdf
Размер: 80,15 Мб
Язык: English

More than 200 delicious classic and contemporary Italian vegetarian recipes from the acclaimed Silver Spoon kitchen
The latest title to join Phaidon's Silver Spoon library features more than 200 recipes for Italian vegetarian dishes, with a particular emphasis on healthy meat-free options for appetizers, main dishes, salads, sides, and desserts. Recipes range from classic dishes that are traditionally vegetarian to contemporary dishes that introduce ingredients borrowed from outside Italy's culinary culture. The book is easy to navigate, thanks to its recipe icons, while gorgeous specially commissioned photographs bring its delicious dishes to life.
"This cookbook is ready to make you feel like you're on an Italian vacation" — StyleCaster

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The Vegetarian Silver Spoon, Classic and Contemporary Italian Recipes, итальянская кухня, традиции, веган, суфле, тарт, выпечка


15 Янв 2009
Название: Terrines: pâtés en croûte, rillettes, charcuteries...
Автор: Ferrandi Paris
Издательство: Paris: Flammarion
ISBN: 978-2-0802-7036-8
Год: 2022
Cтраниц: 296
Формат: pdf
Размер: 98,9 Мб
Язык: French

Préparer un feuilletage; tailler en lèches; nettoyer une crépine; déveiner un foie gras; monter une terrine…
Découvrez toutes les bases essentielles grâce aux 35 techniques expliquées en plus de 200 gestes en pas à pas.
Terrine de lapin et chutney aux fruits secs; Pâté de campagne; Rillettes végétales de carotte; Pâté en croûte de volaille et ris de veau; Coussin de la Belle Aurore…
Préparez plus de 70 recettes incontournables, classiques ou originales pour le plus grand bonheur de votre entourage.

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Terrines, pâtés en croûte, rillettes, charcuteries, Cuisine, паштет, намазка, French Cooking, chorizo, лосось


15 Янв 2009
Boulangerie Viennoiserie - Ferrandi
Название: Boulangerie - Viennoiserie: Recettes et techniques d'une école d'excellence
Автор: Ferrandi Paris
Издательство: Paris: Flammarion
ISBN: 978-2-0804-1518-9
Год: 2023
Cтраниц: 306
Формат: pdf
Размер: 78,71 Мб
Язык: French

Un grand cours de boulangerie et de viennoiserie. Tout le savoir-faire technique et gourmand d’une école d’exception.
Préparer un levain; Procéder à l’autolyse; Tourer; Grigner; Façonner une tresse…
Découvrez toutes les bases essentielles grâce à plus de 40 techniques expliquées en plus de 200 gestes en pas à pas.
Baguette; Pain de campagne; Pain au curcuma; Gressin; Croissant; New York roll; Brioche aux pralines roses…
Préparez plus de 80 recettes incontournables, classiques ou originales mais également des recettes gourmandes de snacking: Panini; Black burger végétarien; Bagel au pastrami; croissant au jambon… pour épater et régaler votre entourage.
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Boulangerie, Viennoiserie, Recettes et techniques d'une école d'excellence, праліне, хліб, багет, бриошь, грісіні, круасан, Cuisine, кондитерські вироби, French Cooking, выпечка


15 Янв 2009
Название: Rustic Joyful Food: Meant to Share
Автор: Danielle Kartes, Michael Kartes
Издательство: Sourcebooks
Год: 2020
Cтраниц: 256
Формат: pdf
Размер: 40,05 Мб
Язык: English

Rustic Joyful Food: Meant to Share: (Full Menu Meal Planning Cookbook with Delicious Comforting Recipes for Entertaining Friends and Family)
As seen on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Rachael Ray Show, and Hallmark Home & Family
"A tender look at the way food shapes our hearts, souls, and communities. The idea that it's not just a novelty but a necessity to give food to people and to cook for those we love is the backbone of this book, which celebrates connection and gives you all the tools you need to create amazing moments, one dish at a time."―Danielle Kartes
Rustic Joyful Food: Meant To Share is one of the best family cookbooks with kid-tested and approved recipes developed and beautifully written with love by self-taught home chef Danielle Kartes. It is full meal planning made easy and done for you with simple, flavorful, comforting entrees, sides, desserts, and drinks to delight and entertain your friends and family.
Meals and recipes you'll love to share:
Enchilada Meatballs (Albondigas) with Spanish Rice and Refried Beans
Crispy Sweet Chili and Sesame Shrimp with Ginger Peanut Noodles
Ranch Smash Burgers, Garlicky Green Beans, and Potato Wedges with Sour Cream Dressing
Tuscan Veggie and Chickpea Stew and Cheesy Scallion Soda Bread
Baked Salmon with Strawberry Basil Relish and Herb and Parmesan Israeli Couscous

Embrace the joy of sharing meals with family and friends, as this cookbook elevates homestyle cooking to gourmet heights. From mouthwatering appetizers to delectable main courses and luscious desserts, Rustic Joyful Food: Meant to Share promises to tantalize your taste buds and ignite your passion for the culinary arts. The beautifully illustrated pages will inspire your culinary creativity, and the enticing photography will leave you craving every dish.
This heartfelt cookbook is perfect for fans of Once Upon A Chef, Half-Baked Harvest, Smitten Kitchen, Joanna Gaines, Melissa Clark, Allison Roman, Valerie Bertinelli, and the Barefoot Contessa. Makes a wonderful housewarming gift for the everyday home cook or wedding gift for the new couple that loves to entertain and throw dinner parties!

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Rustic Joyful Food, Meant to Share, Danielle Kartes, стейк, митболлы, тирамису, Сладкие блюда, напитки, хлеб, суп, тарт, домашняя выпечка, запеченное


15 Янв 2009

Название: Titanic: The Official Cookbook. 40 Timeless Recipes for Every Occasion
Автор: Veronica Hinke
Издательство: Insight Editions
ISBN: 978-1647228576
Год: 2023
Cтраниц: 144
Формат: pdf/epub
Размер: 73,83 Мб
Язык: English

Celebrate the elegance and history of the classic film with food, cocktails, games, trivia, and more.
Decades after its box office debut, James Cameron’s legendary film Titanic continues to captivate audiences with its stunning visual-effects, sophisticated cinematography, and tragic love story. Titanic: The Official Cookbook helps readers recreate the opulence and elegance aboard the RMS Titanic.
This collection features luxurious, Titanic-era recipes for appetizers, entrees, desserts, and cocktails, as well as sections on Traditional Edwardian Table Settings, Dos and Donts for Edwardian Entertaining, Parlor Games, and Titanic Trivia.
40 RECIPES: Features lavish and delicious recipes for appetizers, entrees, desserts, and cocktails that might have been served aboard the RMS Titanic.
ELEGANT PARTY IDEAS: For entertaining, this collection includes guidance for throwing an Edwardian dinner party, and recipes for an upscale movie night that reflect the opulence and sophistication seen in the Titanic film.
FILM STILLS THROUGHOUT: Fans of Titanic will love reminiscing over their favorite film, as stills of iconic scenes are featured throughout the book.

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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся | Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся | Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся | Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Titanic, The Official Cookbook, 40 Timeless Recipes for Every Occasion, Food & Wine, клафути, табуле, лосось, десерт, appetizers, коктейль, перекус, выпечка, устрицы