(01-06-05) 1_2_2_beta
· New: HDR format can be imported in the viewer, and converted to MXI.
· New: -bitmap:0 render without bitmaps
· Changed: sampling level is now shown as a decimal number
· Fixed: -bitmapath command line option fixed
· Fixed: pixel artifacts
· Fixed: polygonal diaphragm is enabled
· Fixed: black lines in the edge of the image
· Fixed: crash when 'stop render' is pressed
· Improved: bump mapping (may still show small artifacts)
· Improved: memory management
· other minor bugs fixed
· Plugin for Maya / Linux available
· Fog (volumetric) is temporarily disabled.
· Clipmap still wrong
901-07-05) 1_2_2a_beta patch
(01-06-05) 1_2_2_beta
A unexpected bug crashes Maxwell or the plugins
the second time they are called if a polygonal diaphragm
camera is used.
This has been fixed and named 1.2.2a patch.
what's included:
Lightwave plugin:
version 0.16
· MXI file persist in scene save/load
· render region fixed
· smaller MXS output
Sketchup plugins:
v3.00: June 26, 2005: Updated to handle Maxwell
v1.21 beta bitmaps. Include SSS parameters, and
now Maxwell supports .PNG. Remove “low quality”
render from the Ruby menu.
Cinema4D plugin:
(15-Jun-2005) release 0.5
0.-Fixed Angle limit for Phong Tag, maximum is 60º.
1.-Fixed normals bug that made black patches and weird things (my apologies to all).
2.-Bump maps are ok. Strength can be set higher than 100% just by writing it
in the Strength slider edit field.
5.-"Command line" options for MacOSX still don´t work.
7.-"Motion blur" still doesn´t work.
8.-"Set system date" works now.
9.-"Burn" value of tonemapping maybe is a little high to use with Physical sky. Decrease it at will.
10.-All Preview options tab is useless now.
-Camera things, aperture, focal point, get rid of target expression.....
-Visibility dots, propagation to children.
-Polygon selection tag for multimaterial.
-Parent scale and propagation to children.
-Plugin parameters animation.(for sunlight and others)
-Texture scaling, tiling, offsetting...(next release, i promise!)
-Save plugin settings.
-Use of mxi textures for emitters.
3DS Max plugin
(15-06-05) 1_2_beta
Some minor bugs fixed.
Quality parameter eliminated (now automatic).
Number of bounces eliminated (now automatic).
Added the MXI texture for emitter materials.
(01-07-05) 1_2_1_beta
Some bugs fixed when reading MXI files from MAX.
Circular, Polygonal diaphragm bug solved.
Linked Camera Targe working.
Maya plugin:
Mayalll version 0.8.4:
-Maxwell is now integrated in the Maya Global Render
Infrastructure, you can access to the Maxwell Globals
through the Render Globals window.
-Environment is now appart from globals, you can
access them using the AE, now is possible to animate
several environment parameters easily.
-Maxwell Shelf finished, you can access almost all the
main Maxwell tools from there.
-Several minor bugs and code cleaning done.
-A limitation is that you can't render to fcheck, if you
use Maya's Render Current Frame fcheck and Maxwell
display are opened but only it rendered into Maxwell
display. If you use Maxwell menu or shelf Render
Current Frame you get only the normal Maxwell Display.
Rhinoceros3D plugin
Rhinoll 0.6.1 (Beta) - 23/06/2005
* Strength parameters added to all the maps.
* Scene name modified and name checked.
* Rhinoll updated to the new Maxwell SDK.
Rhinoll 0.6 (Beta) - 15/Jun/2005
* Support for Maxwell 1.2.
* Render process priority option added.
* Emitter material support custom color illuminants.
* Presets for camera resolutions added. Included viewport resolution option.
* MXI rerendering interfaz bug solved.
* Material craetion bug solved, erro: "Material Exists".
Rhinoll version 0.6 prerequisites:
- Please make sure you are running the latest Rhino V3 SR4 RC2:
(Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся)
Maxwell SDK
Maxwell Manual
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
не надо такого размера шрифт!
(01-06-05) 1_2_2_beta
· New: HDR format can be imported in the viewer, and converted to MXI.
· New: -bitmap:0 render without bitmaps
· Changed: sampling level is now shown as a decimal number
· Fixed: -bitmapath command line option fixed
· Fixed: pixel artifacts
· Fixed: polygonal diaphragm is enabled
· Fixed: black lines in the edge of the image
· Fixed: crash when 'stop render' is pressed
· Improved: bump mapping (may still show small artifacts)
· Improved: memory management
· other minor bugs fixed
· Plugin for Maya / Linux available
· Fog (volumetric) is temporarily disabled.
· Clipmap still wrong
901-07-05) 1_2_2a_beta patch
(01-06-05) 1_2_2_beta
A unexpected bug crashes Maxwell or the plugins
the second time they are called if a polygonal diaphragm
camera is used.
This has been fixed and named 1.2.2a patch.
what's included:
Lightwave plugin:
version 0.16
· MXI file persist in scene save/load
· render region fixed
· smaller MXS output
Sketchup plugins:
v3.00: June 26, 2005: Updated to handle Maxwell
v1.21 beta bitmaps. Include SSS parameters, and
now Maxwell supports .PNG. Remove “low quality”
render from the Ruby menu.
Cinema4D plugin:
(15-Jun-2005) release 0.5
0.-Fixed Angle limit for Phong Tag, maximum is 60º.
1.-Fixed normals bug that made black patches and weird things (my apologies to all).
2.-Bump maps are ok. Strength can be set higher than 100% just by writing it
in the Strength slider edit field.
5.-"Command line" options for MacOSX still don´t work.
7.-"Motion blur" still doesn´t work.
8.-"Set system date" works now.
9.-"Burn" value of tonemapping maybe is a little high to use with Physical sky. Decrease it at will.
10.-All Preview options tab is useless now.
-Camera things, aperture, focal point, get rid of target expression.....
-Visibility dots, propagation to children.
-Polygon selection tag for multimaterial.
-Parent scale and propagation to children.
-Plugin parameters animation.(for sunlight and others)
-Texture scaling, tiling, offsetting...(next release, i promise!)
-Save plugin settings.
-Use of mxi textures for emitters.
3DS Max plugin
(15-06-05) 1_2_beta
Some minor bugs fixed.
Quality parameter eliminated (now automatic).
Number of bounces eliminated (now automatic).
Added the MXI texture for emitter materials.
(01-07-05) 1_2_1_beta
Some bugs fixed when reading MXI files from MAX.
Circular, Polygonal diaphragm bug solved.
Linked Camera Targe working.
Maya plugin:
Mayalll version 0.8.4:
-Maxwell is now integrated in the Maya Global Render
Infrastructure, you can access to the Maxwell Globals
through the Render Globals window.
-Environment is now appart from globals, you can
access them using the AE, now is possible to animate
several environment parameters easily.
-Maxwell Shelf finished, you can access almost all the
main Maxwell tools from there.
-Several minor bugs and code cleaning done.
-A limitation is that you can't render to fcheck, if you
use Maya's Render Current Frame fcheck and Maxwell
display are opened but only it rendered into Maxwell
display. If you use Maxwell menu or shelf Render
Current Frame you get only the normal Maxwell Display.
Rhinoceros3D plugin
Rhinoll 0.6.1 (Beta) - 23/06/2005
* Strength parameters added to all the maps.
* Scene name modified and name checked.
* Rhinoll updated to the new Maxwell SDK.
Rhinoll 0.6 (Beta) - 15/Jun/2005
* Support for Maxwell 1.2.
* Render process priority option added.
* Emitter material support custom color illuminants.
* Presets for camera resolutions added. Included viewport resolution option.
* MXI rerendering interfaz bug solved.
* Material craetion bug solved, erro: "Material Exists".
Rhinoll version 0.6 prerequisites:
- Please make sure you are running the latest Rhino V3 SR4 RC2:
(Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Maxwell SDK
Maxwell Manual
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
не надо такого размера шрифт!
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