13.3 MbHere is what's new in TwistedBrush Pro Studio 15.58:
Added - Metallize Lua Filter script.
Added - Simplify Lua Filter script.
Added - 1 brush added each to the following Artsets: Art Tools - Cover Paints, Art Tools - Pens and Effects - Basics. Each related to a anti-aliased brush.
Added - Brush Shape Dab Position to the Collections - Shape Paint ArtSet.
Added - 2 brushed added to the Art Tools - Eraser ArtSet. Anti-Aliased Eraser and Ribbon Eraser.
Added - 4 Brushes added to the Art Tools - Pens ArtSet. Artist Pen 1 - 4.
Added - 4 Brushes added to the Art Tools - Blenders ArtSet. Charcoal Blender, Charcoal Brusher, Dark Blur and Light Blur.
Added - 3 Brushes added to the Art tools - Oil Paints Artset.
Added - 3 Brushes added to the Art Tools - Charcoals ArtSet.
Improved - The Lua Filter scripts LSystem and checkerbox have been updated with new improved versions. A special thanks to RJP74 for the updates!
Improved - A number of the Lua scripts have been updated to take advantage of new features in the Lua Filter language. A special thanks to rjp74!!
Improved - Additions to the Lua Filter script Fractal 01.
Improved - Any time a copy is done the Paste tool (with stamp mode) will be prepared to paste the same area as what was copied. Previously only the Copy tool would do this, now all copy commands will do this.
Improved - Quality and preformance improvements for the subsample brush effect. The subsample brush effect is useful for adding anti-aliasing to a brush.
Improved - Quality improvements for the line smoothness.
Improved - The Bld_* brush effects have been improved to support more correct blending to keep a number of these effects from resulting in the paint turning darker than the soruce paint.
Fixed - The brush icons in the shortcut panel could become corrupt wth the video mode is switched (if the computer is awoken from hiberation).
Fixed - Dynamic brush sizing was not working in combination with the SubSample brush effect. This had impacted a small handful of brushes.
Размер: 13.52 MBWhat\s new in TwistedBrush Pro Studio 15.67:
· Added - Popup message giving one time guidence on the tool usage.
· Added - 3 Quick Start help pages for simple getting starting topics.
· Improved - Pressing Shift while clicking on a color bar color will copy the currently selected color to that color slot. Similar to how a brush can be copied in the shortcuts panel.
· Changed - The initial tool selected is now the Pan tool. Previously it was the color picker. This is changed to reduce the chance ofo new users having difficulties get started.
· Changed - The color controls on the left hand panel have been reorganized to make them more centrally located.
14.33 MbWhat's new in 15.73:
*Added - ArtSet Art Tools - Watercolors Real.
*Added - ArtSet Collections - Fractal Paint 02
*Added - 16 new brushes to the Art Tools - Watercolors 2 ArtSet.
*Enhanced - The Script Brush Tool has been enhanced for ease of use.
*Enhanced - In the Edit ArtSet dialog the Optimize feature will now remove the disabled effects from the brushes in addition to condensing the effects to the top of the list.
*Fixed - Brush effect "Cor Dabit Len X 100" was not working properly.
Changes in version 15.76:
Added - Popup modifier tools auto dismission option.
Added - Added Quick Command button for the Color Picker.
Improved - Cleaner looking removal of the popup modifiers panel.
Improved - The layer duplicate action places the duplicatd layer right above the source layer.
Fixed - The brush effect Auto Merge and the menu command Merge and Continue were not properly clearing the undo steps resulting in erratic behavior when attempting to undo those actions.
Fixed - After selecting a color palette from the Load Palette dialog the mouse was still in select color mode when over the color palette.
Fixed - When the mouse button invert option was on the color palette tabs selection was inverted also but it shouldn't be.
Fixed - The layer duplicate action didn't work on very large pages.