Книги Osprey (военная тематика)

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26 Окт 2004
Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC-AD 363
(New Vanguard 89)


The catapult (katapeltikon) was invented under the patronage of Dionysius I, tyrant of Syracuse, in the 4th century bc. At first only the arrow-firing variant was used, and it was not until the reign of Alexander the Great that stone-projecting catapults were introduced. The Romans adopted these weapons during the Punic Wars and further developed them, before introducing the new arrow-firing ballista and stone-throwing onager. This title traces the often controversial design, development and construction of these weapons throughout the history of the classical world.

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8 Янв 2004

U-Boat Bases and Bunkers 1941-45 (Fortress, 3)

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neshi написал(а):

U-Boat Bases and Bunkers 1941-45 (Fortress, 3)

ссылок нет или это я не туда смотрю?

Типа и то и другое :))))).




20 Май 2005
Sorry for forgotting to post U-boat links....thanx to Booker, my links are the same.

Tribes of the Sioux Nation
(Men-at-Arms 344)

The horse culture of the tribes of the High Plains of North America lasted only some 170 years; yet in that time the sub-tribes of the Teton or Western Sioux people imprinted a vivid image on the world's imagination by their fearless but doomed fight to protect their hunting grounds from the inevitable spread of the white man. This text outlines the history, social organization, religion and material culture of the Santee, Yankton and Teton Sioux; rare early photographs include portraits of many of the great war chiefs and warriors of the Plains Indian Wars, and eight detailed plates record details of Sioux traditional costume. â?�

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The American Plains Indians
(Men-at-Arms 163)

The central plains of North America to the east of the Rocky Mountains were home to the Plains Indians; here the hunting grounds of the twelve "typical" tribes coincided with the grazing range of the largest of the buffalo herds. The adoption of a horse culture heralded the golden age of the Plains Indians - an age abruptly ended by the intervention of the white man, who forced them into reservations in the second half of the 19th century. Jason Hook's fascinating text explores the culture of American Plains Indians, from camp life to conquest, in a volume complemented by photographs and stunning artwork.

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The Apaches
(Men-at-Arms Series 186)
by Jason Hook

This fascinating work by Jason Hook examines the Apaches, their social structure, religion and warcraft, and outlines the Apache wars and conflicts with the American, including the dramatic story of Crook and Geronimo. This absorbing volume is illustrated with a wealth contemporary photographs, museum examples and eight stunning full page colour plates by Richard Hook, making it the perfect book for anyone interested in this fascinating culture. Men-at-Arms 163 and 186 and Warrior 4 are also available in a single volume special edition as â?˜To Live and Die in the Westâ?™.

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German Battleships 1939-45 (New Vanguard, 71)
Author: Gordon Williamson
Product Details
pages: 48 pages
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)
ISBN: 1841764981
Average Customer Review: Based on 1 review(s[/b]).
Format: PDF
In this, the first of a five volume series covering the capital ships of the German Navy of World War II, Gordon Williamson examines the design, development and operational use of the battleships used by the Kriegsmarine.


Operation Cobra 1944: Breakout from Normandy (Campaign, 88)

One of the most decisive months of World War II was the 30 days between 25 July and 25 August 1944. After the success of the D-Day landings, the Allied forces found themselves bogged down in a bloody stalemate in Normandy. On 25 July General Bradley launched Operation Cobra to break the deadlock. US forces punched a hole in the German frontline and began a spectacular advance. As Patton’s Third Army poured into Brittany and raced south to the Loire, the German army was threatened with encirclement. By the end of August German forces in Normandy were utterly destroyed, and the remaining German units in central and southern France were in headlong retreat to the German frontier. In this title Steve Zaloga explains how the breakout from Normandy came about.


U.S. Army 1941-45 (Men at Arms Series, 70)

At the time of the Second World War, the United States Army took an unusual approach, for the period, towards the design of its uniforms. Rather than attempt to find an all-purpose outfit, such as the British battledress, it attempted to design special-purpose dress for every possible duty, from combat in cold climates to dress parades in hot ones. Here Philip Katcher provides an extensive examination of the many different types of uniform and equipment which saw service during the conflict.


The Rhineland 1945 (Campaign, 74)

Known as the last great 'stand-up fight' of the Second World War the battle for the Rhineland was brutal in the extreme. Eisenhower's 'broad front' policy called for the whole of the Rhineland to be taken before pushing his troops across the Rhine and into Germany itself. The Germans opened the Roer dams in a vain bid to temper this massive Allied offensive and this called for a drastic change in tactics. The ensuing battle was characterised by amphibious assaults on the fortified villages of the flooded Rhine lowlands, frontal assaults on the much vaunted Siegfried Line and grim fighting for the Reichswald Forest. It was to be 'the last great killing ground in the west'.


Osprey - New Vanguard – 106 - V-1 Flying Bomb 1942-52


The V-1 flying bomb was the most used guided missile of World War II and the world's first successful cruise missile.

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20 Июн 2005
Подниму разок, прошу прощения за настойчивость

Отличный ресурс, хочу отметить сразу!

Если можно я тоже спрошу, может есть вдруг у кого, давно ищу:

US Army Air Force (1) (Elite 46)
Japanese Naval Aviation Uniforms and Equipment 1937–45 (Elite 86)
US Naval Aviator1941–45 (Warrior 52)
Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator 1937–45 (Warrior 55)
The Italian Army 1940–45 (2) Africa 1940–43 (Men-at-Arms 349)
The Chinese Army 1937–49 World War II and Civil War (Men-at-Arms 424)

Сам понимаю, что вряд ли, но мало ли, вдруг свезет

Britain's Air Defences 1939–45 (Elite 104) Эта видел что есть, может выложит кто, могу по WW2 из MAA или Elite чего ть дать если интересно, правда все из того что уже много раз попадалось в сети.]


20 Май 2005
Siege Weapons of the Far East (1) AD 612-1300

The prevalence of particular fortress types in medieval China, Mongolia, Japan and Korea demanded the evolution of different modes of siege warfare in each country. The wealthy walled towns of China, the mountain fortresses of Korea and the military outposts of Japan each presented different challenges to besieging forces, and this book reveals the diversity of tactics that were developed to meet these challenges. Most of the Far Eastern weaponry of this period originated in China, but was adapted to fit the demands of siegecraft across the region and the individual strengths and weaknesses of each piece of machinery are studied here.


Siege Weapons of the Far East (2) AD 960-1644

From the 11th century AD, East Asian armies made increasing use of exploding missiles and siege cannon to reduce the fortifications of their enemies. Some of these weapons were very similar to those used in Europe - for example, the heavy siege cannon used in the siege of P'yongyang during the Japanese invasion in the late 16th century. Others, like the Korean hwach'a carts mounting over a hundred rockets that were used to bombard the Japanese at Haengiu in 1593, were very different from their European contemporaries. This book details the design and use of the wide range of weaponry available during this period.

Japanese Warrior Monks Ad 949-1603 (Warrior 70)

From the 10th to the mid-17th century, religious organisations played an important part in the social, political and military life in Japan. Known as sohei ('monk warriors') or yamabushi ('mountain warriors'), the warrior monks were anything but peaceful and meditative, and were a formidable enemy, armed with their distinctive, long-bladed naginata. The fortified cathedrals of the Ikko-ikki rivalled Samurai castles, and withstood long sieges. This title follows the daily life, training, motivation and combat experiences of the warrior monks from their first mention in AD 949 through to their suppression by the Shogunate in the years following the Sengoku-jidai period.


Ninja Ad 1460-1650 (Warrior, 64)

The Ninja were the secret agents and assassins of feudal Japan and they remain a subject of enduring fascination. They first emerged during the power struggles of 9th and 10th century Japan, in response to the increasing demand for spies, informants and even assassins, and they were used until the mid-1600s when they disappeared on account of a campaign to destroy them. This title provides an accurate and detailed account of the reality of the Ninja, detailing their daily life, training, hiring, combat use and secret operations; also covered are the Ninja's use and knowledge of poisons, medicines and charms.


Samurai Heraldry (Elite)

The dazzling spectacle presented by the armies of medieval Japan owed much to the highly developed family and personal heraldry of samurai society. From simple personal banners, this evolved over centuries of warfare into a complex system of flags worn or carried into battle, together with the striking 'great standards' of leading warlords. While not regulated in the Western sense, Japanese heraldry developed as a series of widely followed practices, while remaining flexible enough to embrace constant innovation. Scores of examples, in monochrome and full colour, illustrate this fascinating explanation of the subject by a respected expert on all aspects of samurai culture.


Is-2 Heavy Tank 1944-1973 (New Vanguard, No 7)
Author: Steve Zaloga
Product Details
pages: 48 pages
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)
ISBN: 1855323966
Average Customer Review: Based on 1 review(s[/b]).
Format: PDF
The Iosef Stalin tanks were the ultimate heavy tanks developed by the Soviet Union and were popularly called 'Victory tanks' due to their close association with the defeat of Germany in 1945. Yet in spite of their reputation, the Stalin tanks emerged from a troubled design, had a brief moment of glory in 1944 and 1945, and disappeared in ignominy after 1960. This title covers the events contributing to the Soviet Union’s need to design the new series, with particular reference to the unsuccessful KV series and the advent of a new generation of heavy German tanks including the Tiger, It also covers their development, operational history and myriad variants.


T-34 Medium Tank 1941-45 (New Vanguard, No 9)

Author: Steven J. Zaloga
Product Details
pages: 48 pages
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)
ISBN: 1855323826
Average Customer Review: N/A
Format: PDF
The T-34 was the most influential tank design of World War 2. When first introduced into combat in the summer of 1941, it represented a revolutionary leap forward in tank design. Its firepower, armour protection and mobility were superior to that of any other medium tank of the period. This superiority did not last long. While the T-34 underwent a series of incremental improvements during 1943, it was being surpassed by new German tank designs, most notably the Panther. This title traces the life of the original T-34 through all its difficulties to eventual success.

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12 Июн 2005
Коллеги, так как насчет вышезапрошенных (см. стр. 13, видимо, моя просьба актуальна, в основном, в отношении Jack_the_Ripper и Notsaint) книг:
Men-at-Arms 150 - Age of Charlemagne
Men-at-Arms 376 - Italian Medieval armies 1000-1300
Men-at-Arms 409 - The Hussite wars 1419-1436
Elite 17 - Knights at Tournament
Elite 19 - The Crusades
Если говорить об очереди, то я просил их несколько раньше, чем греко-римскую артиллерию и др. И еще-идиотский вопрос-зачем с завидным постоянством линковать выкладываемые на бронарме и аваксе книги, тема и так перегружена, к тому же большинство из них (имею в виду книги по Японии, Даль. Востоку и танкам) выкладывались уже неоднократно? Кстати, заработал форум авакса.
Извините, если что не так сказал
С уважением, Дмитрий


15 Июн 2005
Да праильно сказал..., смысла дублировать никакого...


смысла дублировать никакого...
Ну почему-же, определенный смысл в кросспостинге есть.
1) Увеличивается число даунлоадов сабжа
2) Учитывая, то что сабж выкладывается на рапидшаре, которая, при наличии премиум-аккаунта, за каждый аплоад добавляет на счет аккаунта немного дополнительного трафика автор поста получает некоторую компенсацию за труд по выкладыванию. И это, имхо вполне справедливо.


20 Май 2005
German Light Cruisers 1939-1945 (New Vanguard, 84)

ISBN: 1841765031
Author: Gordon Williamson
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

The German Navy of World War II was small in number, but contained some of the most technologically advanced capital ships in the world. This meant that although the Kriegsmarine never felt capable of encountering the might of the British Navy in a fleet action, her ships were individually more than a match for the outdated vessels of the Royal Navy. Nowhere was this more the case than in Germany's fleet of light cruisers. There were only six vessels in this fleet: the Emden, Leipzig, Köln, Königsberg, Karlsruhe and Nurnberg. This book describes their design, development and varied operational history throughout the course of the Second World War.




[/b]British Motor Torpedo Boat 1939-45 (New Vanguard)[/b]

ISBN: 1841765007
Author: Angus Konstam
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

During the Second World War, flotillas of the Royal Navy's Motor Torpedo Boats and other coastal forces fought a deadly war for control of the English Channel and the North Sea. These small, fast boats attacked enemy convoys, escorted freighters, landed secret agents and even raided enemy ports. Unsung heroes, these craft and their tiny crews helped stave off defeat in the dark days of 1940. The same vessels then took the fight to other waters, and by the end of the war, British MTB's had seen service in the Mediterranean, the Baltic and the Far East. This book examines the development and operation of these frail, sleek little warships, and describes the way they were manned and how they fought.



Union Monitor 1861-65 (New Vanguard 45)

ISBN: 1841763063
Author: Angus Konstam
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

The first seagoing ironclad was the USS Monitor, and its profile has made it one of the most easily recognised warships of all time. Following her inconclusive battle with the Confederate ironclad Virginia on March 9, 1862, the production of Union monitors was accelerated. By the end of the year a powerful squadron of monitor vessels protected the blockading squadrons off the Southern coastline, and were able to challenge Confederate control of her ports and estuaries. Further technological advancements were included in subsequent monitor designs, and by the end of the war the US Navy possessed a modern coastal fleet carrying the most powerful artillery afloat. This book covers the design, development and operational history of the Union’s Monitor fleet.




Confederate Raider 1861-65 (New Vanguard, 64)

ISBN: 1841764965
Author: Angus Konstam
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

The Confederate states adopted radical solutions to counter the naval superiority of their opponents. One of the more successful solutions they adopted was the use of commerce raiders. This book describes the reasons which forced the Confederates to resort to commerce raiding, and outlines the way in which these craft were converted or specially built to perform their role. It details not only the way these craft were operated and manned, but also their brutal attacks, daring escapes and climatic battles against the large numbers of Union warships forced to hunt them down.



British Battlecruisers 1939-1945 (New Vanugard, 88)

ISBN: 184176633X
Author: Angus Konstam
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

When war broke out in 1939, only three true battlecruisers remained in the Royal Navy including HMS ‘Hood’, the world's largest and fastest capital ship for much of her life, which would be destroyed in action against the German battleship ‘Bismarck’. Out of the remaining two battlecruisers (‘Repulse’ and ‘Renown’) one was sunk by Japanese aircraft off Singapore, whilst the other served with distinction until the end of the war. This book traces the pre-war development of these spectacular warships, then describes their wartime exploits, using this to demonstrate their operational and mechanical performance. It examines what life was like on these wartime battlecruisers when they sailed into action.



Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65 (New Vanguard, 49)

ISBN: 1841764132
Author: Angus Konstam
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

At the start of the American Civil War, neither side had warships on the Mississippi River and in the first few months both sides scrambled to gather a flotilla, converting existing riverboats for naval use. These ships were transformed into powerful naval weapons despite a lack of resources, trained manpower and suitable vessels. The creation of a river fleet was a miracle of ingenuity, improvisation and logistics, particularly for the South. This title describes their design, development and operation throughout the American Civil War.




Kursk 1943 : The Tide Turns in the East (Praeger Illustrated Military History)

ISBN: 0275982831
Author: Mark Healy
Publisher: Praeger Publishers

In the summer of 1943 the German army stood poised for a major offensive. The attack was aimed at the Kursk salient, which the Germans intended to isolate, trapping large numbers of Russian troops and paving the way for the decisive campaign to knock the Soviet Union out of the war. Warned of the imminent attack by good intelligence, the Russians had turned the salient into a mass of strong defensive positions. In the decisive clash that followed, the Soviets bled German forces white. The counter-offensive which followed began an advance that would end in the ruins of Berlin.



American Civil War Armies (3) : Specialist Troops (Men at Arms Series, 179)

ISBN: 085045722X
Author: Philip Katcher / Ron Volstad
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

At the time of the American Civil War, with two million men under arms, a US Army that in pre-war days had depended upon a minute number of technical troops now required virtually an army of specialists alone. Special sharpshooters were recruited for skirmishing duty; men whose wounds would have led to their discharge in the past now found themselves guarding important posts in the Veteran Reserve Corps; and large numbers of civilians found themselves in uniform as members of the Telegraph or Hospital Corps. Philip Katcher examines the organisation and uniforms of the specialist troops who served in the armies of both sides.



American Civil War Armies (2) : Union Troops (Men at Arms Series, 177)

ISBN: 0850456908
Author: Philip Katcher
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

The US Army during the Civil War was the largest the country had raised in its brief history; and it would remain the largest ever raised until World War I. In all, 2,772,408 men served in some branch or other of the US Army. This detailed work by Philip Katcher is a comprehensive guide to the uniforms, accoutrements, insignia and weapons of the Union Troops who fought the American Civil War, with a wealth of illustrations, including contemporary photographs and eight full page colour plates by Ron Volstad.



American Civil War Armies (1) : Confederate Troops (Men at Arms Series, 170)

ISBN: 0850456797
Author: Philip Katcher
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

When the Southern states seceded to form their own government in 1861, one of their first moves was to organise an army. The South's fighting men served from the time of their enlistment until the end of the war, receiving poor rations, and even worse clothing – and this despite the fact that one of the first steps taken by the new army was to design a uniform and establish standards for accoutrements and weapons. In this first of five volumes examining American Civil War armies, Philip Katcher profiles the uniforms issued by the national Confederate government to its artillery, cavalry and infantry troops.



American Civil War Armies (4) : State Troops (Men-At-Arms Series, 190)

ISBN: 0850457475
Author: Philip Katcher
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

The War between the States' is the term used for the American Civil War throughout much of the South even today. Many on both sides – not just the South – felt that they were serving their states as much, if not more, than their central governments. Many of the states agreed; the state governments raising their own units, commissioning their officers, and supplying their men. Indeed, many of the units that fought the Civil War were supplied in large part by their own states rather than by the central government's quartermasters. Philip Katcher's fascinating text explores the uniforms of 32 states; from Alabama to Wisconsin.


American Civil War Armies 5: Volunteer Militia (Men-at-Arms, No 207)

ISBN: 0850458536
Author: Phillip Katcher / Ron Volstad
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (UK)

Uniformed volunteer units were raised by individuals, usually from an area's social élite who had enough spare money and time to spend on such enthusiasms. They voted on their unit designation, their officers and non-commissioned officers, their unit rules, and their uniform. Many future leaders learned their skills in these ranks, and volunteer militia units formed the core of many fighting units on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. With the help of numerous photographs and illustrations, including eight full page colour plates by Ron Volstad, Philip Katcher does a fine job of detailing the uniforms of the volunteer militia of the American Civil War.


:help: :lammer:
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15 Июн 2005
Wargamer написал(а):
lawkeeper, Не качается почему-то :-(((

(censored) Allfiles.
проверил, качается, не с первого раза правда. IP только русские, и качать в один поток.
извините, на рапиду три раза заливал, а ссылки так и не получил((
ежели кто перезальет либо посоветует


6 Дек 2004

Серия: Elite, 019
Наименование: The Crusades
Размер: 57,9Mb

_ftp://ftp.netz.ru/Books/Osprey/Osprey - Elite 019 - The Crusades.part1.rar

_ftp://ftp.netz.ru/Books/Osprey/Osprey - Elite 019 - The Crusades.part2.rar



Серия: Campaign, 024
Наименование: Arnhem Operation Market Garden
Размер: 33,7Mb




Серия: Campaign, 085
Наименование: Peking 1900 The Boxer Rebellion
Размер: 41,6Mb



to demetrios,

начал загружать остальное по средневековью, долго не был дома, сори:)
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