Programming books collection.
Залил на рапиду немного книжечек, может кому-то и пригодятся
Всего 13 архивов, каждый около 50 метров.
Итак, начнем-с:
Часть 1.
1. Addison Wesley - Building Web Applications with UML 2nd Edition
2. Addison Wesley - Effective Incident Response Team, The
3. Addison Wesley - Enterprise Integration Patterns. Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions
4. Addison Wesley - Enterprise Java Security. Building Secure J2EE Applications
5. Addison Wesley - Extreme Programming Perspectives
6. Addison Wesley - Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals, The
7. Addison Wesley - Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML, The
8. Addison Wesley - JavaServer PagesT, Second Edition
9. Addison Wesley - JavaT Tutorial, 3rd Edition. A Short Course on the Basics, The
10. Addison Wesley - JFC Swing Tutorial, The. A Guide to Constructing GUIs, Second Edition
11. Addison Wesley - PCI Express System Architecture
12. Addison Wesley - Processing XML with Java
13. Addison Wesley - Programmer's Guide to JavaT Certification, A. A Comprehensive Primer, 2nd Edition
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Часть 2.
1. Addison Wesley - Real Time UML. Advances in The UML for Real-Time Systems, Third Edition
2. Addison Wesley - Refactoring Workbook
3. Addison Wesley - Supply Chains. A Manager's Guide
4. Apress - Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
5. Charles River Media - Algorithms for Compiler Design
6. Charles River Media - PC Repair and Maintenance. A Practical Guide
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Часть 3.
1. Digital Press - Oracle9iR2 Data Warehousing
2. Hungry Minds - Apache Server 2 - Bible
3. Hungry Minds - JavaScript Bible, 4th Edition + JSB Gold Chapters
4. Hungry Minds - UML 2 for Dummies
5. HungryMinds - XML Bible, Second Edition
6. Idea Group - Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology
7. Idea Group - E-Business Innovation and Change Management
8. Idea Group - Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
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Часть 4.
1. Hungry Minds - JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition
2. Idea Group - E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments
3. McGraw-Hill - OOP Demystified. A Self-Teaching Guide
4. McGraw-Hill - Struts. The Complete Reference
5. Wrox - Professional XML Development with Apache Tools
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Часть 5.
1. McGraw-Hill - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051)
2. McGraw-Hill - Web Services Security
3. MC Press - WebSphere Certification Study Guide. Developing J2EE Applications with IBM WebSphere Studio. IBM Certified Enterprise Developer
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Часть 6.
1. McGraw-Hill - HTML & XHTML. The Complete Reference, 4th Edition
2. McGraw-Hill - Practical J2EE Application Architecture
3. MCSE - Microsoft Windows XP Professional
4. Microsoft - Designing Relational Database Systems
5. Microsoft - Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with XML
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Часть 7.
1. Microsoft - Developing XML Solutions
2. Microsoft - Programming Windows (5th Edition)
3. Microsoft - XML Programming
4. New Riders - Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB, A Developer's Guide to J2EE Solutions
5. New Riders - Real World XML
6. O'Reilly - Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition
7. O'Reilly - Apache Cookbook
8. O'Reilly - Cascading Style Sheets, 2nd Edition
9. O'Reilly - CSS Cookbook
10. O'Reilly - Eclipse Cookbook
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Часть 8.
1. O'Reilly - DNS on Windows Server 2003
2. O'Reilly - Hardcore Java
3. O'Reilly - High Performance MySQL
4. O'Reilly - J2EE Design Patterns
5. O'Reilly - Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition
6. O'Reilly - Java Database Best Practices
7. O'Reilly - Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
8. O'Reilly - Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition
9. O'Reilly - JavaServer Faces
10. O'Reilly - JavaServer Pages, 3rd Edition
11. O'Reilly - Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook
12. O'Reilly - Java Threads, Third Edition
13. O'Reilly - Learning XSLT
14. O'Reilly - Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition
15. O'Reilly - Mastering Oracle SQL
16. O'Reilly - Mastering Regular Expressions, 2nd Edition
17. O'Reilly - Network Security Assessment
18. O'Reilly - Oracle Essentials. Oracle Database 10g, 3rd Edition
19. O'Reilly - SendMail Cookbook
20. O'Reilly - SQL in a Nutshell, Second Edition
21. O'Reilly - SQL Tuning
22. O'Reilly - The Web Programming CD Bookshelf
23. O'Reilly - Transact-SQL Cookbook
24. O'Reilly - Web Database Application with PHP and MySQL, 2nd Edition
25. O'Reilly - WebLogic. The Definitive Guide
26. O'Reilly - XML Hacks
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Часть 9.
1. O'Reilly - XML in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
2. O'Reilly - XSLT Cookbook
3. Premier Press - Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrator's Guide
4. Premier Press - Web Security Basics
5. Prentice - Advanced DBA Certification Guide and Reference for DB2R Universal DatabaseT
6. Prentice - Core CSS. Cascading Style Sheets, 2nd Edition
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Часть 10.
1. Prentice - Core J2EE Patterns. Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition
2. Prentice - Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
3. Prentice - Inside the Security Mind. Making the Tough Decisions
4. Prentice - Java for ColdFusion Developers
5. Prentice - Open Source Network Administration
6. Prentice - Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture, A
7. Prentice - XSLT and XPATH. A Guide to XML Transformations
8. Que - PMP Exam Cram 2
9. Que - Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
10. Sams - Ant Developer's Handbook
11. Sams - MySQL Tutorial
12. Sams - Oracle Developer Forms Techniques
13. Sams - Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer PagesT 2.0 with Apache Tomcat in 24 Hours
14. Sams - Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One
15. Sybex - Java Foundations
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Часть 11.
1. Sybex - Cascading Style Sheets. The Designer's Edge
2. Sybex - Ground-Up Java
3. Wiley - Control and Security of E-Commerce
4. Wiley - Implementing Backup and Recovery
5. Wiley - Java in 60 Minutes a Day
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Часть 12.
1. Wiley - Cryptography For Dummies
2. Wiley - JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less
3. Wiley - Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
4. Wiley - XML Programming Bible
5. Wrox - Beginning Xml, 2Ed - Xml Schemas, Soap, Xslt, Dom, And Sax 2.0
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Часть 13.
1. Wrox - Beginning JavaScript
2. Wrox - Professional Apache Tomcat
3. Wrox - Professional Jakarta Struts
4. Wrox - Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
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