Это не оченб сложно, просто надо загрузчик сделать на флешке, сейчас существует много программ, которые могут тебе помочь.free user написал(а):А можно это всё на закинуть Memory Stick (проcьбасильно не бить, если это уже вдруг обсуждалось)
VERSION HISTORY.txt написал(а):7.00
Extended the Windows Menu and added to it the items previously in MORE XP UTILS.
Added LSPFix to the Windows Menu.
Added Sherlock Codec Detector to the Windows Menu.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.50.
Updated Norton WinDoctor and DiskDoctor on the Windows Menu to the 2006 versions.
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v2.50.480.
Added Active Ports to the Windows Menu.
Updated Your Uninstaller on the Windows Menu to v.
Updated AutoRuns on the Windows Menu to v.8.43.
Removed No Steal Focus from the Windows Menu.
Added SAVE DATA batch file to the Windows Menu.
Updated HWINFO on the DOS Menu to v4.9.7.
Removed Active Ports on the Windows Menu.
Added CurrPorts to the Windows Menu.
Updated Easy Recovery Pro on the DOS Menu to v6.10.
TweakMaster on the Windows Menu is now registered.
Updated Acronis TrueImage on the DOS Menu to v9.0.2337.
Updated X-Ray PC on the Windows Menu to v1.0.0.17.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.52.
Fixed minor error on opening RegRun on the Windows Menu.
Updated Windows Update List on the Windows Menu to v1.12.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.53.
Updated PC Check on the DOS Menu to v6.0.
Updated Maxtor Powermax on the DOS Menu to v4.22.
Removed XP NumLock from the Windows Menu.
Added RootKit Eliminator to the Windows Menu.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.54.
Updated HWINFO on the DOS Menu to v4.9.8.
Updated Your Uninstaller on the Windows Menu to v5.0.0.225..
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.55.
Removed Replacer from the Windows Menu.
Added Pocket Killbox to the Windows Menu.
Removed MBoot from the Windows Menu.
Added WFP Tools to the Windows Menu.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.56.
Updated BadCopy Pro on the Windows Menu to v3.80.1108.
Updated SAMInside on the Windows Menu to v2.5.4.0.
Updated the Windows Genuine Advantage Patcher (WGA Patch) on the Windows Menu
for the April 2006 LegitCheckControl.dll.
Updated Gold Memory on the DOS Menu to v6.92.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.57.
Updated RootKit Eliminator on the Windows Menu to v2.2.1036.0.
(Added solution to RootKit Eliminator expiring on Menu popup)
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.58.
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v2.80.534.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.59.
Updated the WGA Patch on the Windows Menu to fix the 23/05/06 version.
Updated the WGA Patch on the Windows Menu to fix the 30/05/06 version.
Added support for NVIDIA RAID to ERD Commander, Recovery Console
and BlueCon XXL.
Removed Everest SysInfo from the ERD Commander Desktop as the
new version no longer works in that enviroment.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.61.
Updated PDF Reader on the Windows Menu and ERD Commander Desktop to v1.4.
Updated the WGA Patch on the Windows Menu to fix the June06 version.
Unrared Manuals and compressed them instead.
Removed Small CD Writer from the Windows Menu and ERD Commander Desktop.
Added Sateira CD/DVD Writer to the Windows Menu and ERD Commander Desktop.
Updated X-Setup Pro on the Windows Menu to v8.1.110.
Removed System File Checker from the Windows Menu.
Added Dial-a-fix to the Windows Menu.
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v3.00.626.
Updated the WGA Patch on the Windows Menu to fix the July06 version.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.62.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.63.
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v3.00.630.
Added support for Silicon Image 3132 SATA to ERD Commander, Recovery Console
and BlueCon XXL.
Added FIXNTLDR (Multiple 'Boot.ini' to fix 'NTLDR is missing'.) to Boot Menu.
Updated RootKit Eliminator on the Windows Menu to the latest version.
Tidied up folder structure.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.65.
Updated WinRAR on the Windows Menu to v3.60.
Updated Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic on the DOS Menu to v5.04f.
Updated MHDD HD Diagnostic And Repair on the DOS Menu to v4.60.
Updated IBM-Hitachi Drive Fitness Test on the DOS Menu to v4.06.
Updated RegSupreme on the Windows Menu to v1.4.0.46.
Updated HDTune on the Windows Menu and ERD Commander Desktop to v2.52.
Removed Process Manager from the Windows Menu.
Added Sysinternals Process Explorer to the Windows Menu.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.67.
Updated WinRAR on the Windows Menu to v3.61.
Updated LSP Fix on the Windows Menu to v1.1.
Updated the WGA Patch on the Windows Menu to fix LegitCheckControl.dll v1.5.708.
Added support for Silicon Image 3114r SATA RAID to ERD Commander, Recovery Console
and BlueCon XXL.
Updated HWInfo on the DOS Menu to v5.03.
Removed Rootkit Eliminator from the Windows Menu.
Added Sophos Anti-Rootkit to the Windows Menu.
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v3.01.726.
Replaced corrupted file Si3114r.sys that was causing BlueCon XXL and
Recovery Console to fail.
Updated AutoRuns on the Windows Menu to v8.53.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.68.
Reduced the size of WGA CRACK on the Windows Menu.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.70.
Updated Registry Supreme Pro on the Windows Menu to v1.4.0.48.
Updated Your Uninstaller on the Windows Menu to v5.0.0.255.
Removed WGA Patch from the Windows Menu.
Added XP KEY to the Windows Menu. (Inserts Student Key)
Updated Everest Sysinfo on the Windows Menu to v3.50.761.
Removed System Restore from the Windows Menu.
Added ERUNT to the Windows Menu.
Removed RegCleaner from the Windows Menu.
Added Reg Organizer v3.3 to the Windows Menu.
Updated XP Anti-Spy on the Windows Menu to v0.9.7.
Updated FreshUI on the Windows Menu to v7.71.
Updated Your Uninstaller on the Windows Menu to v5.0.0.258.
Updated Maxtor PowerMax on the DOS Menu to v.4.23.
Updated Fujitsu ATA HDD Diagnostic Tool on the DOS Menu to v.6.61.
Updated IBM-Hitachi Drive Fitness Test on the DOS Menu to v.4.08.
Removed Expand from the Windows Menu.
Added EasyBCD to the Windows Menu.
Removed V2i Browser and Restore from the Windows Menu and the ERD Commander Desktop.
Added Vista Manager to the Windows Menu.
Updated Driver Cleaner on the Windows Menu to v2.2.19.
Added Registry Reanimator to the ERD Commander Desktop.
Updated WinDriver Ghost on the Windows Menu to v2.05.
Updated Keyfinder on the Windows Menu to v1.51.
Removed ActiveX Helper from the Windows Menu.
Added Image Editor to the Windows Menu.
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