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2 Сен 2006
Что хочется? Версии английские, ключики (вроде) ко всем есть, русики тоже (вроде) ;)

Добавлено позднее:

Opera 9.23.8808

Windows MSI
_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o923w_8808m.exe (6.2 Mb)
Windows Classic
_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o923w_8808.exe (4.0 Mb)

More Speed Dial stability fixes
Fixed issue with some mouse wheels and scrolling up on Vista
Fixed another fuzzer crash
Последнее редактирование модератором:


3 Окт 2004
слушай ну вот давай по тихонечьку так и заливай с первой , если не влом можно одим архивом

а если нет то:
7.23 пожалуйста 7.50 или 7.51 ключи тока не забудь пожалуйста


31 Янв 2007
Опубликована первая альфа-сборка новой версии www-браузера Opera с номером 9.5 и кодовым именем Kestrel. Новая версия — не просто рядовое обновление, а значительный шаг вперед. В этой версии: улучшено общее качество работы программы (огромное множество разнообразных улучшений, в том числе и направленных на повышение скорости рендеринга страниц); значительно усовершенствован поиск по истории; оптимизировано отображение сайтов; улучшенная совместимость с операционными системами; переработки в Opera Mail и множество прочих улучшений и исправлений.
размер 4,5 метра Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся


2 Сен 2006
Opera 9.50 Alpha 1 for Windows

Opera 9.50.9500 Alpha 1
Released: September 4, 2007

Windows (5,0Mb)
Windows Classic (4,2Mb)
Macintosh (12,4Mb)

Changelog for Opera 9.50 Alpha 1 for Windows
Kestrel does not currently run on Windows 95B
POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the "Leave messages on server" option, existing messages on the server are not removed
[BUG 274975] Graphical smilies do not work
[BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work
[BUG 277681] Some order lists are displayed as unordered lists
[BUG 279302] Line wrapping does not work correctly in some cases, causing overly long lines of text and horizontal scrollbars; often seen at Wikipedia
[BUG 280678] Files are often saved with the incorrect file extension
[BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action
[BUG 281550] Setting an external source viewer does not work
Display and Scripting
Rendering Engine
Fixed numerous stability issues
Plugged numerous memory leaks
Plethora of performance improvements throughout
Added support for the CSS3 overflow-x and overflow-y properties (demo)
Added support for the CSS3 text-shadow property (demo)
Added support for the CSS3 Selectors (demo)
Added support for the CSS3 outline-offset property (demos)
Added support for the CSS3 background-size property (only accessible via the custom -o-background-size property)
Added support for the CSS3 currentColor color keyword
Added support for the CSS2.1 white-space: pre-line value
Added support for the :-o-prefocus pseudo-class, which allows styling of form elements reached via spatial navigation
Added support for the custom -o-language-string(n) property for use in User and Internal Stylesheets to allow localized strings in stylesheets
Added support for the custom -o-table-baseline property, used to determine which row of an inline-table will be used as the baseline of the table. The property accepts either an integer or inherit value, where the integer refers to the table row to use as the table's baseline. -1 refers to the last row of the table and -n refers to the nth row from the bottom. If the integer value is 0, the bottom margin edge of the table will be treated as the table's baseline. The initial value is 1. This property only applies to inline-tables
Added support for the label attribute of option elements
Greatly improved table layout algorithm
Major improvements to the shrink-wrapping algorithm
Greatly improved support for the CSS outline property
Support the min-width and max-width properties for elements styled with display: table-cell (such as td and th elements)
Improved the handling of vertical alignment changes for form elements
No longer use font-variant: small-caps for acronym elements
Disallow use of percentage width values for the border-width property
Removed support for class selectors starting with a digit in Quirks mode
rowspan=0 is now also supported in Quirks mode
Fixed problem where the :lang() selector did not correctly match the full string
Improved support for @import, @media, @namespace, and @page at-rules
Fixed problem where the background-attachment property did not apply in ::first-line contexts
Fixed error handling of nobr tag
Fixed problem preventing elements with height: inherit from inheriting the computed value of height
Support the color attribute for hr elements
Fixed layout problems on TV.com caused by using <li">
Updated tabindex attribute handling: any element with a tabindex that is a positive number should be reachable by tabbing. Elements with a negative tabindex should never be reachable by tabbing
Fixed problem with the scrollbar at BlogLines.com
Give multi-select elements a reasonable default size
Fixed problem with large decimal em values being rounded to nearest integer (demo)
Support overflow in inline-table and inline-block elements, which fixes unclickable links and truncated content on Dell.com
Fixed problem where certain MHTML files displayed blank until resizing the page
Fixed redraw problem when reducing the width of td elements via DOM
Support for the display: table-column and table-column-group values on elements other than col and colgroup
Fix rounding error when calculating percentage font-sizes
Fixed problem where links in floated elements were not clickable, which caused problems with WordPress web sites
Fixed problem with using percentage height on blocks inside table cells
Resolved issue where linebreaks were shown in the title of XML documents
Allow changing the background of input type=image elements
Fixed incorrect use of padding on table elements when setting the border-spacing property and using the separated-border model
Fixed problems with negative margins on caption elements causing the captions to display far, far to the right, as seen at Wachovia.com
Inherit frameset encoding into frame documents, using the same restrictions as used for inline frames
Add HTML5 entity &TRADE; as an alias to &trade;
Media queries are now dynamic, allowing them to update when the window size is changed not just when the page loads
Fixed problems displaying full-screen YouTube videos
Fixed problems focusing the message composition area on Gmail
Store the original strings in HTML attributes for use by CSS selectors and DOM
Rewritten ECMAscript engine, which is more flexible and uses less memory
Added support for JavaScript 1.5 Getters and Setters
Added support for the DOM 3 Core Node.isSameNode method
Added support for the DOM 3 Core Text.wholeText attribute and Text.replaceWholeText method
Added support for the DOM 3 Core Node.compareDocumentPosition method (used by Google Pages)
Added support for the Microsoft XML DOM Node.selectNodes and Node.selectSingleNode methods
Added support for the Gecko DOM Range.comparePoint method (used by Google Pages)
Added support for the HTML5 {Document,Element}.getElementsByClassName method
Added support for the HTML5 Navigator.onLine attribute and the Window.{online,offline} events
Added support for the HTML5 Canvas.getImageData and Canvas.putImageData methods, including support for creating an ImageData object using the ImageData interface
Added support for the HTML5 Canvas.transform, Canvas.setTransform, and Canvas.isPointInPath methods
Added support for the HTML5 Element.tabindex attribute and the Element.{blur,focus} methods
Added support for the Microsoft XMLDocument class used for all XML documents (except SVG and XHTML) for cross-browser consistency. The DOM 3 Load and Save Document.async attribute and Document.load method will no longer work in the Document class
Added support for the document.moveFocus{left,right,up,down} methods for directing spatial navigation via JavaScript
Added support for the start and stop methods of marquee elements
Insert em tag instead of i tag when using italic execCommand parameter
Fixed problems changing the font size of textarea elements via DOM
Fixed problem that caused non-breaking spaces to be inserted in textarea elements as seen at Gmail
Corrected name of LSLoadEvent.input attribute (was LSLoadEvent.filter)
Fixed various bugs where mouse events had built-in effects before script event processing was finished (cancelled mousedown should not move focus, blur/focus events caused by mousedown event should be processed after rather than before the mousedown event causing them, and so on)
Stopped showing text nodes in script and style elements when using the Document.all collection
Trigger an onload event for images set to display:none
Fixed canvas locking in the 2dgame context to allow updating when the canvas is locked and fixed the update function to actually work
Disabled Document.length, as it caused problems in the Apple.com CoverFlow demo
Remove the text attribute from the HTMLSelectElement collection
Date.getYear() now returns full year when the year is > 1999 or < 1900 for cross-browser compatibility (despite breaking the JS spec.)
Removed IE-compatibility where Document.getElementById treated name and id attributes the same, which caused problems with jQuery
No longer share events between the Window and Document objects
Fixed problem where the Date method with an out of range day parameter became the current date and other cross-browser consistency issues
No longer create multiple text nodes when there's more than 32KB of data in the text node
Fixed problem changing the type attribute of button elements
Fixed problem where setting the scrollTop attribute for textarea elements didn't scroll the textarea contents
Several fixes to Document.activeElement to make it work more consistently
Give xml tags within HTML documents a documentElement attribute
XMLHttpRequest now resolves URLs according to the HTML base element
Event.keyCode will now return keyboard codes for punctuation keys in addition to alphanumeric keys, which fixes issues with keyboard navigation at Gmail
Fixed problem displaying maps on theaa.com caused by scrollTop working on both the html and body element simultaneously
Document.body.{clientHeight,clientWidth} and Document.documentElement.{clientHeight,clientWidth} now return the correct values in Strict mode, which fixes issues with Novell GroupWise
Made event capturing more cross-browser compatible: No longer capture load events if listener is attached to the window and fire capturing events at target; attach listeners to the document object if you need to capture load events from within the document
No longer lose the value of an input element created via DOM when changing the type attribute, which caused problems when editing del.icio.us bookmarks
References to undefined variables as a single statement will now correctly throw an error
Added partial SVG Tiny 1.2 support
Added support for using SVGs in img elements and the CSS background-image and list-style-image properties
Added external reference support for SVGs
Rich Text Input
Use line/paragraph breaking in rich text editor: Enter should insert block-break (new paragraph) and Shift+Enter should insert line-break (br element)
Improved handling of inserted and removed elements
Fixed numerous inconsistencies and specification violations in the SVG, DOM, WML, Web Forms 2.0, XPath, and XSLT implementations
Added support for UAX #14 Line Breaking Properties and UAX #29 Text Boundaries annexes
XSLT document() function will no longer cause an XSLT processing error if it is not called
Enabled RTL support in text inputs (including Opera Mail) and form elements
Fixed problem where the HttpURLConnection Java object did not support getHeaderField and getHeaderFieldKey
Allow installation of certificates that generate warnings
Always obey server-set Expiry header
User Interface
Bookmarks, Personal bar, and Speed Dial data can be synchronized via my.opera.com; access via the File > Synchronize with My Opera menu option; the most recent Speed Dial data will always be used when synchronizing
Redesigned Address bar drop-down displayed when entering text in the Address bar:
Includes excerpts from previously visited pages
Improved visual design
Orders entries by popularity
Local file auto-completion​
Re-enabled Status bar by default and moved some UI elements from View bar to Status bar
Removed View bar
Simplified Download dialog
Closed windows are now also displayed in the Trash can and the Window > Closed menu
"Open with" functionality added to web page context menu and Transfer panel/page
Content blocking improvements:
Added site-specific toggling of content blocking
Fixed problem where opening the Details dialog for a page would cause some blocked paths to change
Double-clicking entries in the Details dialog now edits them
Only show filters that cause content to be blocked on the current page in the Details dialog
CSS and JS files matching blocked patterns are now also shown in the Details dialog​
Added ability to save only the active window as a session (File > Sessions > Save This Session > Only save active window)
Redesigned certificate warning dialog
Added Undo for Speed Dial
Added Quick find to the Windows panel
Improved thumbnail rendering quality
Improved use of ellipses throughout user interface
Only display one thumbnail in the tab cycle dialog (Ctrl/Option+Tab)
Disabled dragging links/favicons to arbitrary toolbars (exceptions: Personal bar and opera: buttons); hold Shift or open the Tools > Appearances dialog to enable dragging
Fixed problem where the window resizer only worked in a small percentage of the region that it should
Close the correct tab when attempting to close an inactive tab via the Windows panel
Fixed problem with tabs being upside down when the Page bar is at the bottom
Fixed problem with over-zealous generation of toolbar files
Abort start-up when closing the Start-up dialog
Fixed problem with multi-word bookmark nicknames
Fixed problem where changing the language file closes Preferences
Switch to the locked tab when clicking its locked icon
Wand will no longer block form submits, making it possible to see if login was successful before storing your login credentials
Fixed problem where the Error Console was not cleared after being reopened
Fixed problem removing scrollbar styling once it's deactivated
Spelling check now works in single-line inputs, too
Default to saving as Web archives and remember format selection
Switch to title casing for menu text
Fixed problem dragging notes when no tab was active
Allow cascading dialog.ini files
Added new delay action for setup files: delay, X where X is milliseconds. It will delay asynchronously the rest of the actions defined in the string until the specified time has expired
Make [Cycler Button Skin] section in skins work correctly
Added .mini toolbar state (used in the Status bar) to make buttons and padding 80% of normal size
Moved several files into the "defaults" profile sub-directory for improved consistency
Major refactoring of keyboard shortcuts
Experimental screen reader support:
Added support for Microsoft Active Accessibility API (MSAA)
Preliminary support for Window-Eyes, JAWS, NVDA, and OS X VoiceOver
Collaborated with GW Micro on improved compatibility with future releases of Window-Eyes
Basic implementation of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)​
Spatial navigation improvements:
Restore navigated element when moving in history
All keyboard navigation methods (spatial navigation, Ctrl/Cmd+Up/Down, inline find, etc.) should now work based on the same elements, which allows you to use spatial navigation after inline find, etc.​
Fixed problem with Tab key navigation finding form elements beyond the current page when navigating history
The scrollbar now touches the edge of the screen when the window is maximized to better adhere to Fitts' Law
Keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl/Cmd+Shift no longer always open in a background tab
Performance improvements, including reduced memory usage, reduced disk accesses, and reduced freezing when checking for new mail/newsfeeds
Improved IMAP reliability, especially when fetching mail with multiple clients
When using "Leave messages on server", POP3 messages are permanently removed from the server when the Trash view is emptied (disable by setting "Permanent delete=0" for the relevant account in accounts.ini)
Connections are no longer initiated before the Start-up dialog is dismissed
Experimental IMAP Keyword support: messages marked as Spam will automatically be marked with the $Spam keyword; existing keywords will generate new filters
Fixed several problems handling multipart messages and message attachments, including messages sent from Apple Mail
Fixed problems updating the list of newsgroups available on a server
Messages in the selected IMAP sent folder will be shown in the Sent view
Fixed problem where mail was never sent if it initially failed to send
User Interface
New, experimental notification system: each message will generate a notification, though one notification per account will appear if more than three messages are received
Refreshed Mail panel, which replaces the status pane with account icons
Pressing F5 will check for new messages in the current view; useful for manually checking for new newsfeeds
Replaced "Save as draft" button in the Compose window with a "Discard draft" button: drafts are auto-saved once text is entered in the message body
IMAP folders are displayed in a hierarchy, as appropriate
The Mail panel now indicates nested filters or mailboxes
Users can now decide how many messages to download when subscribing to a newsgroup
Message thread expansion/collapse is now performed only by clicking the thread triangle in front of the message subject, not when clicking the message subject text
Fixed problems overriding encoding of received messages via the View > Encoding menu
Fixed problem where a filter named "INBOX" could not be edited or deleted
Fixed multiple problems caused by using a master password
Mail passwords are now stored in the Wand password database
Improved selection tracking in message lists (for instance, when toggling threading in a view, scrolling, etc.)
Fixed a couple of issues that could hamper proper threading
Fixed problem where replying always quoted the text/html portion of multipart/alternative messages
Correctly delete subscribed newsfeeds when requested to do so
Added option to filter/search based on message bodies only
Improved spatial navigation of messages
Added Ctrl/Cmd+S shortcut to add attachments to messages
Made Netscape, Eudora, and Opera 5/6 import options available cross-platform
Fixed problem importing mail from Thunderbird
Fixed multiple problems with the Outlook Express importer
Fixed problem sending mail from accounts created by importing mail
Notifications can be limited to private messages rather than all channel activity (can be enabled in Preferences > Advanced > Notifications)
New internal page, opera:historysearch, which searches the content of visited pages
Redesigned Info panel: it now includes the page display mode, download date, META tags, links to stylesheets and JavaScript files, etc.
Cache files no longer use file extensions
Added "Drag to scroll" (disabled by default) which allows scrolling by "grabbing" the page, much like on mobile phones with touch screens
Numerous improvements to mailto link handling
Automatic page refreshing can now be overridden via the "Reload every" context menu item
Fixed problem with pages/bookmarks showing the incorrect favicon
No longer attempt to follow automatic redirects when navigating in history
Improvements to handling of full hard disks
Partial Extended Validation certificate support: no user interface has been added yet
Added support for the httpOnly parameter of the Set-Cookie header
Disable "Allow raising of windows" by default
Fixed problem disabling plug-ins via plugin-ignore.ini
Added support for the BitTorrent peer exchange protocol, which is compatible with libtorrent and µTorrent
Increased network buffer size (opera:config#Performance|NetworkBufferSize) from 32KB to 128KB
Added support for JIS X 0212 in EUC-JP code set 3 and ISO-2022-JP
Added support for JIS-Roman output in ISO-2022-JP
Enabled auto-detection of ISO-2022-JP-1 support
Added zh-SG and zh-MO as known language codes and SG and MO as country codes for selecting Chinese variant
Associate Opera with .xhtml, .mht, .svg, and .torrent files
Removed option to associate Opera with URL Shortcuts
Auto-scroll icon now appears where clicked instead of centered on the page
Add drop-down shadows on Windows 2000, XP, and Vista if Control Panel > Display > Appearance > Effects > Show shadows under menus is enabled
Better support for the Default program settings dialog in Windows XP and Vista
Dropped support for Winsock 1
Fixed problem where transparent GIFs used as backgrounds would turn black when the page was zoomed
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Ребята а чего вы не используете Оперу Ас по идее она намного лутше простой версии ,она руская и в ней много доделок с которыми намного просче жить все есть у них на сайте и не платное Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся


ex-Team DUMPz
16 Сен 2004
Наверное, по той же причине, по которой не может всем нравиться только одна девушка при наличии других вариантов :)


11 Сен 2007
Чо за опера ас?? сорь если уже писали лень читать!


2 Сен 2006
Opera v9.50 Alfa 2

Opera v9.50.9523 Alfa 2

_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o950w_9523m.exe (5,2mb)
Windows Classic
_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/0950w_9523.exe (4,2mb)
_http://snapshot.opera.com/mac/o950s_4417.dmg (12,3mb)

[272376] Cursor in source viewer positioned at the end
[277681] Some order lists are displayed as unordered lists
[279302] Line wrapping does not work correctly in some cases, causing overly long lines of text and horizontal scrollbars; often seen at Wikipedia
[280678] Files are often saved with the incorrect file extension
[281550] Setting an external source viewer does not work
[267842] View bar is available in the customization dialog again
[274676] Original text color (inside tables) not reverted when closing content blocker dialog
[267859] Numbers (and borders) not shown in configured speed dial entries
[273030] Text squished/mashed together after removing thumbnail
[273822] Link focused by inline find cannot be activated (Enter doesn't work after spatnav)
[281879] Show cached images randomly breaks
[282003] Lots of unread messages and drafts after upgrade
APNG 1.0 support added. Will work as animated gifs on webpages and skins
Select custom application when downloading files add multithreading to mail for improved performanced
Added x button on notifiers
Fixed IE bookmark folder import
General stability fixes
Tons of layout/js fixes

Windows specific
Greatly improved performance with alpha transparency (animations, scrolling)

Mac specific:
Further tweaking of tabs in native skin
Removed page loading spinner from Address bar
Rounded edges on many dialog Title bars
Fixed application window focus/activation problems
Fixed problems with Flash problems with wmode=opaque and CSS hover
Prevent some start-up freezes
Pulsing progress bar
Последнее редактирование модератором:


8 Окт 2006
Глюкавит еще 9.50.9523. У меня проблемы в следующих местах:
- При сохранении файла у которого в названии есть точка (много с netzor.org), делает следующие все что после точки это расширение а само расширение обрубает
- При сохранении картинки выдает диалог (по умолчанию) сохранить в HTML дальше выбор есть типа картинки но согласитесь неудобно на каждую картинку делать выбор
- Не помнит последнего места сохранения.
- Иногда загружает картинки, хотя стои "кешированые картинки"

А так я перескочил с 8.5 то впечатления только отличные


ex-Team DUMPz
16 Сен 2004
Так это ж альфа, я бы на неё не перескаивала плотно, глюков навалом.


2 Сен 2006
Opera v9.50.9542

_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o950s_9542m.exe (5,0mb)
Windows Classic
_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o950s_9542.exe (4,2mb)
_http://snapshot.opera.com/mac/o950s_4451.dmg (12,3mb)

Known Issues Fixed in this Release
[BUG 284852] Wand doesn't save new passwords; old passwords should work properly.
[BUG 278770] Gmail does not work on 64-bit.
[BUG 281679] Bookmarks are not sorted correctly.

Other Changes
Scrolling when GMail chat window open causes no more repaint corruption.
Messages will no longer erroneously be marked as drafts or unread when upgrading mail.
String.localeCompare now works correctly.
Getters and setters now work on DOM interface prototypes.
opera:config settings are correctly stored now.
Files are now correctly saved with file extensions.
Lots of SVG fixes.
Lots of stability fixes.

Several fixes to plugins.
The operapluginwrapper should not take 100% CPU anymore.
Scrolling with keyboard is now much smoother.

Removed proxy icon (icon in title bar).

And as always, do not forget to read the Known Issues:
Won't run correctly on Windows 95 or 98.
Won't work correctly on Mac OS X 10.3.
OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up.
POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the "Leave messages on server" option, existing messages on the server are not removed.
[BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken.
[BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta may crash Opera
[BUG 286186] There are no buttons in the customization dialog.
[BUG 286345] Search in widgets is broken.
[BUG 285741] Opera might freeze for a while when opening the feeds menu.
[BUG 271585] The last directory used is not remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs.
[BUG 264975] Graphical smilies do not work.
[BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work.
[BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins.
[BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action.
[BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences.
[BUG 274352] Upgrading with no mail/RSS accounts causes a mail upgrade that never finishes.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


2 Сен 2006
Opera v9.50.9562

_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o950s_9562m.exe (5,0mb)
Windows Classic
_http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/o950s_9562.exe (4,2mb)
_http://snapshot.opera.com/mac/o950s_4460.dmg (12,4mb)

New stuff
Added menu item to never reload a page (Right click > Reload every - Never)
(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files (w00t)

Assortment of bugs fixed in this build
[BUG 255515] Chat should now work in Yahoo! Beta
[BUG 281879] Show only cached images should now work properly
[BUG 255304] Closing Speed Dial window fast after "delete private data" shouldn't crash Opera anymore
[BUG 282598] Passwords set to "never for this server" can now be deleted again
[BUG 286084] Cоntent blocker works again
[BUG 276354] Fixed bug where it was not possible to reconnect to mail server after disconnecting
[BUG 262786] Onload handler in script no longer fired before onload attribute of body element
[BUG 267384] JavaSсript errors no longer reported as being in "Unknown thread"
[BUG 233022] data: URIs are no longer considered off-site images
Use 'Today' when a mail was sent today, even if it's in the future

Set default network from 128 back to 32. This might help with some stalling while loading pages on some systems
Fixed appearance of fonts in Speed Dial configuration dialog and Widgets when using Cleartype

Fixed clipping of dialogs in Leopard
Fixed font display in Leopard
Smaller UI fonts
Fixed issue selecting Opera.app icon

Made flash animations work again
[BUG 276704] [qt4] Focusing documents in other tabs now switches to that tab as expected
[BUG 276959] [qt4] Tiling windows now works properly

Known Issues Fixed
[BUG 286186] There are no buttons in the customization dialog.
[BUG 274352] Upgrading with no mail/RSS accounts causes a mail upgrade that never finishes.

And as always, do not forget to read the Known Issues
[BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta may crash Opera.
[BUG 286911] Flickr maps may crash Opera.
Won't run correctly on Windows 95 or 98.
Won't work correctly on Mac OS X 10.3.
OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up.
POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the "Leave messages on server" option, existing messages on the server are not removed.
[BUG 287170] On OS X, UI thumbnails have black backgrounds when using native skins.
[BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins.
[BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences.
[BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken.
[BUG 285741] Opera might freeze for a while when opening the feeds menu.
[BUG 271585] The last directory used is not remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs.
[BUG 264975] Graphical smilies do not work.
[BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work.
[BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action.


2 Сен 2006
Opera 9.50 Alpha (9594/1629) Kestrel

Opera v9.50.9594

Windows (5,0mb)
Windows Classic (4,2mb)
Macintosh (12,5mb)

Layout width detection for thumbnails
Even in 2007, when it's common to have a 1600Ч1200 screen (or two of them), and when at the same time people browse the web using mobile devices with 320Ч240 screens, there are still a lot of web designers who assume that a “typical user” has a 800 or 1024 pixel wide screen. On the other hand, many websites stretch dynamically, making good use of all the available horizontal space.

When you hold the mouse over a tab, a page thumbnail appears. We used to generate these thumbnails by taking the 1024 leftmost pixels from what you see in the window, even if the window is wider. This worked acceptably for many popular newspaper sites, but broke Google's main page and other pages that fill up the entire window or have something centered. The wider your screen is, the easier it was to see that the thumbnail image was cut off on the right. It also broke those fixed-layout websites that had their concent centered rather than left-aligned. However, taking the entire window width instead of the 1024 pixels wasn't an option, too, because it would leave a lot of white space on the right of thumbnails for fixed-layout pages, making miniature pictures look even smaller and uglier.

In this build, we're including an experimental feature that tries to deal with fixed-width layouts without breaking flexible layouts. The new layout width detection code runs some heuristic checks on the page layout and tries to detect whether it has been made for fixed with. The algorithm measures the width occupied by all meaningful content (text, images, plugins, input fields, but not empty space with backgrounds) and compares it to typical screen width values such as 800 and 1024 with some degree of tolerance. It can detect both left-aligned or centered layouts.

When generating a thumbnail, we now first try to detect a fixed layout. If we have one, then only the part of the horizontal space actually occupied by meaningful content is used to make the thumbnail; otherwise, a miniature of the entire window is generated. This means that you should not see any more wasted space on the sides of thumbnails when you hover a tab, but the pages that fill the entire window should never be cut off. Because this is, in fact, guesswork, it's expected to fail and give incorrect results now and then, but not too often. Please experiment with all kinds of pages and all kinds of settings and report any cases when it breaks.

For now, we're only using the layout width detection for thumbnails, but we might as well start using it for something else in the future.

Other new stuff
New “logical searching” code — this means that inline find is now practically instant even on very long pages
The Feeds toolbar got a new button to check for updates
Added “Make Readable” action. Currently, it's not available through any menu, toolbar, or keyboard shortcut, but it's possible to bind it manually. How it works: select some text on the page that is hard to read because the font size is too small, then activate the action. The page will automatically zoom up so that the text becomes readable
Added support for pointer-events="boundingBox" in SVG
It is now possible to use an SVG image in an IMG element as well as specify one as a background image in CSS
Improved performance of JS Date.getX methods

Bugs fixed
Fixed an issue where pages could cause scripts to run in opera:historysearch. Thanks to David Bloom for reporting the issue
Fixed display of inline elements within justified text
Element borders are no longer offset from the area filled with background color
No more crashing on contenteditable in XML
Text-shadow with 1px blur radius now actually shows some blurring
Widgets whose files are in a subdirectory of the zip archive are supported again
The list of chat rooms now shows the correct number of users in each room
No more repaint artefacts with the dropdown menu on Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
getAttribute will return the updated value after modifying the element's style properties
Two attributes with the same local name and namespace on the same XML element are now a fatal parsing error, as per XML spec
Opera no longer spends a lot of time on startup trying to read every file in the cache
Pending IMAP and POP commands are now preserved and optionally executed on the next startup
Getters and setters are now exposed for properties of native JS objects
Fixed fetching of POP mail after purging the trash
The outline doesn't follow the “silhouette” of children elements clipped using overflow:hidden anymore
Legend is not anymore pushed into the fieldset by a comment before it
Entities sent to plugins are now properly decoded, fixes slideshow on Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
setTimeout() is no longer confused when an object is passed instead of a numeric delay value
Mail passwords are no longer lost when clearing wand passwords
No more crashing when installing widgets
The client certificate selection dialog now shows the originating server name
Messages wouldn't have attachment icons and wouldn't show in the Attachment views; fixed now
Styling of opera:historysearch is now consistent with other internal Opera pages such as opera:about
Bodies of auto-saved drafts wouldn't display; fixed now
Downloads won't overwrite existing files without warning anymore
Fixed an issue with propagation of bottom margins that affected maps.google.com
Multiple optimizations in the internal search engine used for searching in visited pages and mail
Dozens of other fixes in the rendering engine
Fixed some more crashers and memory leaks…

Fixed crasher when dragging a toolbar button from a webpage to the Start bar
Speed Dial sometimes showed thumbnails for wrong pages
Ellipses in menus were displaed incorrectly on Windows 98
Fixed a DDE communication issue
Interlaced PNG images with alpha transparency are now displayed correctly in Windows Vista
Nonsensical filter is no more shown in the file chooser for a form upload
Opera window is no more resizable in full screen mode
Left Alt+Shift doesn't switch the text direction anymore

Icons in the File menu are now properly sized in QT4 builds
Ensured that all Flash 9.0 r6* versions get the GTK main loop they need
When avoiding to overwrite an existing file, downloads are now renamed to a more scripting-friendly “filename_N.ext” instead of “filename (N).ext”
The GTK file chooser is used under XFCE

Command-Option-Left/Right added as shortcuts to switch tabs
Fixed repaint issues on OS X 10.3
KeyCodes for the arrow keys are now compatible with those on Windows
The last character or word in an element with text-shadow and opacity is no more lost
The click that activates an inactive Opera window is now also handled (e.g. it activates buttons)
U+21A9 LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK character is now rendered properly
It's now possible to play the Dolphin Olympics game again :)
Removed the Brushed Metal skin

Previously known issues fixed in this build
[BUG 285741] Opera doesn't freeze anymore when opening the feeds menu
[BUG 271585] The last directory used is now remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs

Known issues
[BUG 264975] Fixed display of smileys in mail and chat (almost fixed)
[BUG 290358] Bookmarks cannot be selected from the Bookmarks menu
[BUG 290355] Opera crashes when clicking bookmarks in Personal bar
If you used the Brushed Metal skin in the previous release, Opera for OS X will crash on startup
This build fails the Acid2 test
[BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta, Flickr maps, Google reader may crash Opera
Won't run correctly on Windows 95 or 98
OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up
POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the "Leave messages on server" option, existing messages on the server are not removed
[BUG 287170] On OS X, UI thumbnails have black backgrounds when using native skins
[BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins
[BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences
[BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken
[BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work
[BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action

Известные проблемы данной сборки
[BUG 290358] Закладки не выбираются из меню Закладки :)
[BUG 290355] Опера вылетает при попытке открыть ссылку из Личной панели
Если Вы использовали скин Brushed Metal в предыдущей сборке, Опера для OS X вылетит при запуске
Эта сборка не проходит тест Acid2

Умные эскизы, мгновенный поиск и многое другое:

А вот вам новая пятничная сборка, с кучей всяких исправлений и новых фишек. Перед тем, как сообщить о проблеме, пожалуйста сверьтесь со списком "Косяки про которых мы [разработчики прим. пер.] в курсе", он в конце этого поста.

Авто-определение ширины страницы для эскизов страниц
Даже в 2007-м, когда у людей может быть экран 1600x1200 (а то и два таких), а с другой стороны: народ ходит по сети с мобильных устройств дисплейчиками с 320x240, несмотря на всё это, всё ещё осталось куча вэб-дизайнеров считающих что "средний пользователь" имеет экран с шириной в 800 или 1024 пикселя. Но есть м много сайтов которые умеют "растягиваются" и используют всю доступную площадь по ширине экрана.

Когда вы задерживаете мышь над вкладкой страницы, появляется её эских. Для создания этих эскихов мы отхватывали для картинки 1024 вертикалей, отсчитывая с левого края экрана, пускай даже окно было шире. Это работало вполне приемлемо для многих сайтов газет, но корежило картинку главной страницы Гугла и других страниц, которую заполняли всё окно или располагали что-то в центре. Чем шире был ваш экран, тем очевиднее было то что эскиз страницы обрезается справа. Также это искажало эскизы страницы которые располагали своё содержимое в центре, а не выравнивали его слева. Но нельзя было и просто обрезать эскиз по текущей ширине окна, так как эскихы страниц, расчитанных на определённое разрешение были бы слишком пусты справа, а картинки и без того маленькие становились бы ещё мельче.

В этой сборке, мы включаем экспериментальную возможность которая пытается работать с страницами расчитанными на одно разрешение и не ломает растягиваемые страницы. Новый алгоритм определения ширины страницы запускает некоторую эвристику по странице и пытается по ней определить заточена ли она под одно разрешение или. Алгоритм оценивает всю полезную площадь (текст, картинки, плугины, поля ввода, но не пустые места с фоном) и сравнивает с типичными значениями ширин экрана (800, 1024), допуская некоторый люфт. Он автоматом может определить и оформление выровненное налево и центрованное оформление.

При создании эскиза, мы сначала пытаемся определить заточенность страницы под разрешение. Если оно имеет место, тогда для эскиза берёться только значимое содержимое, иначе просто показывается уменьшеная копия окна. Это означает что теперь в эскизах при наведении на вкладку будет меньше пустого места по бокам, но страницы полностью заполняющие всю ширину окна не будут обрезаться. Так как это, по сути дела, тыканье пальцем в небо, ошибки и неверные определения есть и могут быть, но их будет не так много. Пожалуйста, поэксперимантируйте, со всеми видами страниц и всяческими настройками и скажите когда и что может сломаться.

Пока что, алгоритм определения широты страницы используется только для эскизов, но, возможно, мы начнём использовать его и для чего-нибудь другого.

Другие добавления
Новый код "логического поиска" — это значит что "быстрый поиск" теперь становится мгновенным даже на очень длинных страницах
На панели управления лентами RSS теперь есть кнопка обновления
Добавлено внутреннее действие “Make Readable” (сделать читаемым). Пока что ни в меню, ни в панелях инструментах или на клавиатуре оно никак не обозначено, но можно его включить вручную. Как оно работает: выдели какой-нибудь текст на странице которые тяжело прочесть из-за того что шрифт слишком мелкий, и выполните действие. Страница автоматически увеличит масштаб так чтоб ширфт выделенного текста стал читаемым
Добавлена обработка pointer-events="boundingBox" из SVG
Теперь можно использовать SVG-картинку в IMG-элемента и также указывать векторы как фон через CSS
Ускорена работа JS-функций Date.get-что-то (.getDay, .geMonth и т.д.)

Исправленные ошибки
Исправлена ошибка когда страницы запускали свои скрипты прямо из opera:historysearch. Спасибо Дэйвиду Блуму за сообщение об ошибке
Исправлено отображение inline-элементов внутри выровненного текста
Границы элемента теперь не отступают от области залитой фоновым цветом
Нет больше свала программы при contenteditable в XML
Text-shadow в радиусом размазывания в 1 пиксель теперь показывает хоть какое-то размазывание
Виджеты, компоненты которых хранятся в подпапках внутри zip-архивов, вновь работают
Список комнат в чате теперь показывает правильное кол-во участников в них
Больше нет ошибок прорисовки с раскрыающимся меню на сайте Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Метод getAttribute будет возвращать обновлённое значение после изменения значения стиля элемента
Два атрибута с одинаковыми локальными именами и в одном пространстве имён внутри одного и того же элемента теперь вызывает фатальную ошибку обработки, как оно и положено согласно спецификации XML
Опера теперь не будет тратить кучу времени при каждом запуске, перебирая все файлы в кэше
Незавершённые IMAP и POP комманды теперь сохраняются и опционально выполняются при следующем запуске
Getters и setters имеют такие же свойства как и обычные JS-объекты
Исправлено опустошение POP почты после очистки корзины
outline более не следует силуэту дочерних элементов обрезанных с помощью overflow:hidden
legend более помещается в fieldset как комментарий в его начале
Данные, передаваемые плагинам правильно декодируются, исправлено слайдшоу на Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
setTimeout() более не путается когда ему вместо числового значения паузы дают объект
Пароль на почту больше не потеряется при очистке wand паролей
Нет более падениям при установке виджетов
Диалог установки клиентского сертификата безопасности теперь показывает оригинальное имя сервера
Исправлено отображение сообщений с вложениями не имеющими иконок во Вложениях
opera:historysearch теперь стилизован как и другие внутренние страницы Опера (например opera:about)
Исправлено неотображение тел сообщений автосохранённых черновиков
Загрузки более не перезаписывают файлы без предупреждений
Исправлено неестественное искажение нижнего поля на maps.google.com
Множество оптимизаций в движке внутреннего поиска (поиск по ппосещённым страницам и почте)
Кучи других исправлений в движок
Исправлены многие "падения" и утечки памяти…

Для Windows
Исправлено падение при попытке перетаскивания кнопки со страницы на Стартовую панель
Быстрый Набор иногда показывал неверные превьюшки
Эллипсы ?? в меню отображались неправильно на Windows 98
Исправлено взаимодействие через DDE
Черезстрочные PNG изображения с альфа прозрачностью тепреь правильно показываются в Vista
Дурацкий фильтр более не показывается в окне выбора файла для аплоада
У окна Оперы в полноэкранном режиме нельзя более изменять размеры
Левые Alt+Shift более не переключают направление ввода текста !!!
Иконки в меню Файл в сборках QT4 теперь отображаются правильного размера
Гарантировано что все версии Flash 9.0 r6* показывают правильное количество повторов
Для избежания перезаписи существуюших файлов, Загрузки теперь переименовываются не “filename (N).ext” а “filename_N.ext” для более простого скриптования
Под XFCE используется Диалог выбора файла GTK

Команды-Настройки-Слева/Справа добалены как шоткаты для переключения табов
Исправлен глюк с перекрашиванием в OS X 10.3
Клавиатурные коды стрелок теперь совместимы с аналогичными для Windows
Последний символ или слово в элементе с тень текста или прозрачностью более не теряется
Клик на неактивном окне Оперы теперь автоматизируется (т. е. активируется кнопкой)
Символ U+21A9 LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK (↩) отображается правильно
Вновь можно играть в игру Dolphin Olympics :)
Удалён скин Brushed Metal (полированный металл)

Исправлены проблемы из предыдущих сборок:
[BUG 264975] Исправлено отображение смайлов в окнах чата и почты
[BUG 285741] Опера более не подвичает при обновлении rss-лент
[BUG 271585] Запоминается последняя посещённая папка в диалогах Открыть и Сохранить как

Известные проблемы данной сборки
[BUG 290358] Закладки не выбираются из меню Закладки :)
[BUG 290355] Опера вылетает при попытке открыть ссылку из Личной панели
Если Вы использовали скин Brushed Metal в предыдущей сборке, Опера для OS X вылетит при запуске
Эта сборка не проходит тест Acid2

Далее глюки из предыдущих сборок:
[BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta, карты Flickr, Google reader могут повесить Оперу
Не запускается корректно на Windows 95/98.
Версии для OS X могут "залипать" при запуске.
Очистка POP сервера отключена: При отключении "Оставлять сообщения на сервере", сообщения с сервера не удаляются.
[BUG 287170] OS X превьюшки показываются на чёрном фоне при использовании нативных скинов.
[BUG 184894] Нативные OS X элементы не могут использоваться в скинах.
[BUG 280536] Opera на OS X подвисает при выходе из Настроек.
[BUG 286384] Yahoo mail не работает.
[BUG 280261] Удаление сообщений из фильтров не работает.
[BUG 213115] Отложенные сообщения отправляются при следующей проверке, вместо того что бы ожидать ручной отправки.
Последнее редактирование модератором: