Randall Hyde - The Art of 64-Bit Assembly, Volume 1 (2021)


28 Янв 2020
The Art of 64-Bit Assembly, Volume 1
Автор: Randall Hyde (2021)
This book is the culmination of 30 years’ work. The very earliest versions of this book were notes I copied for my students at Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside under the title “How to Program the IBM PC Using 8088 Assembly Language.” I had lots of input from students and a good friend of mine, Mary Philips, that softened the edges a bit. Bill Pollock rescued that early version from obscurity on the internet, and with the help of Karol Jurado, the first edition of The Art of Assembly Language became a reality in 2003.

Thousands of readers (and suggestions) later, along with input from Bill Pollock, Alison Peterson, Ansel Staton, Riley Hoffman, Megan Dunchak, Linda Recktenwald, Susan Glinert Stevens, and Nancy Bell at No Starch Press (and a technical review by Nathan Baker), the second edition of this book arrived in 2010.

Ten years later, The Art of Assembly Language (or AoA as I refer to it) was losing popularity because it was tied to the 35-year-old 32-bit design of the Intel x86. Today, someone who was going to learn 80x86 assembly language would want to learn 64-bit assembly on the newer x86-64 CPUs. So in early 2020, I began the process of translating the old 32-bit AoA (based on the use of the High-Level Assembler, or HLA) to 64 bits by using the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM).

When I first started the project, I thought I’d translate a few HLA programs to MASM, tweak a little text, and wind up with The Art of 64-Bit Assembly with minimal effort. I was wrong. Between the folks at No Starch Press wanting to push the envelope on readability and understanding, and the incredible job Tony Tribelli has done in his technical review of every line of text and code in this book, this project turned out to be as much work as writing a new book from scratch. That’s okay; I think you’ll really appreciate the work that has gone into this book.