Гастрономия. Книги о пище [2]


15 Янв 2009

Название: Технология приготовления пищи: серия буклетов
Автор: Ховикова Ж.А., Вересюк А.И.
Издательство: К.: "Выща школа"
Год/выпуск: 1980-1989
Страниц: 7 по 32
Формат: PDF/DjVu
Размер: 112,20 Мб
Язык: русский

В буклетах приведены технологии приготовления и рецептуры классических блюд - мясных, овощных, мучных кондитерских изделий и т.д. На все блюда указаны норма расхода продуктов (нетто, г). Каждый рецепт снабжен иллюстрацией с внешним видом блюда. Для практических работников, учащихся профтехучилищ и техникумов общественного питания. Может быть использован при домашнем приготовлении пищи.

Список изданий:
• Технология приготовления пищи. Первые блюда (3-е изд., 1983)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Вторые блюда (5-е изд. - 1980; 6-е изд. - 1988)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Блюда из овощей (5-е изд.,1989)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Блюда из мяса (7-е изд., 1989)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Блюда из рыбы (1989)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Сладкие блюда (3-е изд., 1989)
• Технология приготовления пищи. Кондитерские изделия (6-е изд.,1989)
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Технология приготовления пищи, бифштекс, филе, лангет, антрекот, эскалоп, шницель, бефстроганов, пирожное, торт, пирог, слойка


15 Янв 2009
Святкові страви Західної України - Леся Кравецька

Название: Святкові страви Західної України
Автор: Леся Кравецька
Издательство: Книжный Клуб «Клуб Семейного Досуга»
ISBN: 978-617-12-5921-8
Год: 2019
Cтраниц: 96
Формат: pdf
Размер: 86,60 Мб
Язык: українська

Найкращі українські рецепти від популярної блогерки та вправної господині Лесі Кравецької.
Святковий стіл, уставлений різноманітними наїдками та смаколиками, — файна нагода зібратися в теплому родинному колі та запросити друзів. Куштуючи ситний банош чи солодкі медяники, рулет з грибами або дріжджові кнедлики, ви відчуєте розмаїття смаків західноукраїнської кухні. А спробувавши ці страви, неодмінно забажаєте частувати ними гостей і надалі.
В книзі зібрано найкращі рецепти святкових страв Західної України, які до того ж легкі у приготуванні. Смачного!

• Яєчний паштет з цибулею і солодким перцем; • Розтиранка;
• Дзьобачки з куркою, часником і зеленню • Домашня ковбаса, печена на вишневих гілочках
• Курячі палички; • Холодець з півня;
• Кремзлики, запечені з куркою; • Ламанці з маком і медом;
• Гомбовці з сиру; • Паска "Ніжна" та великодній баранчик.....
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Інші книги від Лесі Кравецької:
• «Львівські пляцки і торти. Прості і не дуже» (2017)
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• «Україна від свята до свята. Найкращі страви вправних господинь» (2018)
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15 Янв 2009
Название: Сборник рецептур на продукцию кондитерского производства. Сборник технических нормативов
Составитель: Могильный М.П.
Издательство: М.: ДеЛи плюс
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 560
Формат: pdf
Размер: 179,37 Мб
Язык: русский

Книга содержит единые требования к продовольственному сырью, технологическим процессам, к готовой продукции, определяющие ее безопасность, а также нормативы расхода сырья, выхода полуфабрикатов и готовых изделий, произведенных в предприятиях общественного питания и цехах кондитерского производства. Сборник составлен с использованием рецептур и технологий, представленных ранее изданных сборниках (1977, 1978 и 1986 гг. издания), при этом ассортимент изделий расширен за счет включения рецептур и технологий пользующихся повышенным потребительским спросом хлебобулочных и мучных кондитерских изделий, разработанных на основе научных исследований практическими работниками. Для обеспечения использования качественных продуктов при изготовлении продукции кондитерского производства повышены требования к сырью и материалам, к подготовке сырья к производству. Расширен ассортимент выпеченных и отделочных полуфабрикатов, тортов, пирожных, рулетов, кексов и др., в т. ч. пониженной калорийности, что позволяет полнее удовлетворить потребности в лечебном и диетическом питания. Впервые в особом разделе приводится технология мучных кондитерских изделий из сухих смесей и технология восточных сладостей. В связи с большой практической необходимостью выделен раздел «Расчет рецептур мучных кондитерских изделий». В приложениях помещены извлечения из технологической инструкции по производству мучных кондитерских изделий; санитарных правил, приведена методика расчета энергетической ценности кондитерских изделий, рекомендованная НИИ питания РАМН, представлены кондитерские аксессуары и инвентарь, порядок разработки технико-технологических карт. В сборнике впервые рассчитана А.Ю. Баласанян и М.П. Могильным пищевая и энергетическая ценность полного ассортимента мучных кондитерских изделий.

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Сборник рецептур на продукцию кондитерского производства, Сладкие блюда, Крем, бисквит, заварной, суфле, торт, медовик, кекс, бублик, шарлотка, пирожные, печенье, булочки, выпечка, Сладкоежка, Сборник технических нормативов


15 Янв 2009

Modern Scandinavian Baking: A Cookbook of Sweet Treats and Savory Bakes​

Название: Modern Scandinavian baking
Автор: Daytona Strong
Издательство: Callisto
ISBN: 978-1646116188
Год: 2020
Cтраниц: 150
Формат: pdf/epub
Размер: 6,97 Мб
Язык: English

Master the art and heart of Scandinavian baking―60+ authentic recipes
Now you can whip up a slice of Scandinavian hospitality in the comfort of your own kitchen! Modern Scandinavian Baking is a complete guide for bakers of all levels who want to create the sweet and savory treats of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
From breads, to pastries, cakes, and cookies, there's a simple and scrumptious recipe to delight everyone in this beautifully designed Scandinavian cookbook. Enjoy contemporary takes on classic bakes, plus a comprehensive guide to stocking your pantry with Scandinavian staples, like rye flour, cardamom, baker's ammonia, and beyond.

This Scandinavian cookbook includes:
Baker's dozen―Discover 13 simple rules for achieving the best results with the recipes in this Scandinavian cookbook.
Regional basics―Learn Scandinavian baking foundations, from the cultural origins of cornerstone foods, to techniques like kneading dough, and essential tools like potato ricers, rolling pins, and pastry brushes.
Helpful tips―Get convenient pointers for serving and storing your baked goods, plus tips on how to adjust the recipes in this Scandinavian cookbook for specific allergens.
If you've been searching for a Scandinavian cookbook that offers modern twists to the region's traditional baked goods, look no further―this one has you covered!
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P.S. + The New Nordic: Recipes from a Scandinavian Kitchen by Simon Bajada (2015) - ISBN: 978-1742708799 - 59,83 Мб
Filled with dishes that typify the food of this vast geographical region, this book takes its influence from the traditional ingredients that can be found from Sweden to Finland, Denmark to Norway, and transforms them into modern everyday recipes that are hugely popular throughout Nordic homes. Split into nine chapters, The New Nordic is based on different food groups including ingredients found ‘from the forest,’ ‘from the sea,’ ‘from the land,’ and ‘in the larder,’ along with a ‘basics’ chapter that demystifies classic Scandinavian cooking techniques such as pickling and smoking food. Discover the flavours of true Scandinavian cuisine with the delicious beetroot carpaccio with goat’s cheese and minted pea relish; move on to grander feasts such as flaked salmon burgers with mayonnaise, pickled cucumber and fresh horseradish or beef with spiced wine sauce, kale and turnip; not forgetting the classics such as Swedish meatballs, Danish smorrebrod, pickled herrings and gooey cinnamon buns. The New Nordic comes complete with a glossary and listing of typical seasonal Nordic ingredients. Matched with stunning location photography, this gorgeous cookbook is a feast for all the senses.
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Modern Scandinavian Baking: A Cookbook of Sweet Treats and Savory Bakes, скандинавская кухня, Сладкие блюда, напитки, хлеб, печенье, корица, торт, выпечка, The New Nordic, Recipes from a Scandinavian Kitchen, Simon Bajada, Сладкоежка


15 Янв 2009
Название: Knife skills: an illustrated kitchen guide to using the right knife the right way
Автор: Collins B.
Издательство: N.-Y.: Storey Publishing
Год: 2014
Cтраниц: 112
Формат: pdf
Размер: 28,32 Мб
Язык: English

Good knife skills are key to feeling confident and comfortable in the kitchen. Chef Bill Collins shows you how to choose knives that will feel good in the hand, and then he shows you exactly how to slice, chop, peel, bone, and dice with ease. The clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations also show you how to cut and carve seafood, poultry, meats, fruits, and vegetables. Includes information on using other sharp kitchen tools, including microplanes and graters, scissors, vegetable peelers, and mandolins.
P.S. +Knife Skills in the kitchen (2008)
Written by three Michelin-starred chefs: Charlie Trotter, Marcus Wareing, and Shaun Hill, this book covers every cutting technique-chopping, slicing, dicing, carving, filleting-for every relevant ingredient: meat, fish, shellfish, vegetables, herbs, and fruit.
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Knife skills, нарезка, разделка, illustrated kitchen guide, нож


15 Янв 2009
Название: Ultimate bread
Автор: Eric Treuille, Ursula Ferrigno
Издательство: DK ADULT
ISBN: 0-7566-0370-6
Год: 1998 First Edition / 2004 second Ed.
Cтраниц: 172
Формат: pdf
Размер: 13,62 Мб
Язык: English

Ultimate Bread brings bread-making to the home kitchen in an exquisitely illustrated primer.
After visiting a gallery of the world's breads, the authors, French-born baker Eric Treuille, and Italian-born baker, Ursula Ferrigno, introduce you to the "Baking Essentials" a complete illustrated guide to the key ingredients and equipment used in breadmaking. Then it's time for the "Basic Techniques" - mixing, kneading, shaping, and baking - that turn the humble ingredients of flour, water and yeast into an amazing assortment of breads. Never again will you wonder how your dough should look after the first knead or how the crust should feel when it comes out of the oven. The step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow instructions demystify all the steps. The heart and soul of Ultimate Bread, however, is the more the 100 inspiring recipes drawn from bread-making traditions around the world. Each bread is a variation on a simple theme: flour, water, leaven, and time. It's best to begin with the starter bread recipes which utilize methods illustrated in the basic techniques. When ready to move beyond the basics, flavored breads provide an extra taste dimension, while enriched breads transform basic bread dough with the addition of oil, butter, and eggs. Quick, flat and festive breads offer delicious possibilities from around the world. After working through the recipes in this book, your repertoire will range from simple Pain Ordinaire (Basic White Bread) to the grand and festive Panettone (Milanese Christmas Bread).
Руководство Эрика Трейля по выпечке хлеба делает это искусство доступным для домашнего повара. Он включил рецепты со всего мира и наглядно демонстрирует необходимые техники в серии пошаговых фотографий.
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ultimate bread, Eric Treuille, Ursula Ferrigno, хлеб, багет, бріош, фокачча, борошно, випічка, хлібопічка, пита, пьядина, чіабата, хала, панетоне


15 Янв 2009
Recipes from my mother - Rachel Allen
Название: Recipes from my mother
Автор: Rachel Allen
Издательство: HarperCollins
ISBN: 978-0008208172
Год: 2017
Cтраниц: 272
Формат: pdf/epub
Размер: 89,18 Мб
Язык: English

Full of warmth and nostalgia, Rachel shares culinary inspiration passed down through the generations.
Rachel’s food is heart-warming. She uses gorgeous ingredients that are used in abundance to create comforting, vibrant meals. Her love of food started when she was very young, sitting in the kitchen with her mother, helping and tasting. Her mother taught her their Scandi family recipes, as well as those she picked up from living in Ireland. Rachel become more and more passionate about food as she grew up, and she drew inspiration from her childhood memories of helping her mother cook and sitting round with her family enjoying delicious meals and treats. Here she celebrates the food memories of her childhood, alongside those of friends and other members of her family. Packed with much-loved recipes and stunning photography, this is the book to fall back in love with cooking.

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Recipes from my mother, Rachel Allen, хлеб, йогурт, лосось, чорізо, тарт, паста, курица, стир-фрай, запеченный, пудинг, випічка, пирог


15 Янв 2009
Macarons - Pierre Hermé
Название: Macarons
Автор:pierre Herme
Издательство: Grub Street Cookery
ISBN: 978-1910690123
Год: 2015
Cтраниц: 208
Формат: pdf/epub
Размер: 191,82 Мб
Язык: English

Pierre Hermé is universally acknowledged as the king of French pastry with shops in Tokyo, Paris and London. He is the best, and has even been described as a couturier of pastry. This is a man at the top of his art and there is no question his macarons are in a league of its own.
Macarons are the aristocrats of pastry; these brightly colored, mini meringues, daintily sandwiched together with gooey fillings, have become a holy grail for cookery fanatics and there are even food blogs dedicated to them.
Like Pierre Hermé’s famous macarons, it would be difficult for any macaron book to surpass this one and indeed the hardback edition has been a universal bestseller (still in print 978-1-908117-23-6). There are 208 pages of recipes and beautiful food photography, and because making macarons is mostly about technique, rather than just a standard recipe, readers will appreciate the 32-step-by-step photo-illustrated instructions for making shells and fillings.
All the classics are here like dark chocolate, praline, coffee, and pistachio, but others feature the more unusual macarons that Hermé is justly famous for: Isfahan is one, with lychee, rose and raspberry, Arabesque with apricot and pistachio, Satine with passion fruit, orange and cream cheese, Mandarin and pink pepper, black truffles, balsamic vinegar as well as a bright-green macaron filled with fresh mint.

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Macarons, Pierre Hermé, випічка, mini meringues, French pastry, макарон, сладкоежкам, десерт,


15 Янв 2009
Название: A Mediterranean Cookbook: A Collection of Persian, Lebanese and Turkish Recipes (3rd Edition)
Издательство: BookSumo Press
ISBN: 979-8606759873
Год: 2020
Cтраниц: 107
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4,79 Мб
Язык: English

Turkish, Lebanese, Persian! All of the Mediterranean. One Cookbook. Taste the Mediterranean World With This Amazing Cookbook!
Take a trip to Lebanon, and then to Turkey, and finally end in Persia with BookSumo Press!
In A Mediterranean Cookbook: A Collection of Persian, Lebanese, and Turkish Recipes you will learn all of the best Mediterranean recipes! Enjoy the Iskender Kebabs (Chicken Kebabs), the Shakshouka (delicious spicy egg dish), Lemon Lentil Soups, all the sweet Persian Syrups, and so much more. If you are interested in unique food, then this is the cookbook for you!
Here is a Preview of the Recipes You Will Learn:
Dolmas (Stuffed Grape Leaves) * Red Lentil Soup * Shakshouka * Manti (Turkish Ravioli) * Chicken Kebabs * Turkish Cookies * Lebanese Style Kibbee * Lebanese Rice Pilaf * Lebanese Lemon Salad Dressing * Lebanese Rubbed Salad * Lebanese Bean Salad * Lebanese Style Baked Eggplant * Lebanese Lemon Lentil Soup * Tabouli * Mahalebbi * Khoresh Fesenjan (Persian Pomegranate Stew) * Maast-O-Khiar (Persian Cucumber Yougurt) * Persian Style Kebabs * Persian Melon Salad * Yazdi Cakes * Fereni (Persian Pudding) * Much, much more!

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A Mediterranean Cookbook, A Collection of Persian, Lebanese and Turkish Recipes, йогурт, булгур, долма, баклажан, табуле, випічка, Kebab


15 Янв 2009
Название: Pies and Tarts with Heart
Автор: Dynise Balcavage
Издательство: Quarry Books
ISBN: 978-1592538461
Год: 2013
Cтраниц: 160
Формат: pdf
Размер: 69,90 Мб
Язык: English

Take your plant-based pies to another level. In Pies and Tarts with Heart, popular blogger Dynise Balcavage shares her straight-forward wisdom about kitchen fundamentals and the most effective pie-making techniques. From Apple Pie to S’more Pie—and everything in between—these 60+ recipes will make you shine in your pastry pursuits, whether you are a beginner or a veteran pie maker.
Inside you’ll discover: Instructions for building your pie, from the basics to baking * How to roll, stretch, and bake a respectable crust in no time * Sweet pies: traditional, decadent, nutty, citrusy, and more * Savory pies: including Tomato Tart, Greek Spinach Pie, and Cornish Pasties * Stocking a pie-making pantry: the ingredients and equipment you’ll need * A variety of gluten-free, low-fat, kid-friendly, raw, and no-bake options
This is the third cookbook by Dynise Balcavage. She blogs at urbanvegan.net and tweets at @theurbanvegan.
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Pies and Tarts with Heart, випічка, пирог, тарт, пропитка, без глютена, цитрус, орех


15 Янв 2009
Название: Ready, Set, Dough! Beginner Breads for All Occasions
Автор: Rebecca Lindamood
Издательство: Page Street Publishing
ISBN: 978-1624149047
Год: 2019
Cтраниц: 192
Формат: pdf
Размер: 92,03 Мб
Язык: English

The Easiest Way to Make Sandwich Breads, Pizzas, Pretzels, Bagels, Cornbreads, and So Much More!
Rebecca Lindamood, author of Not Your Mama’s Canning Book, is here to teach you how to make fluffy, golden, perfectly-crusted breads with beginner-friendly doughs that ease you into the wonderful world of baking. With recipes that cut down on prep and carefully guide you through proofing, rolling, and rising techniques, you don’t need to be a professional―or even an amateur―to dive in and quickly start wowing everyone with your loaves, rolls, twists, and more!
Learn to perfect classic dough recipes such as one-hour whole wheat bread, buttery soft pretzels, or delicious bagels. Indulge in fun flavors with Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pinwheel Rolls, Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread, or Detroit-Style Pizza. With nine easy, foundational dough recipes and 75+ tasty variations to try from there, Ready, Set, Dough! will transform you into a bread-baking master.

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Ready, Set, Dough!, Beginner Breads for All Occasions, Rebecca Lindamood, хлеб, Pretzel, випічка,


15 Янв 2009
Название: Japanese cooking A simple art
Автор: Shizuo Tsuji
Издательство: Kodansha USA
ISBN: 978-0870113994
Год: 1980
Cтраниц: 518
Формат: pdf
Размер: 50,27 Мб
Язык: English

Japanese food continues to grow in popularity in the United States. Yet enjoyment of Japanese cooking is still largely limited to an occasional night out at a Japanese restaurant, and for far too long it has been assumed that this food is difficult to make in one's own kitchen. Actually, Japanese cooking is surprisingly simple. Raw ingredients should be glistening fresh and of the best quality, and flavors, however elaborate, are built up from just two basic seasonings - dashi, an easily made, delicate stock, and shoyu, naturally brewed Japanese soy sauce.
This cookbook is much more than an accumulation of recipes. In his preface, the author (whom Craig Claiborne calls "a sort of Renaissance man of Japanese and world gastronomy") discusses the essence of Japanese cooking, with its emphasis on simplicity, a balance of textures, colors, and flavors, seasonal freshness, and beauty of presentation. The expertise of the staff of the professional cooking school headed by the author is evident throughout the book.
After introducing ingredients and utensils, the 20 chapters of Part One are made up of lessons presenting all the basic Japanese cooking methods and principal types of prepared foods-grilling, simmering, steaming, noodles, sushi, pickles, and so on-with accompanying basic model recipes. Part Two consists of 130 carefully selected recipes. These range from simple dishes for daily fare to well-chosen challenges for the adventurous cook. Together with the 90-odd recipes included in Part One, these enable the cook to build up a repertory, dish by dish, from the basic everyday "soup and three" formula to a gala banquet.
Whether preparing a snack for oneself or something special for friends, readers will find themselves reaching for this volume. Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art is a sourcebook of cooking concepts and recipes from one of the world's outstanding culinary traditions.
Over 220 recipes 510 sketches 16 color pages chart of North American and Japanese fish extensive list of shops in North America where ingredients can be purchased calorie and weight chart of typical Japanese foods metric conversion tables.

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Japanese cooking, A simple art, Shizuo Tsuji,


15 Янв 2009
Название: Simple Beautiful Food. Recipes and Riffs for Everyday Cooking
Автор: Amanda Frederickson
Издательство: Ten Speed Press
ISBN: 978-1984857347
Год: 2020
Cтраниц: 240
Формат: pdf
Размер: 128.31 Мб
Язык: English

Get inspired to make delicious food any day of the week with this playful and inventive cookbook featuring 100 recipes from the creator of Instagram’s “Fridge Foraging” series.
With more than a hundred ideas and a photo for every recipe, Simple Beautiful Food will have you making delicious dishes any day of the week. Author Amanda Frederickson shares enticing breakfast bites such as Sweet and Savory Yogurt Bowls, easy work lunches such as Salmon and Avocado Nori Wraps, and delicious dinners such as One-Pot Chicken with Orzo and Sun-Dried Tomatoes. She also provides “choose your own adventure” riffs where one ingredient is used in many different ways, giving you greater flexibility and confidence in the kitchen.
With a clever and bright design, Simple Beautiful Food allows you to whip up your (new) favorite recipes whenever cravings strike.

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Simple Beautiful Food, Recipes and Riffs for Everyday Cooking, Amanda Frederickson, маффин, фриттата, паста, курица, митбол,


15 Янв 2009
Название: The Art of Breakfast: How to Bring B&B Entertaining Home
Автор: Dana Moos
Издательство: Down East Books
ISBN: 978-0-892-72940-1
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 162
Формат: pdf
Размер: 48,13 Мб
Язык: English

A Maine breakfast is more than just blueberries. Dana Moos of the Maine Innkeeping Academy shows you how to whip up a delicious and beautiful breakfast, whether you're cooking for your out-of-state in-laws or running your own B&B. Maine is a travel destination, and its B&Bs are some of the most visited places in the state. Dana Moos, the former innkeeper of the Kingsleigh Inn in Southwest Harbor, has great advice on serving a breakfast that not only tastes great but looks good too. Perfect for B&B owners, but also great for folks with out-of-town guests, this book makes creating an artful and tasty breakfast easy.
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The Art of Breakfast, How to Bring B&B Entertaining Home, Dana Moos, гарнір, гриль, панна кота, сорбет, печенье, макарон, тарт, фриттата, випічка, блин, сніданок


15 Янв 2009
Название: Les Desserts de Julien (Vol. 1&2)
Автор: Julien Loustau
Издательство: e-book
Год: 2019
Cтраниц: 2*100
Формат: pdf
Размер: 33,07 Мб
Язык: Français

22 recettes inédites tous niveaux * 100 pages avec des étapes guidées et illustrées (en Français)
Compatible sur tous les supports numériques
22 новых рецепта для всех уровней * 100 страниц с пошаговыми инструкциями и иллюстрациями (на французском языке)
Совместимость со всеми цифровыми носителями
*Жюльен Лустау, французский шеф-кондитер, выпускник CAP - Ecole de cuisine от Алена Дюкасса (Париж)
Подготовка в качестве химика позволяет ему лучше понять трансформацию сырья, используемого в выпечке, создавать строгость и точность в создаваемых им десертах.

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Les Desserts de Julien, бисквіт, ганаш, праліне, макарон, карамель, цитрус, шоколад, флан, еклер, тістечко, тарт, клафуті, випічка, Julien Loustau,