Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell




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Machine Learning
Tom Mitchell
McGraw Hill

Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997.

Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. Applications range from datamining programs that discover general rules in large data sets, to information filtering systems that automatically learn users' interests.

This book provides a single source introduction to the field. It is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and for developers and researchers in the field. No prior background in artificial intelligence or statistics is assumed.

Chapter :
1. Introduction
2. Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering
3. Decision Tree Learning
4. Artificial Neural Networks
5. Evaluating Hypotheses
6. Bayesian Learning
7. Computational Learning Theory
8. Instance-Based Learning
9. Genetic Algorithms
10. Learning Sets of Rules
11. Analytical Learning
12. Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning
13. Reinforcement Learning

414 pages. ISBN 0070428077

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