unred : If the Action Pallet is in Button Mode, and Escape is pressed while an action is running, the action button will become red. This will reset the button so that action can be restarted from the beginning.
unbackground : Converts the current Background Layer into a normal layer that can accept a Layer Mask.
ProPhotoRGB-Linear : Convert image to a linear version of the ProPhotoRGB colorspace.
knee/setup : Creates a Curves Adjustment Layer to remove highlight clipping.
dodge/setup : Creates a new selective exposure adjustment layer with layer mask.
gnd/setup : Creates a new custom gradient graduated neutral density filter (exposure adjustment).
contrast/new : Creates a new contrast group for hi/lo contrast adjustment.
contrast/lo * [l] : Converts the currently selected Adjustment Layer into a Curves Adjustment Layer that adjusts lo contrast by * levels.
contrast/hi * [l] : Converts the currently selected Adjustment Layer into a Curves Adjustment Layer that adjusts hi contrast by * levels.
zone/setup : Create layer to highlight a zone.
zone/* [l] : Change which zone gets highlighted.
gray : A black and white conversion tool that allows independant adjustments of the tones in the shadows, midtones, and highlights.
denoise [m] : Noise reduction tool.
sharp/custom [m] : Sharpen with custom level.
sharp/* [m] : Sharpen with * setting.
double/* [f] : Double image size, * is sharpening setting.
grain/color [m] : Add colored film grain to an image.
grain/mono [m] : Add monochromatic film grain to an image.
gloss-diff/new * [m] : Batch friendly way to reduce gloss differential problem.
gloss-diff/custom [m] : Custom level of gloss differential reduction.
gloss-diff/* [l] : Change current gloss-diff layer to a different setting.
FarrarFocus-Batch : Creates undeveloped extended dynamic range blended digital negatives and applies adjustment layers of smaller images to full size images.