Курсы Udemy / Courses Udemy


5 Май 2008
The Complete Delphi Masterclass: 3-in-1
Leverage the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on Windows, MacOS X, Android, and iOS

Delphi is one of the most popular IDE for cross-platform native app development. It helps you to focus on the real business and avoid the pain of going through amid GUI widget details or inter-platform incompatibilities. So, if you want to build native cross-platform apps with a single codebase for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Google Android, iOS, and Linux, then go for this Learning Path.

This comprehensive 3-in-1 course begins by getting you accustomed to the Delphi IDE and the Object Pascal language. You will then familiarize yourself with JSON format strings, XSLT transformations, Unicode encodings, and various types of streams. This learning path then moves on to more advanced topics such as developing higher-order functions and using enumerators and RTTI. You will also go through topics such as multi-threading, using the parallel programming library, and putting Delphi on a server. Finally, you will learn to improve your development skills and GUI programming with FireMonkey.
  • Get to grips with Delphi to build and deploy various cross-platform applications
  • Design, develop, and deploy real-world applications by implementing a single source codebase
  • Create server-side programs to serve RESTful web services and provide data to your mobile apps
  • Use well-defined GUI design patterns to build mobile applications that provide a great user experience
  • Write VCL applications – Windows development
  • Start making amazing apps with FireMonkey – Cross-platform development
  • Work with data sources, embedded SQL databases such as FireDAC, dbExpress
  • Build server-side data and application services with DataSnap
  • Delphi Solutions - Part 1 03:33:55
  • Delphi Solutions - Part 2 / 34 aulas - 04:31:40
  • Mastering Delphi / 37 aulas - 04:32:42
  • complete content: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
2GB each part:

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5 Май 2008
Angular 7 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide by Udemy (2019)
(28hrs lessons)

Angular 7 (formerly Angular 2) is one of the most comprehensive Angular training courses on the Yodmy website that fully develops Web applications using this framework. In this course, everything is trained in detail from the early stages of installing and configuring Uglyar, components, directives, services, form, http access, validation, optimization, modules, offline compilation, and many more. A program How to make the web from the first stages until it is distributed and published. In this course, the CLI capabilities, which are an efficient command line for rapid implementation and based on Angular Programming Practices, are also introduced. Today, Angular is far more modern than the past and has made many sites to use it. This framework has a high performance, and its distinctive coding advantage has made it one of Fantasy's best frames.

The main language used in this framework, as seen in most of its tutorials, is Typographic script. This language is in fact a javascript superscript and its use enhances the speed of coding and accelerates the process of making web applets in the Angular context. Although familiarity with javascript is sufficient for Angular coding, good familiarity with TypeScript is an advantage; therefore, as much as possible, training on topics related to this language has been trained as much as possible in this course. One of the good features of this course is to provide examples for most of the Angular Educational Concepts, so that by observing each example, you fully understand what the use of that topic is.

Content of the Angular 7 course (formerly Angular 2)
  • Develop web-based, scalable, and sophisticated web applications using Angular 4
  • A comprehensive understanding of the architecture and performance of the Angular 7
  • Create single-page programs
  • Full and profound tutorials on Angular 7
  • Course characteristics Angular 7 (formerly Angular 2)
  • English language
  • Duration: 28:09:34
  • Number of lectures: 424
  • Teacher: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • Playback on: Windows, Mobile, TV
  • Complete list of topics and educational titles
  • Course content: 424 lectures 28:09:34
  • Getting Started: 11 lectures 36:31
  • The basics: 27 lectures 01:34:32
  • Course Project - The Basics: 17 lectures 01:03:43
  • Debugging: 3 lectures 12:09
  • Components & Databinding Deep Dive: 18 lectures 01:11:55
  • Course Project - Components & Databinding: 6 lectures 31:07
  • Directives Deep Dive: 12 lectures 47:02
  • Course Project - Directives: 1 lecture 06:25
  • Using Services & Dependency Injection: 10 lectures 34:14
  • Course Project - Services & Dependency Injection: 8 lectures 30:48
  • Changing Pages with Routing: 31 lectures 02:18:12
  • Course Project - Routing: 15 lectures 45:32
  • Understanding Observables: 11 lectures 38:42
  • Course Project - Observables: 1 lecture 03:51
  • Handling Forms in Angular Applications: 33 lectures 01:48:31
  • Course Project - Forms: 22 lectures 01:14:36
  • Using Pipes to Transform Output: 10 lectures 37:03
  • Making Http Requests: 14 lectures 39:29
  • Course Project - Http: 5 lectures 21:22
  • Authentication & Route Protection in Angular Apps: 15 lectures 44:30
  • Using Angular Modules & Optimizing Apps: 25 lectures 01:27:27
  • Deploying an Angular App: 4 lectures 11:49
  • Bonus: The HttpClient: 14 lectures 51:36
  • Bonus: Working with NgRx in our Project: 49 lectures 03:41:08
  • Bonus: Angular Universal: 9 lectures 27:08
  • Angular Animations: 12 lectures 39:22
  • Adding Offline Capabilities with Service Workers: 5 lectures 27:23
  • A Basic Introduction to Unit Testing in Angular Applications: 11 lectures 45:19
  • Angular Changes & New Features: 3 lectures 35:53
  • Course Roundup: 2 lectures 01:59
  • Custom Project & Workflow Setup: 13 lectures 51:02
  • Bonus: TypeScript Introduction (for Angular 2 Usage): 7 lectures 25:55

  • NO Angular 1 or Angular 2 knowledge is required!
  • Basic HTML and CSS knowledge helps, but is not a must-have
  • Prior TypeScript knowledge also helps but is not necessary to benefit from this course
  • Basic JavaScript knowledge is required


5 Май 2008
Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks by Udemy (2019)
(22hrs lessons)

Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks is the name of the Data & Analytics video training suite and Deep Learning. The training set for you is a comprehensive training course for learning deep learning algorithms in the field of artificial neural networks. By observing this course, you will have a very good understanding of artificial neural networks. You will also begin to learn the concepts and skills you need in this tutorial by looking at this complete tutorial from elementary to advanced level.

You will need to have high school math information to view this course. Also, to better understand the tutorials of this video course, you need to be familiar with Python programming. Deep learning knowledge has many fans these days and with the help of this knowledge you will be able to solve complex problems ahead of you.

Features of Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks
Dear students, you will learn from the beginning with deep learning knowledge to advanced level by observing and learning the concepts, techniques and skills presented in this visual collection. You will also be fully acquainted with Artificial Intelligence in this training suite. On the other hand, your distinguished students will have more than 180 training sessions to complete the training sessions.

Course specifications:
  • Publisher: Udemy
  • Teacher: Kirill Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves, SuperDataScience Team
  • Level: Advanced to advanced
  • Duration: 22:47:42
  • Number of lessons: 184 lessons
  • English language
  • Deep Learning A-Z Headings: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks
  • Course content: 184 lectures 22:47:42
Welcome to the course: 5 lectures 24:44

------- Part 1 - Artificial Neural Networks ------
1 lecture 00:15
ANN Intuition: 8 lectures 01:17:37
Building an ANN: 14 lectures 01:22:31
Homework Challenge - Should we say goodbye to that customer?: 2 lectures 13:24
Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN: 3 lectures 46:39
Homework Challenge - Put me one step down on the podium: 1 lecture 00:13

------- Part 2 - Convolutional Neural Networks ------
1 lecture 00:09
CNN Intuition: 10 lectures 01:40:55
Building a CNN: 13 lectures 01:19:21
Homework - What's that pet?: 2 lectures 16:40
Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the CNN: 2 lectures 00:32

-------- Part 3 - Recurrent Neural Networks --------
1 lecture 00:38
RNN Intuition: 7 lectures 01:11:42
Building a RNN: 17 lectures 02:01:42
Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the RNN: 3 lectures 02:24

-------- Part 4 - Self Organizing Maps --------
1 lecture 00:10
SOMs Intuition: 10 lectures 01:30:50
Building a SOM: 5 lectures 53:29
Mega Case Study: 4 lectures 30:44

--------- Part 5 - Boltzmann Machines ---------
1 lecture 00:47
Boltzmann Machine Intuition: 8 lectures 01:13:10
Building a Boltzmann Machine: 19 lectures 02:51:16

---------- Part 6 - AutoEncoders ----------
1 lecture 00:32
AutoEncoders Intuition: 10 lectures 39:13
Building an AutoEncoder: 15 lectures 02:16:25

------- Annex - Get the Machine Learning Basics ------
1 lecture 00:29
Regression & Classification Intuition: 5 lectures 27:14
Data Preprocessing Template: 7 lectures 01:04:04
Classification Template: 6 lectures 38:42
Bonus lectures: 1 lecture01: 53

  • High school mathematics level
  • Basic Python programming knowledge
This tutorial has English subtitles.
Movie quality is 720p.
This tutorial was purchased by download. In case of delay in updating, remind us.
Changes: There was no change in the duration and number of lessons than the 2018/11 version. Probably modified.

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5 Май 2008
Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python by Udemy (2019)
(12hrs lessons)

Machine Learning Data Science and Deep Learning with Python is a collection of video tutorials on machine learning, data science and deep learning with Python. The course you are pursuing as a comprehensive course is to fully teach the machine with data knowledge, Tensorflow, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Networks. You will be able to build artificial neural networks with Tensorflow and Keras by viewing this visual course. On the other hand, you will learn how to categorize data automatically using artificial intelligence through deep learning, images, and data.

Your pre-set tutorial will also teach you the most practical techniques and skills. You will also learn the full classification of data using K-Means. Also, the training of this collection is prepared in such a way that you will have a very good understanding of machine learning by viewing and analyzing them.

Features of the Machine Learning Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
Dear students, you will learn from the beginning by observing and learning the concepts, skills and techniques in this training suite. You will also be fully acquainted with the training applications provided in this training suite. Dear Students, You will have 91 video tutorial sessions to complete this visual course.

Course specifications:
  • Publisher: Udemy
  • Moderator: Sundog Education by Frank Kane, Frank Kane
  • Level: Advanced to advanced
  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Number of lessons: 92 lessons
  • English language
  • Machine Learning Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
  • Course content: 92 lectures 12:04:57
  • Getting Started: 8 lectures 53:03
  • Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice: 12 lectures 01:39:05
  • Predictive Models: 4 lectures 33:33
  • Machine Learning with Python: 13 lectures 01:17:54
  • Recommender Systems: 6 lectures 49:10
  • More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques: 6 lectures 52:51
  • Dealing with Real-World Data: 6 lectures 45:38
  • Apache Spark: Machine Learning is Big Data: 12 lectures 01:38:22
  • Experimental Design: 5 lectures 33:16
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks: 15 lectures 02:39:12
  • Final project: 2 lectures 16:52
  • You made it: 3 lectures 06:05

  • You'll need a desktop computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) capable of running Enthought Canopy 1.6.2 or later. The course will walk you through the installation of the necessary free software.
  • Some prior coding or scripting experience is required.
  • At least high school level math skills will be required.
  • This course walks through getting set up on a Microsoft Windows based desktop PC. While the code in this course will run on other operating systems, we can not provide OS-specific support for them.
The previous title is Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python.
This tutorial has English subtitles.
Movie quality is 720p.
This tutorial was purchased by download. Remind us if you have delays in providing new updates.
Changes: A lesson has been added to the previous version of 2019/1.

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5 Май 2008
JavaScript Bible – Complete JavaScript and ES6 Bootcamp 2019 by Udemy (2019)
(12hrs lessons)

JavaScript Bible is the name of the comprehensive Javascript web programming language. In this tutorial, you will be tapped to cover what you need in the javascript programming language. This training course is also suitable for both Frontend developer and Backend developer programmers and can be useful for any range of programmers. In this course, the concepts and principles of JavaScript work will be discussed and taught from the outset. In this training course, you will see students about 40 hours of training ahead of you.

In this video tutorial, you will learn concepts like ES6, Babel, React, NPM, Webpack, Node.js, MongoDB. It will also create a modern programmer based on the latest features of javascript. On the other hand, you will be given a lot of useful exercises to better understand the concepts of this course. By doing these exercises, you will be able to build powerful and modern programs in the web environment.

JavaScript Bible Course Features:
  • Achieve a very good understanding of JavaScript
  • Learn from elementary level to highly advanced skills levels
  • Learn the latest and most modern JavaScript programming language concepts
  • Learning concepts such as ES6, Babel, React, NPM, Webpack, Node.js, MongoDB
  • Learn all the features of the JavaScript programming language
  • Learn Javascript programming language by doing the exercises provided
  • And…
JavaScript Bible Features:
  • Publisher: Udemy
  • Teacher: Bogdan Stashchuk
  • Level: Advanced to advanced
  • Duration: 42:32:06
  • Number of lessons: 428 lessons
  • English language
  • JavaScript Course Bible Syllabus:
  • Course content: 428 lectures 42:32:06

  • Intro: 2 lectures 05:09
  • EXERCISE Files and SOFTWARE Setup: 9 lectures 50:12
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Intro: 11 lectures at 40:00
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Types and Variables: 11 lectures 01:35:14
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Objects: 8 lectures 01:01:48
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Functions: 11 lectures 01:34:59
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Operator: 12 lectures 01:54:30
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Expressions vs. Statements: 6 lectures 59:47
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Scopes: 7 lectures 01:10:03
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Arrays: 6 lectures 58:06
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Loops and Conditional Statements: 16 lectures 02:43:58
  • JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Advanced Topics: 15 lectures 03:01:40
  • ES6 Variables Lifecycles: 26 lectures 03:04:33
  • ES6 Arrow functions: 12 lectures 01:21:04
  • ES5.1 Array Helper Methods: 48 lectures 03:52:59
  • ES6 Template Literals: 7 lectures 45:11
  • ES6 Rest / Spread Operators and Default Function Parameters: 16 lectures 02:03:47
  • ES6 Enhanced Object Literals: 5 lectures 32:57
  • ES6 Array and Object Devructuring: 16 lectures 01:32:37
  • ES6 Classes, Prototypes and Function Constructors: 37 lectures 04:48:56
  • Babel Introduction: 28 lectures 01:35:22
  • NPM - Node Package Manager: 37 lectures 02:14:13
  • Webpack: 3 lectures 41:34
  • Introduction to the MongoDB: 36 lectures 01:29:21
  • Additional JavaScript Challenges: 43 lectures 01:54:22

  • Just your computer
  • Readiness to solve different Challenges for yourself
  • Passion for coding and learning
  • The previous name is JavaScript Bible.
  • This tutorial has English subtitles.
  • Movie quality is 720p.
  • This tutorial was purchased by download. In case of delay in updating, remind us.
  • Changes: As compared to the previous version of 2019/2, 15 lessons and 3 hours have increased.

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5 Май 2008
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp by Udemy (2019)
(22hrs lessons)

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp is a collection of video tutorials for business and business, in the Knowledge and Analysis Branch. You will learn how to use the Python programming language to learn how to use the knowledge of data and machine learning by viewing this tutorial. The course you are about to learn how to use Python's power to analyze data, create beautiful imagery and use power car learning algorithms.

By viewing this tutorial, you will be able to do a very large data analysis with Python. You will also learn how to work with NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly, Scikit-Learn, Learning Machine, Tensorflow, and more. Also, quoting the publisher of this course, you will need to have at least the programming experience to view this course.

Features of Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
Dear students, you will be able to analyze various business and business data by observing and learning the training available in this training suite. Also included in this tutorial is a special way to use Python to analyze and learn the car. You will have 149 video tutorial sessions for students to view all videos of this course.

Course specifications:
  • Publisher: Udemy
  • Moderator: Jose Portilla, Pierian Data International by Jose Portilla
  • Level: Advanced to advanced
  • Duration: 22:29:34
  • Number of lessons: 149 lessons
  • English language
  • Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp headings
  • Course content: 149 lectures 22:29:34
  • Course Introduction: 3 lectures 07:15
  • Environment Set-Up: 1 lecture 11:14
  • Jupyter Overview: 3 lectures 23:48
  • Python Crash Course: 8 lectures 01:24:13
  • Python for Data Analysis - NumPy: 8 lectures 01:03:43
  • Python for Data Analysis - Panda: 11 lectures 01:42:36
  • Python for Data Analysis - Pandas Exercises: 5 lectures 35:06
  • Python for Data Visualization - Matplotlib: 7 lectures 01:00:08
  • Python for Data Visualization - Seaborn: 9 lectures 01:21:54
  • Python for Data Visualization - Pandas Built-in Data Visualization: 3 lectures 23:44
  • Python for Data Visualization - Plotly and Cufflinks: 2 lectures at 22:00
  • Python for Data Visualization - Geographical Plotting: 5 lectures 40:29
  • Data Capstone Project: 9 lectures 01:18:35
  • Introduction to Machine Learning: 4 lectures 21:04
  • Linear Regression: 6 lectures 51:35
  • Cross Validation and Bias-Variance Trade-Off: 1 lecture 06:25
  • Logistic Regression: 6 lectures 01:07:29
  • K Nearest Neighbors: 4 lectures 40:42
  • Decision Trees and Random Forests: 5 lectures 44:58
  • Support Vector Machines: 4 lectures 34:58
  • K Means Clustering: 4 lectures 37:21
  • Principal Component Analysis: 2 lectures at 20:24
  • Recommender Systems: 3 lectures 31:10
  • Natural Language Processing: 6 lectures 01:18:54
  • Big Data and Spark with Python: 12 lectures 01:42:07
  • Neural Nets and Deep Learning: 10 lectures 01:23:38
  • APPENDIX: OLD TENSORFLOW VIDEOS (Version 0.8): 7 lectures 01:33:33

  • Some programming experience
  • Admin permissions to download files
  • This tutorial has English subtitles.
  • Movie quality is 720p.
  • This tutorial was purchased by download. In case of delay in updating, remind us.
  • Changes: As compared to the previous version, 2018/11, the training time increased by 2 minutes. Probably modified.

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5 Май 2008
NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS Android & Web Apps by Udemy (2019)
(20hrs lessons)

NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps is a tutorial from the Yodmy site that teaches you how to build local Web apps, Android, and iOS using the Angular and NativeScript frameworks. With Angular help, you can now create responsive and appealing software, but the use of NativeScript along with Angular helps you to perfect your software level and create advanced apps for Android and iOS.

During this period, you learn how NativeScript works and how it works, then you will become familiar with the elements of the NativeScript program. Learn how to build engaging user interfaces and widgets, and you can design mobile notifications. Styling with CSS is the next program for the next course of the course and the method of receiving input from the user is also explained. Tutor also teaches how to manage the status and information in the program, and introduces you to sending the data to the server and receiving it in the program and how it is validated. This course is perfectly suited for programmers who want to create mobile apps or use a code structure to build mobile and web applications.

Courses taught in this course:
  • Build native apps for iOS and Android using the Angular Framework and Web technologies
  • Use a coding structure to build local mobile and web applications
  • Understanding how to use the ecosystem and features of the NativeScripting framework
  • NativeScript + Angular profile: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps:
  • English language
  • Duration: 20 hours and 42 minutes
  • Number of lessons: 237
  • Teacher: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • File Format: mp4
Course topics:
  • Introduction: 8 lectures 23:34
  • Optional: Angular - A Quick Refresher: 29 lectures 01:48:14
  • Setting Up the Development Environment: 9 lectures 46:29
  • Understanding the Basics: 24 lectures 02:35:49
  • Diving Into App Navigation: 37 lectures 03:08:49
  • Styling our app: 24 lectures 02:27:16
  • Adding Forms: 12 lectures 59:28
  • Understanding State: 21 lectures 01:47:25
  • Storing Data on the Backend: 9 lectures 34:03
  • Adding Authentication to our App: 18 lectures 01:39:42
  • Deploying our app: 8 lectures 34:50
  • Code Sharing: 35 lectures 03:22:41
  • Roundup: 3 lectures 03:48

NativeScript + Angular Course Requirements: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps
  • Solid Angular Knowledge is a must-have (How it works, dependency injection, Angular app structure)
  • NO prior NativeScript knowledge is required
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28 Янв 2020

Udemy – полный мастер-класс по Delphi: 3 в 1 2021-7

Полный мастер–класс по Delphi: 3 в 1 - это комплексный учебный курс по разработке и программированию на Delphi, опубликованный Академией Udemy. Delphi - это мощная и профессиональная интегрированная среда разработки программного обеспечения (IDE), которую можно использовать для быстрой разработки кроссплатформенного и мультиплатформенного программного обеспечения. Можно одновременно выводить данные из Delphi для разных операционных систем, таких как OS, MacO, Windows и Android, и одновременно переносить определенное программное обеспечение для операционной системы и платформы. Более важным является преимущество Delphi, которое использует собственные компоненты операционной системы хоста и избавляет вас от необходимости разрабатывать виджеты и графический интерфейс, а самое главное, иметь дело с кросс-платформенной несовместимостью.

Создание собственных и кроссплатформенных приложений с использованием среды разработки Delphi - вполне достижимая и реалистичная цель, и пользователь может использовать специальную кодовую базу для различных операционных систем и платформ, таких как Android, iOS, macOS. медленные Windows и Linux получают выходные данные. Delphi по умолчанию использует язык объектного программирования Pascal и обладает уникальным процессом разработки и программирования.

Чему вы научитесь на полном мастер–классе по Delphi: 3 в 1​

  • Разработка и внедрение различных кроссплатформенных приложений с использованием Delphi
  • Проектирование и разработка мобильных приложений и собственных приложений
  • Создание серверных приложений и создание веб-служб RESTful с помощью Delphi
  • Оптимальные шаблоны разработки мобильных приложений для создания наилучшего и максимально удобного пользовательского интерфейса
  • Написание приложений VCL
  • И …

Технические характеристики курса​

Издатель: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Преподаватели: Издательство Packt
Язык: Английский
Уровень: начинающий
Количество уроков: 99
Продолжительность: 12 часов 38 минут
размер 6,6 Гб
Субтитры на английском
Качество: 720p
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои


28 Янв 2020
Udemy – Next.js & React – The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!) 2022-11
NextJS & React – полное руководство., название учебного курса, NextJS из базы и сборка приложений с полным стеком ReactJS с использованием Delphi и C ++ Builder NextJS industry. NextJS - это фантастический вариант для разработчика, работающего с React, и может помочь вам запрограммировать React на обновление более высокого уровня. С тех пор, как NextJS быстро развивается в отрасли и т. Д., Крайне востребованная отрасль. Создавать приложения React, которые имеют замечательный пользовательский интерфейс, с другой стороны, SEO higher до сих пор никогда не было так просто. Кроме того, это приложения NextJS для сборки как на интерфейсе, так и на серверной части, что упрощает, а также может использоваться с ит, аутентификацией, выполнением пользователями входа и входа в систему, выходом и управлением пользователями собраний.

Какой период NextJS & React – Полное руководство узнать:​

  • Изучите все ключевые функции NextJS, такие как предварительный рендеринг, SSR и т. Д., выборка данных, маршрутизация на основе аутентификации файла
  • Как создавать приложения на стороне клиента и полнофункциональный ReactJS с использованием NextJS
  • Создавайте реальные проекты, чтобы работать, создавая то, чему вы научились во время проекта, и примеры
  • Вы можете пройти курс, или, если у вас ограниченное время, вы можете использовать только сводный модуль NextJS для быстрого начала в течение ограниченного времени, которое у вас есть.

Период спецификации​

Издатель: Udemy
преподаватели: Максимилиан Шварцмюллер и Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
язык: английский,
уровень образования: от начального до продвинутого
Количество уроков: 275
Время: 25 часов 2 часа
Субтитры: английские
Качество: 720p
Размер - 5,87 Гб

Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои