Mark Dwane - Angels, Aliens & Archetypes.
Mark Dwane - Angels, Aliens & Archetypes. 1991 год. Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся Формат: 192 kbps, mp3.
2 Saucers over Nazca 6:40
3 Atmospheric Flange :18
4 Spirits of the Rainforest 5:05
5 Obelisk 5:48
6 Virtual Gods 5:58
7 The Maya 4:15
8 Oracle 6:07
9 Lights in the Clouds 3:30
пароль/password: 6002
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Mark Dwane - Angels, Aliens & Archetypes. 1991 год. Для просмотра ссылки Войди

After Dwane's debut release, The Monuments Of Mars, it's clear Dwane hasn't lost any momentum or polish on this release and his signature sound is still present. This is rhythmic, electronic synth music on the same par as Tangerine Dream and the early solo works of Patrick O'Hearn. What is unique, is that Dwane does all of this myriad of soundforms through MIDI guitar. Percussion is R8 based. This is not snoozer ambient or introspective dronings but uplifting, lively, crystalline cathedrals of melody, beat, and the embellished gestalt of alien worlds. For the 6:07 piece, 'Oracle' and the 3:30 'Lights In The Clouds', this disk is worth having. Each evoked an equally eerie effect. George 'Star Wars' Lucas et al or Chris 'X files' Carter both need to hook up with Dwane for soundtrack work. It is hard to say more about this release other than this — Dwane represents one of the best MIDI guitar composers and performers I have had the treat to discover.
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1 Angels, Aliens & Archetypes 6:12 2 Saucers over Nazca 6:40
3 Atmospheric Flange :18
4 Spirits of the Rainforest 5:05
5 Obelisk 5:48
6 Virtual Gods 5:58
7 The Maya 4:15
8 Oracle 6:07
9 Lights in the Clouds 3:30
пароль/password: 6002
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