ScreenShot2File v1.3.5.14
ScreenShot2File – довольно маленькая , но полезная и удобная программа. Сидит в трее и позволяет в любой момент сделать снимок всего экрана или активного окна, и сохранить в один из форматов: JPEG (JPG), PNG, GIF, TIFF (TIF), BMP.
Key features at a glance:
* makes shots of active window and entire screen directly to file;
* supports 5 graphic file formats: JPEG (JPG), PNG, GIF, TIFF (TIF), BMP;
* automatic file name generation;
* easy to use;
* system date and time support in file names;
* customizable separated shortcuts for active window and entire screen;
* text watermark;
* system date and time support in watermarks;
* DirectX support;
* OpenGL support;
* delayed capture;
* making series of screenshots;
* selectable color depth;
* high speed;
* redefinable hotkeys;
* small executable size;
* minimizes to tray.
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