Во-первых, спасибо Jack_the_Ripper за Ледовое побоище: не было его у меня.
Во-вторых, вот от меня книга "номер раз"
Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers
(Men-at-Arms 64)
И, в-третьих, продолжаю свой список:
Серия Elite
003 - The Vikings
007 - The Ancient Greeks
023 - The Samurai
030 - Attila and the Nomad Hordes
035 - Early Samurai AD 200–1500
039 - The Ancient Assyrians
040 - New Kingdom Egypt
042 - The Persian Army 560-330 B.C.
066 - The spartan army
011 - Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny
034 - Afrikakorps 1941–43
051 - US Army Air Force (2)
056 - Scottish Divisions in the World Wars
059 - US Marine Corps 1941–45
060 - U-Boat Crews 1914–45
063 - German Mountain & Ski Troops 1941–45
079 - The Royal Navy 1939–45
080 - The US Navy in World War II
090 - Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941–45
092 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1) Navy & USMC
095 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2) Army & Air Corps
104 - Britain's Air Defences 1939–45
105 - World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
111 - Heroes of the Soviet Union 1941–45
124 - World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
001 - The Paras 1940–84
005 - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
008 - Israeli Defence Forces since 1973
009 - The Normans
015 - The Armada Campaign 1588
019 - The Crusades
020 - Inside the US Army
021 - The Zulus
025 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) Infantry
027 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (2)
041 - Elite forces of India and Pakistan
043 - Vietnam Marines 1965–73
045 - Armies of the Gulf War
048 - Nelson's Navy
049 - The Gurkhas
053 - International Brigades in Spain 1936–39
065 - Redcaps - Britain's Military Police
069 - Buccaneers 1620–1700
069 - Pirates 1660-1730
070 - Elizabethan sea dogs 1560-1605
071 - Queen Victoria's Commanders
082 - Samurai Heraldry
083 - Napoleon's Commanders (2) c.1809–15
091 - US Army Frontier Scouts 1840–1921
101 - Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 1792–1815
102 - Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821–48
103 - Vietnam ANZACs Australian & New Zealand Troops in Vietnam 1962–72
107 - Buffalo Soldiers 1866–91
ПыСы: извиняюсь за текст ьез выделений - что-то не хотят вставляться теги, а ручками ужо силов нету
Во-вторых, вот от меня книга "номер раз"
Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers
(Men-at-Arms 64)
Owing to the heavy casualties suffered by the carabiniers in the 1809 campaign, the Emperor decreed that they should be armoured to the same advantage as the cuirassiers. In this way the two corps drew together in being the only troops of the Grande Armee who were armoured, while at the same time they diverged in breaking away from their traditionally similar dress. Emir Bukhari does a splendid job of examining the uniforms and equipment of Napoleon's cuirassiers and carabiniers, in a text complemented throughout by numerous illustrations and diagrams including eight full page colour plates by the ever popular Angus McBride.
И, в-третьих, продолжаю свой список:
Серия Elite
003 - The Vikings
007 - The Ancient Greeks
023 - The Samurai
030 - Attila and the Nomad Hordes
035 - Early Samurai AD 200–1500
039 - The Ancient Assyrians
040 - New Kingdom Egypt
042 - The Persian Army 560-330 B.C.
066 - The spartan army
011 - Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny
034 - Afrikakorps 1941–43
051 - US Army Air Force (2)
056 - Scottish Divisions in the World Wars
059 - US Marine Corps 1941–45
060 - U-Boat Crews 1914–45
063 - German Mountain & Ski Troops 1941–45
079 - The Royal Navy 1939–45
080 - The US Navy in World War II
090 - Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941–45
092 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1) Navy & USMC
095 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2) Army & Air Corps
104 - Britain's Air Defences 1939–45
105 - World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
111 - Heroes of the Soviet Union 1941–45
124 - World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
001 - The Paras 1940–84
005 - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
008 - Israeli Defence Forces since 1973
009 - The Normans
015 - The Armada Campaign 1588
019 - The Crusades
020 - Inside the US Army
021 - The Zulus
025 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) Infantry
027 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (2)
041 - Elite forces of India and Pakistan
043 - Vietnam Marines 1965–73
045 - Armies of the Gulf War
048 - Nelson's Navy
049 - The Gurkhas
053 - International Brigades in Spain 1936–39
065 - Redcaps - Britain's Military Police
069 - Buccaneers 1620–1700
069 - Pirates 1660-1730
070 - Elizabethan sea dogs 1560-1605
071 - Queen Victoria's Commanders
082 - Samurai Heraldry
083 - Napoleon's Commanders (2) c.1809–15
091 - US Army Frontier Scouts 1840–1921
101 - Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 1792–1815
102 - Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821–48
103 - Vietnam ANZACs Australian & New Zealand Troops in Vietnam 1962–72
107 - Buffalo Soldiers 1866–91
ПыСы: извиняюсь за текст ьез выделений - что-то не хотят вставляться теги, а ручками ужо силов нету