Hpmbcalc Hex Calculator 4.01
Hpmbcalc - программируемый калькулятор для работы с целыми числами. Умеет работать с разными системами исчисления (Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin). Позволяет вычислять контрольные суммы (hash, СRC, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, RIPEMD, 16 и 32-bit CRC) и многое другое.
is a programmable multiple-precision integer calculator with many utilities. With Hpmbcalc, you can perform "big number" arithmetic and math operations such as modular multiplication, modular inverse, pseudo-random number generation, primality test, key exchange, and hash value calculation.
key features
* standard hex calculator panel
basic big number math operations; Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin conversion; byte/operand swap; square root, Jacobi symbol, modular inverse calculation; next/previous prime search; and more...
*scripting host and automation support
built-in scripting host; support VBScript and JScript; multiple-precision operation methods; and more...
*built-in hash/checksum/CRC calculator
hash, checksum, CRC calcualtion; MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, RIPEMD hash algorithms; 16 and 32-bit CRC value; message and file support; and more...
*built-in number formatter
format ASCII text, c-source code, memory dump, big number to hex number; file and clipboard support.
*built-in pseudo-random data/prime generator
generate a pseudo-random sequence of bits; search for a random probabilistic prime.
*built-in randomicity/primality test tool
perform primality test and some statistical tests on a data.
*more features
fast multiple-precision operations; unlimited length of operands; full on-line help; XP visual styles support; and more...
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