Visual Mind v7.0.16
Программное обеспечение для mind mapping на компьютере. Интеллект-карты (mind maps) - это форма визуального представления процесса мышления или структурирования информации. Цели создания карт могут быть самыми различными: прояснение для себя какого-то вопроса, сбор информации, принятие решения, запоминание сложного материала, передача знаний ученикам или коллегам и еще множество других.
Visual Mind is a powerful tool that will help you in your daily work, whether the purpose is business or personal related. Through a mind friendly and simple to use interface, you can visualize your thinking, quickly arrange and organize your work, all to benefit you as well as people around you.
Planning and organizing are key elements in businesses and professionals daily life. Visual Mind increases your capabilities and improves your efficiency through simple graphical techniques.
Keeping track of an increasing number of different tasks, and prioritizing them correctly, influence your performance as a business professional. Visual Mind allows you to quickly and easily be on top of your "To-do" list, making sure that you keep your wanted focus, and improve your time management.
Making decisions, minor or major, project oriented or as part of a strategic planning process, tend to follow the same basic pattern. Being able to evaluate the appropriate factors are vital in a decision making process. Visual Mind is flexible enough for minor decisions, yet allows the development of decisions trees etc. for major decisions.
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