Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9


7 Июн 2006
FastMM4-AVX - fork with AVX support and multi-threaded enhancements (faster locking)

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Последнее редактирование модератором:


5 Май 2008
BDE Sources with RAD 10.4 Sydney DPK for mannual installation

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5 Май 2008


3 Сен 2013
Последнее редактирование модератором:


5 Май 2008
FlyTreeViewPro Suite by IMCA SYSTEMS (old component)
with DPK for D10.4 Sydney
/ Copyright (c) 1998 IMCA SYSTEMS /
/ All Rights Reserved.
/ Creation Date: 06.08.98 /
/ Version 1.25b
/ MODULE: Multicolumnar TreeView virtual/Semivirtual control with Edited data cell with Inplace Edits and StateButtons (Outlined Grid) /
/ Some code derived from Borland (Inprise)
/ NOTES: /

see hystory.txt
FlyTreeViewPro Suite For D10.4 Sydney by IMCA SYSTEMS
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Последнее редактирование:


5 Май 2008
FMXUI v2020.05.28.001 by YangYxd
## Features
- **Compatible** Base on FireMonkey framework, you can build for all platform
- **Friendly** Introduce some Java-Style usage
- **Powerful** Supports various common usage
- **Easy** Extremely easy to learn and use, friendly construction
- **Free** Under MIT license, you can use it anywhere whatever you want

## Requirement
Delphi 10 +

## FMXUI Classes

`TView` basic view
`TViewGroup` view group
`TLinearLayout` linear layout
`TRelativeLayout` relative layout
`TGridsLayout` grid layout

`TTextView` text view
`TButtonView` button view
`TEditView` edit box view
`TImageView` image view
`TProgressView` progress bar view
`TFrameView` Frame view extension class
`TListViewEx` list box view
`TBadgeView` unread message prompt little red dot

`TCalendarView` calender view, support Lunar Calendar

`TGridView` trellis view, through the data adapter to achieve a variety of functions
`TStringGridView` Strings grid view
`TDBGridView` data set grid view

`TRingView` hollow graphics view
`TMultiPathView` multi-path visual component

`TAsync` asynchronous task processing class
`TToastManager` Toast Manager

`TDialogStyleManager` dialog style manager
`TDialogBuilder` common dialog box construction category
`TDialog` dialog base class
`TAlertDialog` common dialog entity class
`TProgressDialog` Waits for the dialog entity class

[Current Version]

[Update History]
- -----------------------------------
- 2020.05.28
* [Added] Shadow of TDialogView
* [Changed] TFrameView.Hint support custom TToastManager, and now can be used in thread
* [Changed] TButtonView accept vkReturn and vkSpace
* [Changed] TDialogView create button when it's used. Changed AfterDialogKey of TDialogView
* [Changed] TToastManager allow multiple instances.
* [Tweaked] Add more properties and Assign for TDialogStyleManager
* [Tweaked] Add text mode for SVG editor (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Tweaked] TCalendarView.OnOwnerLunarData initialize param (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Tweaked] Add Lines to TViewBorderStyle (Thanks for report: 凌风)
* [Fixed] Caret of TEditView not move in some cases (Thanks for report: 欢乐飞刀)
* [Fixed] MaxWidth of TDialogStyleManager didn't work
* [Fixed] Children of TRelativeLayout and TLinearLayout position error (Thanks for report: 恢弘和凌风)
* [Fixed] Wrong mouse event of TListViewEx (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Fixed] Draw checked state error (Thanks for report: 凌风)

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3 Сен 2013
Delphi zLib v1.2.7 (2012.05.23)
the units included in this archive should work with delphi 5 through delphi xe2 for win32.

the units included in this archive with the exception of zlibexgz should work with delphi xe2 for win64.

please contact me if you find any errors, make any changes, add new functionality, or have any general suggestions so that i may incorporate
them into my version. i can be reached via my website at Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

brent sherwood
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Последнее редактирование модератором:


2 Дек 2005
FastReport 6.7 Embarcadero edition for Delphi 10.4 (c GetIt)

+ Added InPlaceEditor for TfrxRichView allows to edit RichView in the preview window;
+ Added Swiss Payment Standard presets for QRCode barcode;
+ Added Logo property for QRCode barcode;
+ Added extended support of TeeChart pro series :
TPolarContourSeries, TEquiVolumeSeries, TCircularGauge,
TClockGauge, TNumericGauge, TBigCandleSeries,
TDeltaPointSeries, TImageBarSeries, TImagePointSeries,
TWindRoseSeries, TErrorPoint3DSeries, TErrorPointSeries,
TEqualizerSeries, TBeeSwarmSeries, TPolarGridSeries, TOrgSeries, TKagiSeries,
TRenkoSeries,TTagCloudSeries, THighLowLineSeries,
TVolumePipeSeries, TTreeMapSeries, TKnobGauge, TRoseSeries,
+ Added helper for Fill casting AsBrushFill/AsGradientFill/AsGlassFill (TfrxCustomFill)
+ Added TfrxPostProcessor.ResetDuplicates - can reset duplicated from script
+ Added DrillState property to rtti (check how to use in 151.fr3 report)
+ Added arrows left - right keys for filtration during Code completion
+ Added Processing for TfrxSysMemoView
+ Added TfrxDesigner.OnAfterUpdateReport event
* Added New "What's new" report
* Improved few demo reports in MainDemo
+ [Lazarus] Added LazChart RTTI modules
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug when TfrxBitBtnControl doesn't show glyph when run designer from Lazarus IDE
- [Lazarus] Fixed Toolbar in the report designer for scale larger than 100%
- Fixed preview tabs in custom preview control
- Syntax memo Drag and Drop DataTree insert text to mouse position
- Syntax memo code completion disabled inside string 'Text' block
- Fixed Images in PPTX export with screen scale 125%
- Fixed text wrap for CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET charset in non unicode output
- Inherited reports convert path to short if its too long
- Inherited reports Loading optimized
- Use PostScript font name in PDF when font name contains multi-byte chars
- Fixed bug when reports threads may stall inside IIS DLL (New synch threads mechanism for DLL)
- Fixed scope of script variables in code completion
- Fixed var parameter in declaration for code completion
* Code completion now replaces whole ident , not just insert new in cursor position
* Code completion window now resizable
- Fixed code completion bug for variables declared in group like : 'm1, m2, m3: TfrxView;'
- [Lazarus] Fixed Map object de-serialization of points
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug with preview PageCache which causes wrong behavior in interactive reports
- Interactive charts fix with zoom in preview
- Fixed RestoreDefaults behavior
- Fixed bug when interactive events may fire before chart was filled
- Fixed bug with TfrxMapGeodataLayer.MapDataSet in Map Editor dialog
* [Lazarus] Optimized MaxiCode output
- Fixed bug with Mercator property
* [Lazarus] Fixed modal dialogs in preview under Linux GTK
- Fixed Detail report bug when rebuilds report using TfrxCustomPreview.Report (Collapse/expand drills).
- Fixed bug with KeepHeader and ReprintOnNewPage in multi-column reports
* [Lazarus] Optimized work with fonts under Linux GTK
- Fixed font charset for RTF export
+ Добавлен InPlaceEditor для TfrxRichView , позволяет редактировать RichView в предпросмотре
+ Добавлены предустановки доя Swiss Payment Standard QRCode штрихкода
+ Добавлено свойство Logo для штрихкода QRCode
+ Добавлена расширенная поддержка серий TeeChart pro :
TPolarContourSeries, TEquiVolumeSeries, TCircularGauge,
TClockGauge, TNumericGauge, TBigCandleSeries,
TDeltaPointSeries, TImageBarSeries, TImagePointSeries,
TWindRoseSeries, TErrorPoint3DSeries, TErrorPointSeries,
TEqualizerSeries, TBeeSwarmSeries, TPolarGridSeries, TOrgSeries, TKagiSeries,
TRenkoSeries,TTagCloudSeries, THighLowLineSeries,
TVolumePipeSeries, TTreeMapSeries, TKnobGauge, TRoseSeries,
+ Добавлен helper для приведения типа заливки в скрипте AsBrushFill/AsGradientFill/AsGlassFill (TfrxCustomFill)
+ Добавлено свойство TfrxPostProcessor.ResetDuplicates – позволяет сбрасывать дубликаты из скрипта
+ Добавлено свойство DrillState в rtti скрипта(смотрите как использовать в отчете 151.fr3)
+ Добавлена обработка клавиш стрелок (влево-вправо) для фильтрации во время Code completion
+ Добавлено свойство Processing для TfrxSysMemoView
+ Добавлено событие TfrxDesigner.OnAfterUpdateReport
* Добавлен новый отчет "What's new"
* Улучшены несколько отчетов из MainDemo
+ [Lazarus] Добавлены RTTI модули для LazChart
- [Lazarus] Исправлена ошибка когда TfrxBitBtnControl не показывало картинку при запуске дизайнера из Lazarus IDE
- [Lazarus] Исправлен Toolbar в дизайнере отчетов для масштаба экрана больше, чем 100%
- Исправлены вкладки предпросмотра в custom preview
- Синтаксис мемо вставляет текст при Drag and Drop из DataTree исходя из текущий позиции мышки
- Синтаксис мемо code completion отключено в блоке 'Текст'
- Исправлен экспорт картинок в PPTX при масштабе экрана 125%
- Исправлена разбивка текста с CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET кодовой страницей для не юникод вывода
- Наследованные шаблоны конвертируют пути к отчету в коротки путь, если он превысил лимит
- Оптимизирована загрузка наследованных шаблонов с многоуровневой иерархией
- Экспорт в PDF использует PostScript имя шрифта, когда имя шрифта содержит символы multi-byte
- Исправлена ошибка, когда потоки могли зависать внутри IIS DLL (новая синхронизация потоков внутри DLL)
- Исправлена область видимости переменных скрипта для code completion
- Исправлена ошибка с var параметром в объявлении для code completion
* Code completion теперь заменяет весь ident , вместо простой вставки
* Code completion окно теперь может изменять размер
- Исправлена ошибка code completion при групповом объявлении переменных: 'm1, m2, m3: TfrxView;'
- [Lazarus] Исправлена десерриализация точек в объекте Карта
- [Lazarus] Исправлена ошибка с PageCache в предпросмотре приводящая к ошибочному поведению интерактивных отчетов
- Исправлено поведение RestoreDefaults
- Исправлена ошибка, когда интерактивные события могли возникать перед заполнением объекта Chart
- Исправлена ошибка c TfrxMapGeodataLayer.MapDataSet в редакторе карт
* [Lazarus] оптимизирован вывод MaxiCode штрихкода
- Исправлена ошибка с свойством Mercator у объекта Map
* [Lazarus] Исправлены модальные диалоги в предпросмотре под Linux GTK
- Исправлена ошибка с детальными отчетами, когда отчет перестраивался через TfrxCustomPreview.Report (Collapse/expand drills).
- Исправлена ошибка с KeepHeader и ReprintOnNewPage в многоколоночных отчетах
* [Lazarus] Оптимизирована работа с шрифтами под Linux GTK
- Исправлена кодовая страница шрифта в экспорте RTF
[SHOWTOGROUPS=4,20]Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся[/SHOWTOGROUPS]


27 Апр 2006
Последнее редактирование модератором:


5 Май 2008
Indy 10 Updates / Installation Instructions / Documentation
Official Distribution Site by Remy Lebeau
more info Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся or Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

All package names are followed by X0 (where X0 is your Delphi/C++Builder/RAD Studio product version).

For Example:
  • Delphi/C++Builder 6 is version 6.0, so the Indy packages are:
    • IndySystem60, IndyCore60, IndyProtocols60, dclIndyCore60, dclIndyProtocols60
  • RADStudio 10 Seattle is version 23.0, so the Indy packages are:
    • IndySystem230, IndyCore230, IndyProtocols230, dclIndyCore230, dclIndyProtocols230
Refer to Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся for the complete list of which package version number belongs to which product release.

Note: this naming convention will be changed in Indy 11 to drop the version numbers from the package names!

Before you begin
Some important notes before you install Indy 10:
  • The SuperCore package is very outdated and not currently usable. Don't even try to compile or install it.
  • There was no Delphi/C++Builder v13, so do not use the Indy...130 packages. For D/CB/RAD 2009, use the Indy...120 packages.
    • For D/CB/RAD 2010, use the Indy...140 packages.
  • In D/CB/RAD 2009-XE, Embarcadero's DataSnap framework is compiled against the Indy 10 packages that ship with the IDE.
    • Installing a new version of Indy will render DataSnap unusable, as it will not be able to load the Indy packages anymore, and DataSnap cannot be recompiled by end users.
    • If you need to use DataSnap, then you will need to maintain the original Indy 10 packages for use in DataSnap projects.
    • You can use a separate installation of Indy 10 for non-DataSnap projects.
    • This was addressed by Embarcadero in D/CB/RAD XE2 so Indy 10 upgrades and DataSnap can co-exist.
  • In D/CB/RAD XE2 up to, and including, Update 3, an erroneous dependancy on Indy has been identified in Embarcadero's dclnet160.bpl package.
    • Installing a new version of Indy will cause this package to fail to load correctly in the IDE, preventing all contained components (such as THTTPRIO, TXMLDocument, TWeb*Dispatcher, T*Producer, TTcp*, TUdp*), as well as Wizards and Property Editors for them, from appearing at design-time.
    • The run-time components can still be instantiated dynamically in your run-time code, though!
    • Embarcadero is aware of the problem, and has already fixed the problem for XE3.
    • Removing the dependancy causes an interface change in dclnet.dcp, and Embarcadero does not normally release interface changes in product Updates, however the change is internal to Embarcadero's code only and should not effect end users, so Embarcadero is hopeful that the fix can be included in a near-future XE2 Update.
  • In D/CB/RAD XE2 Update 4, the DCLIPINDYIMPL160.BPL package has a link to Indy's IdHeaderCoderUTF unit, which does not exist in Indy anymore and was replaced with the IdHeaderCoderIndy unit.
    • Installing a newer version of Indy will cause a linker error in this package.
    • According to Embarcadero, this package is the only design-time package that should require rebuilding after upgrading Indy with any kind of interface changes or unit list changes.
    • The source for this package is provided in XE2, users can find it under $(BDS)\source\indy\implementation.
Update: interface changes have been made to Indy since XE2's release, so Embarcadero's IndyPeerImpl.pas unit will no longer compile as-is.

Have a look at the following discussion on the Embarcadero forums for some of the issues you may run into and how to work around them: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (due to a server crash, the earlier discussion thread has been lost.

Refer to the following archived discussion: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся, in particular this reply: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся).
  • In D/CB/RAD XE3, Embarcadero changed the signature of the TIdUDPServer OnUDPRead event in the bundled copy of Indy 10.
    • This was done in an attempt to address a slew of related Quality Central bug reports (#88816, #89298, #89662, #92067, #93672, #94969, #97943, #99863, #103088, #104825), to allow the Delphi compiler to generate RTTI that allows the IDE to produce an event handler that is compatible with both Delphi and C++Builder without errors, and without requiring additional RTL/compiler changes (which are actually needed to solve the root cause of the original errors).
    • Specifically, the AData parameter of the OnUDPRead event was changed from a Dynamic Array to an Open Array.
    • Consequently, the parameter signature is now different, which means that pre-existing user code that uses the OnUDPRead event in earlier D/CB/RAD versions will no longer work correctly without being updated accordingly.
    • This change was NOT approved by the Indy development team, and Embarcadero did NOT apply their change to other areas of Indy that are affected by the same issue, such as the TIdTelnet OnDataAvailable and IdIPMCastClient OnIPMCastRead events.
    • To maintain a single codebase, these changes have been merged into subsequent SVN releases of Indy 10.
  • In D/CB/RAD XE3+, Embarcadero's Metropolis UI LiveTile framework is compiled against the Indy 10 packages that ship with the IDE.
    • Installing a new version of Indy will render LiveTiles unusable, as it will not be able to load the Indy packages anymore, and LiveTiles cannot be recompiled by end users.
    • If you need to use LiveTiles then you will need to maintain the original Indy 10 packages for use in LiveTile projects.
    • You can use a separate installation of Indy 10 for non-LiveTile projects.
    • This has not been addressed by Embarcadero yet so Indy 10 upgrades and LiveTiles can co-exist.
  • There have been some reports that when compiling Indy for XE3, the compiler may complain about missing OTARES files.
    • This is caused by a {$R *.otares} statement in the DPK files.
    • The files that are checked in to SVN do not contain this statement, but apparently the compiler may decide to insert it on its own.
    • If this happens, just remove the statement and recompile again.
    • Indy does not use OTARES files.
    • They are generated by the IDE when it encounters unknown resources while upgrading a project from an older IDE version.

Online Package Managers
Lazarus 1.8 and later has a built-in Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Indy has been included in the OPM, and thus can be installed into Lazarus with a single click, instead of having to manually download, compile, and install Indy yourself.

In a future version, Indy will eventually be included in Embarcadero's Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся to automate the following installation steps for you.

Indy 10 source code can be downloaded from the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Extract the source files to a folder of your choosing on your PC.

If Indy 10 is already installed, it needs to be uninstalled first:

  • Remove the pre-compiled design-time BPL files - dclIndyCoreX0.bpl and dclIndyProtocolsX0.bpl - from the IDE via the "Components > Install Packages" dialog.
  • Delete all of the existing binaries - IndySystemX0.*, (dcl)IndyCoreX0.*, and (dcl)IndyProtocolsX0.*
  • Delete any Indy 10 source files, if present.
  • Be sure to check for files in the IDE's \bin, \lib, and \source folders, \Indy subfolders, and OS system folders.
Delphi Compilation
You can either:
  • Use the command-line FULLD#.BAT script that corresponds to your Delphi version.
  • Open the individual DPK files in the IDE and compile them, in the following order:
  1. IndySystemX0.dpk (in Lib\System)
  2. IndyCoreX0.dpk (in Lib\Core)
  3. IndyProtocolsX0.dpk (in Lib\Protocols)
  4. dclIndyCoreX0.dpk (in Lib\Core)
  5. dclIndyProtocolsX0.dpk (in Lib\Protocols)
If you encounter the following linker error: RLINK32: Error opening File packagename.drf

Try this workaround:
  1. Delete all .DCP and .BPL files for the package.
  2. Open the .DPK file in the IDE, go into its Project Options, and set the Build Control setting to "Explicit Rebuild".
  3. Rebuild the package.
  4. Repeat these steps for each dependant package.
Note for Cross-Platform compiling:
The current Indy 10 package projects are set for Windows compilations.

The IndySystem and IndyProtocols packages do have a few platform-specific units in them, which are conditionally compiled via IFDEF statements in the DPK files.

This is fine for command-line compilations, but the IDE usually doesn't handle IFDEFs in DPK files very well, and this can also cause an associated DPROJ file to be out of sync with its DPK file.

So this may lead to issues if you want to compile Indy 10 via the IDE for non-Windows platforms (in Delphi versions that support this).

You might need to edit the IndySystem project to remove the IFDEFs and replace the IdStackWindows, IdWinsock2, and IdWship6 units with the IdStackVCLPosix and IdVCLPosixSupplemental units instead, and then edit the IndyProtocols project to remove the IFDEFs and the IdAuthenticationSSPI and IdSSPI units.

Perhaps in a future release, we will try to automate/cleanup this better.

C++Builder Compiling
Indy does not include BPK project files for C++Builder, so you will need to use the FULLC#.BAT command-line script that corresponds to your version of C++Builder. This will compile the DPK files using C++Builder's command-line Delphi compiler (dcc32.exe) or MSBuild toolchain (msbuild.exe), depending on IDE version.

After Compiling
In your Indy directory you should now see some compiled DCU files. Open the IDE and go:
  • to the "Tools > Environment options > Select Library" dialog tab.
  • Now add the path to your files into the filepath collection.
  • Click Ok.
Now install the two design-time packages into the IDE in the following order:
  1. dclIndyCoreX0.bpl
  2. dclIndyProtocolsX0.bpl
Kylix Installation
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FreePascal/Lazarus Installation
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5 Май 2008
InfoPower 4K v20.0.5.1 (2019) - NOW with Install in RAD 10.3.3 RIO and RAD 10.4 Sydney manual
Groups / DPK ready to RIO (just save with another name to RAD 10.4 Sydney - no needs register!
NOTE: see the HOW TO in picture JPG into zip

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
for compile InfoPower 4k v20.0.5.1 in RAD Studio 10.4 Sidney

-- do copy of InfoPower folder for your RAD 10.4 Sydney
-- the PACKAGE is the same of RAD 10.3.x RIO just save with another name
-- Installed BDE for RAD 10.4 Sidney
-- Changes the file "wwifdef.pas" and ADD this:
{$ifdef VER340}
{$define wwDELPHI13}
{$define wwDELPHI13Up}
{$define wwDELPHI12Up}
{$define wwDELPHI11Up}
{$define wwDELPHI10Up}
//{$define wwDELPHIXE9}
{$define wwDELPHIXE9Up}

{$define wwDELPHIXE8Up}
{$define wwDELPHIXE7Up}
{$define wwDELPHIXE6Up}
{$define wwDELPHIXE5Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2013Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2012Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2011Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2010Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2009Up}
{$define wwDELPHI2008Up}
{$define wwDelphi2007Up}
{$define wwDelphi2006Up}
{$define wwDelphi3Up}
{$define wwDelphi4Up}
{$define wwDelphi5Up}
{$define wwDelphi6Up}
{$define wwDelphi7Up}
{$define wwDelphi9Up}

-- add the PATH for InfoPower in Search, Browsing and DCU




