Rainlendar - календарь на рабочем столе


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar - это календарь на рабочем столе.
Программа очень маленькая, не требует установки, показывает списки задач на сегодня и на несколько дней вперед, есть синхронизация с Outlook.
Можно выбирать количество показываемых месяцев как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали, поддержка горячих клавиш, поддержка скинов, есть русский язык.



Small and lightweight
Different type events can have different appearence
Supports Windows transparency
Synchronizes events between several clients
Localized for multiple languages
Shows an alarm when an event is due
Supports iCal files.
Shows Outlook's appointments
Includes a todo-list
Works also as Litestep plugin
Displays the current date in tray icon
Can stick to the desktop (i.e. doesn't hide with Show Desktop)
Hotkeys for quick access
Easy skinning with an UI
Can be controlled from 3rd party applications with !bangs
and more...

Официальный сайт:

Старая версия программы (версия 0.22.1) (больше не поддерживается)


Версия 2.1

Lite: _http://www.ipi.fi/~rainy/download/Rainlendar-Lite-2.1.exe
Pro: _http://www.ipi.fi/~rainy/download/Rainlendar-Pro-2.1.exe
Дополнительные скины:
Дополнительные языки (есть русский):

Версия 0.22.1

Rainlendar (no installer included):_http://vapaa.dc.inet.fi/~rainy/Rainlendar/Rainlendar-0.22.1.zip 790 kB
Rainlendar (with installer): _http://vapaa.dc.inet.fi/~rainy/Rainlendar/Rainlendar-0.22.1.exe 948.08 kB
Дополнительные языки (в том числе и русский) : _http://vapaa.dc.inet.fi/~rainy/Rainlendar/rainlendar_languages.zip 181.01 kB
Дополнительные скины: _http://vapaa.dc.inet.fi/~rainy/Rainlendar/rainlendar_skins.zip 1645.24 kB

Еще скины есть здесь:
Последнее редактирование модератором:


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar 2.1 Build 40 Beta


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar 2.1 Build 42 Beta

o Added a check to make sure the configuration file is writable.
o Some fixes to the proxy support.
o Windows snap also to the taskbar.
o Added offline calendar support to Google plugin.
o Only 'alert' alarms are read from the Google calendar.
o Fixed DST issue in weekly recurring outlook appointments.
o "Keep on screen" repositioned a window incorrectly if it's dimensions were smaller than the threshold. Fixed.
o ScrollGroup showed tooltips even if they were outside it's area. Fixed.


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar v2.1 Build 43 Beta

o Alarm time was calculated incorrectly for weekly recurring events. Fixed.
o Added support for urls in the lists and to tooltip.
o Tooltip can be left open (or kept hidden) by keeping shift key down.
o Added edit links to Outlook events. The links can be hidden from the settings.
o Added "Disable text formatting" advanced option to disable the wiki style formatting and the hotlinks.
o Fixed Outlook notifications with nested calendar folders.
o Added "DST" to <time> item which can be used to disable DST adjustment.
o Added option for safe uploads to the network calendars.
o Fixed a DST problem which caused some months to be shown incorrectly in certain timezones.
o Fixed window snapping in Linux.
o Added option to close the MAPI connection in Outlook plugin so that the message store file isn't locked all the time.
o Added option to poll changes in the Outlook and automatically refresh when events when something happens.


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar 2.2

Lite: _http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Rainlendar-Lite-2.2.exe
Pro: _http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Rainlendar-Pro-2.2.exe

List of changes:
o Full Google Calendar support
o Added Urgent category to the Shadow4 skin.
o Added a separate snooze button to the alarm window for all items.
o Alarm time was calculated incorrectly for weekly recurring events. Fixed.
o Added support for urls in the lists and tooltip.
o Tooltip can be left open (or kept hidden) by keeping shift key down.
o Added edit links to Outlook events. The links can be hidden from the settings.
o Added "Disable text formatting" advanced option to disable the wiki style formatting and the hotlinks.
o Fixed Outlook notifications with nested calendar folders.
o Added "DST" to <time> item which can be used to disable DST adjustment.
o Added option for safe uploads to the network calendars.
o Fixed a DST problem which caused some months to be shown incorrectly in certain timezones.
o Fixed window snapping in Linux.
o Added option to close the MAPI connection in Outlook plugin so that the message store file isn't locked all the time.
o Added option to poll changes in the Outlook and automatically refresh when events when something happens.
o Added a check to make sure the configuration file is writable.
o Windows snap also to the taskbar.
o "Keep on screen" repositioned a window incorrectly if it's dimensions were smaller than the threshold. Fixed.
o ScrollGroup showed tooltips even if they were outside it's area. Fixed.
o Moved proxy settings to Options->Advanced.
o Outlook Task priority didn't work. Fixed.
o Added possibility to choose the shown message folders in Outlook plugin.
o Snooze times are customizable from the advanced options
o The todo dialog shows only calendars which are capable of storing todo items.
o Task without start and due date was shown on all days in the calendar. Fixed.
o It's now possible to translate the year postfix for birthdays and anniversaries.
o Changed the translation of the event list headers.
o Fixed a crash bug in Linux when new calendars are added with the wizard.
o The name of the calendar is written as "X-WR-CALNAME" to the ics file.
o Removed blank lines from the ics file for better iPod compatibility.
o Fixed a crash bug on Linux network calendar when the offline file didn't exist.
o It is now possible to delete just a single instance of a recurring task.
o The ics files will always use CRLF as end of line mark.
o Fixed alarms in tasks which don't have start time defined.
o Tasks without due time are shown correctly now.
o Unknown dates in the task list are sorted to the end of the list.
o Unknown parameters in iCalendar properties do not stop the parsing anymore.
o Added Tooltip format to the advanced options.
o New todo sort options: by location and by calendar.
o Fixed a crash bug when the recurrence interval was set to 0.


5 Ноя 2005
Rainlendar 2.3

Lite: _http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Rainlendar-Lite-2.3.exe
Pro: _http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Rainlendar-Pro-2.3.exe

o New skin: Chromophore
o Added native transparency support for Linux.
o Custom todo order and snooze didn't work correctly if event or task id had '/'-char. Fixed.
o Added a check to make sure that at least a window or the tray icon is visible.
o Events and tasks are printed in the same order as they are in the Manager.
o It's now possible to move google calendar events to other calendars.
o Old skins do not list non-existing windows anymore.
o Changing month from the menu now sets they year correctly.
o Public and private status is saved to Google Calendar.
o Day distance was calculated incorrectly when DST changed. Fixed.
o Added dontSendContinue option to the network plugin.
o QuickAdd (--add) creates tasks if the string is prefixed with "task" or "todo".
o An error is shown if the downloaded file cannot be parsed.
o Fixed timezone handling in the analog clock.
o It's not allowed to use '/'-character in the calendar, window or template names since it corrupts the ini-files.
o Template saved as "QuickAdd" will be automatically applied to the events and tasks created from command line.
o Added "Copy to" and "Move to" menu items to the Manager.
o Image rotation is now antialiased.
o Printing showed incorrect month in the title when year changed. Fixed.
o Scaling images down uses now bicubic resampling (i.e. the result is much better than before).
o Added indentation support for the first line of the multiline texts.
o Fixed skin and language installation on Linux when the user doesn't have privileges.
o Fixed image position problem in the ini format skins.
o Made the scanning of the skins recursive so it doesn't matter anymore how deep the folder structure is.
o Added possibility to customize the todo list according to the task priority.
o Illegal characters are removed from the offline file name.
o Updating a component multiple times causes conflicts in Google calendar. Fixed.
o Added support for exception days in Google calendar.
o Updated wxWidgets library.
o Manager dialog crashed on Linux if there were no items. Fixed.
o Some more adjustments to the timezone calculations for weekly recurring Outlook events.
o Some adjustments to the event list headers when items are more than week away from today.
o Information about the deleted calendars is removed from the settings file now too.
o Added support for strikethrough text.
o Added "effectcolor" attribute to xml skins which can be used to define the shadow/border effect color.
o Moved variables to a separate list in the skin settings dialog.
o Variables can be defined as a list of strings now too.
o Fixed line endings in the ics files written by Rainlendar.
o Added "hue" to the image elements to change the color.
o Group separators were missing from the todo list. Fixed.
o Some adjustments to the timezone calculations for weekly recurring Outlook events.
o Fixed traytip position if there are multiple rows of icons.
o Local time was intepreted as UTC in the Google plugin. Fixed.
o Added support for templates to event and todo dialogs. Check the manual for details how to use them.
o Dismissing an event hid also the next event from the list. Fixed.
o Added page setup to print dialog.
o Fixed links that were surrounded with parenthesis.
o Added an advanced option to show the name of the calendars in the event and todo lists.
o Creating a new event or task from the tray menu sets the date correctly now.
o Added option to use the default Google alarms. Works only if you don't define any alarm for the event.
o Events added to Google calendar are not deleted from other calendars anymore (you'll get duplicates though).
o Added and option to group the multiday events in the event list.
o Added support for "On Desktop" setting on Linux.
o Fixed a crash bug when multiple network calendars were used at the same time.
o Calendar lists can be now filtered from the window settings by using the "Visible calendars".
o Rainlendar wasn't always able to create the configuration file. Fixed.
o Fixed authentication issues with the Google calendar.
o Removed limit from the string length in the list since it breaks the Outlook links.
o Added support for Sunbird's alarm acknowledge property in the ics files.
o Added -a command line argument which can be used to create events from command line.
o Time item supports free timezone definitions. Use format: "(+/-)HH:MM" (e.g. "-02:30")
o Added calendar list window to the Shadow4 skin.
o Fixed a problem in the alarm for biweekly events.


28 Янв 2020
Rainlendar Pro Multilingual x64/x86
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои


28 Янв 2020
Rainlendar Pro Multilingual
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои