Книги по операц. системам, их настройке, обслуживанию


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Linux Ebooks

Linux Ebooks

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

(ebook)Linux+-Comptia-Test_King_XK0-001.pdf 438.87 KB 8/13/2004
(ebook)Linux-Web_Solution-php-mySql-Apache.pdf 400.06 KB 8/13/2004 8Basic_UNIX_Tutorial.pdf 270.34 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_Firewall_Proxy_Server.pdf 180.23 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_Networking_How_To.pdf 265.47 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_RedHat_Firewall_HowTo.pdf 184.21 KB 8/13/2004 Linux_Samba_HOWTO_Collection.pdf 151.23 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_Security.pdf 357.26 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_Shell_Scripting_Tutorial.pdf 169.99 KB 8/13/2004
Linux_Web_Database_Guide.pdf 48.16 KB 8/13/2004
UNIXCommands.pdf 10.03 KB 8/13/2004


Syngress Creating Security Policies and Implementing Identity Management with Active Directory

Identity Management has quickly become one of the most important and time consuming, responsibilities of Win 2K Network Administrators. Streamlining and consolidating user identity information including the data, preferences, and configurations used by the systems and applications with which user interacts is now a prerequisite to running an efficient and secure enterprise.

Contents include:
  • Balancing Security and Usability
  • Managing External Network Access
  • Identity Management with Microsoft's Metadirectory
  • Internet Authentication Service
  • Creating a User Authorization Strategy

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Файл будет доступен до 22:12 26.12.2004
Пароль - netz.ru


28 Дек 2004
Утро доброе. На 0дэй сегодня появилась прога ScriptLogic.v6.05.Incl.Keymaker-EMBRACE. Зайдя на офф сайт (hтэтэp://www.scriptlogic.com/) обнаружил интересный пункт в меню - Free eBooks. А там две очень классный книженциИ. но надо региться чтобы их получить... бесплатно но муторно..поэтому кину прямые линки


линк на скачку всех с 1ой по 4ую главы - hтэтэp://sclogic.vo.llnwd.net/o2/downloads/ebook/asgads_chapters1-4.zip (где то около 1 мега)

и еще


линк на скачку всех с 1ой по 8ую главы -
hтэтэp://sclogic.vo.llnwd.net/o2/downloads/ebook/DGWDA-Final.zip (около 3 и 5 десятых мега :) )

В ваших интересах зарегиться все таки.. ибо при поступлении новых глав вам буит приходить сообщение... если лень то заходим и читаем что за главы и качаем по моим прямым линкам... с офф сайта


7 Июн 2004
Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004

Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004​


Product Description:

Dr. Tom Shinder has become synonymous with Microsoft's flagship firewall product ISA Server, as a result of his prominent role as a member of the beta development team, and his featured placement on both Microsoft's ISA Server Web site and ISAserver.org. Tom's book on the first release of the product Configuring ISA Server 2000 dominated the ISA Server 2000 book market. Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004 provides you with unparalleled information on installing, configuring, and troubleshooting ISA Server 2004 by teaching you to:

Deploy ISA Server 2004 in small businesses and large organizations
Achieve 99.999% uptime for your ISA Server 2004 Internet access solution
Roll out an International VPN using built-in ISA Server 2004 VPN Wizards and configuration interface
Learn how to configure complex DMZ configurations using ISA Server 2004's new network awareness features and built-in multinetworking capabilities
Learn how to take advantage of ISA Server 2004's new VPN capabilities!

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Configuring Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition
By Laura E. Hunter


Price: $59.95
800 pages
Size: 7.375 x 9.25

"The authors of Configuring Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition have experience implementing and managing Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition installations in enterprises that range from 50 to 5,000 users with multiple servers, and have hands-on experience with the day-to-day operation of NAVCE, from installation to troubleshooting to infection recovery. Whether you are managing an existing NAVCE 7.6 configuration or implementing SAVCE version 8.x, this book will help you get the most out of your software installation, allowing you to maximize your virus protection while minimizing both the cost of ownership and your own workload."
---David Banes
Symantec Security Response
Asia Pacific Regional Manager
  • See What's New in NAVCE 7.6
    Learn about Discovery Service, the service that locates NAVCE servers that are available to be managed by the Symantec System Center console, and enhanced rollout to secondary servers.
  • Master the Symantec System Center (SSC) Console
    The SSC provides a centralized interface that allows you to remotely perform manual virus scans, schedule virus scans, configure virus definition update options, and more.
  • Implement Central Quarantine
    Master advanced features of the Quarantine Console and configure managed client PCs to route suspected viruses to the Quarantine Server.
  • Develop an Upgrade Plan
    Upgrade from NAVCE 7.0 and 7.5, learn how to do automatic migration, migrate from third-party LAN antivirus programs, and develop a project plan for a NAVCE upgrade.
  • Configure a Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition (NAVCE) 7.6 infrastructure to protect resources
    See how to configure multiple NAVCE clients and servers and how to configure roaming for NAVCE 7.6 clients.
  • Developing a Security Solution for NAVCE 7.6
    Secure NAVCE 7.6 Windows NT / 2000 Servers, NAVCE 7.6 Novell NetWare Servers, NAVCE 7.6 Client PCs, and learn how to use the Reset ACL Tool.
  • Master the Virus Definition Transport Method (VDTM)
    Learn how to use automated virus definition delivery and distribution and to configure clients to automatically connect to parent servers over a network link and copy updates.
  • Troubleshoot Servers and Client PCs
    Find the basisc of troubleshooting, troubleshooting roaming client support, addressing performance issues, and accessing information databases.
  • Configure Computer Virus Scans
    Understand outbreaks, virus scanning methods, and see how to analyze the results of virus scans.
  • Register for Your 1 Year Upgrade
    The Syngress Solutions upgrade plan protects you from content obsolescence and provides monthly mailings, whitepapers, and more!

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9 Мб
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Skinning Windows XP
By Joe Habraken. Published by Que. Series: One-off.


SBN: 078973348X;
Published: Apr 18, 2005;
Copyright 2005;
Dimensions 7" x 9-1/8" ;
Pages: 336; Edition: 1st.

Описание книги
Как вы уже наверное догодались из названия - книга посвящена шкуркам для Windows XP. В этой книге рассмотрены все аспекты создания своей собственной шкуры: пошаговые инструкции, обучение работе на специализированном софте, разложена по полочкам структура Win GUI (графического интерфейса пользователя). Так же представлены скриншоты, всех этапов работы. Вообщем кому надоел его стандартный десктоп - однозначно качаем!

Book Description
When you pick out something to wear in the morning, you choose the clothes that best fit your mood and personality that day. Same with the music we listen to and even the cars we drive. We instinctively surround ourselves with the things that are reflective of our personalities, so why not our computers? Skinning Windows XP will show you how to take the Microsoft Windows Graphical User Interface to a whole new visual and functional level. Through step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to customize your Windows XP theme, icons and backgrounds using skinning software. Not sure what skinning software is or where to find it? You'll learn about that, too. You will become familiar with the Windows desktop structure and components and learn how to alter the elements to create a personalized desktop experience. Along with a 16-page, full-color insert with before and after shots of skins for inspiration, Skinning Windows XP will help you technologically express yourself.

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Качаем - линки в приложенном тхт файле.
Общий размер 17 Мб.
Разбито на 13 файлов по 1,5 Мб
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Книги для админов *nix систем

Sams Teach Yourself UNIX System Administration in 24 Hours
by Dave Taylor


Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: Sams; 1st edition (July 11, 2002)
ISBN: 0672323982
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds. (View shipping rates and policies)

Book Info
Focuses on the additional Unix commands that an advanced user or beginning system administrator needs to know in order to administer and maintain a Unix system. A tutorial introduction to the process of learning about and maintaining a running Unix server. Softcover.

Product Description:

In the wake of the highly successful Sams Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours, this book focuses on the additional Unix commands that an advanced user or beginning system administrator needs to know in order to administer and maintain a Unix system. The book includes coverage of the key Unix variations: Red Hat Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and Apple's Mac OS X environment. The book will not be a comprehensive solution to all problems facing new system administrators, but instead is a tutorial introduction to the process of learning about and maintaining a running Unix server.

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7.1 Мб

Linux Server Security
by Michael D. Bauer


Paperback: 522 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates; 2nd edition (February 28, 2005)
ISBN: 0596006705
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.0 x 1.0 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds.

Product Description:
Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux--as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet--and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including:
  • Database security, with a focus on MySQL
  • Using OpenLDAP for authentication
  • An introduction to email encryption
  • The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent
  • The vsftpd FTP server
Geared toward Linux users with little security expertise, the author explains security concepts and techniques in clear language, beginning with the fundamentals. Linux Server Security with Linux provides a unique balance of "big picture" principles that transcend specific software packages and version numbers, and very clear procedures on securing some of those software packages on several popular distributions. With this book in hand, you'll have both the expertise and the tools to comprehensively secure your Linux system.

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2.1 Mb

Внимание! Какдый, кто напишет, что книга не качается, получит 5 штрафных баллов! Все ссылки, которые начинаются с Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся рабочие! Единственное, что может случиться, так это ошибка, возникающая из-за того, что на нашём ftp стоит ограничение в 330 пользователей, которые могут одновременно скачивать файлы с нашего сервера. Эта ошибка есть сообщение о том, что необходимо ввести пароль. Так что, возможно, придётся немного подождать. Есть ещё ограничение на листинг директорий под анонимным пользователем. А так, как почти все ftp-клиенты по умолчанию перед тем, как качать, сначала делают листниг директории для проверки наличия файла, то возникает 550-ая ошибка.
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7 Окт 2004
Есть ещё ограничение на листинг директорий под анонимным пользователем. А так, как почти все ftp-клиенты по умолчанию перед тем, как качать, сначала делают листниг директории для проверки наличия файла, то возникает 550-ая ошибка.

Ну и как с этим бороться?????
ни ncftp, ни mozilla, не хотят качать файл из-за 550 ошибки.
Посоветуйте как книжку-то получить

Надо просто вставить прямой линк или отключит в настройках команду pwd, либо пользавать обычные качалки н-р FlashGet - он лишних команд не дает, а сразу качает или wget.

Штрафные очки все таки получаете, надо обращаться за разъеснениями в личку.
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3 Дек 2004
Поставь для проги чем качаешь указатель что качаешь IE например


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
by Bernhard Tritsch


Paperback: 550 pages
Publisher: Microsoft Press; Bk&CD-Rom edition (November 26, 2003)
ISBN: 0735619042
Product Dimensions: 9.0 x 7.4 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds.

From Book News, Inc.
This text explains the use of terminal servers as central execution platforms for Windows-based applications, based on having a host server to which many users can log on simultaneously from low-maintenance clients. Writing for system administrators, the author explains the terminal server concept, installation and configuration, communication protocols, administration and operation, integrating applications, the use of the registry, scripting, security and stability, resource management, Web access to terminal server applications, access protocols, optimization and troubleshooting, and planning production environments. A pair of chapters look specifically at the Citrix MetaFrame XP Presentation Server. The CD-ROM contains development and analysis tools, scripts for configuration and analysis, and technical white papers.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Product Description:
Get essential guidance on how to configure and manage thin-client application servers and centralized applications—and help reduce ownership costs—using Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services.



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Внимание! Какдый, кто напишет, что книга не качается, получит 5 штрафных баллов! Все ссылки, которые начинаются с Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся рабочие! Единственное, что может случиться, так это ошибка, возникающая из-за того, что на нашём ftp стоит ограничение в 330 пользователей, которые могут одновременно скачивать файлы с нашего сервера. Эта ошибка есть сообщение о том, что необходимо ввести пароль. Так что, возможно, придётся немного подождать. Есть ещё ограничение на листинг директорий под анонимным пользователем. А так, как почти все ftp-клиенты по умолчанию перед тем, как качать, сначала делают листниг директории для проверки наличия файла, то возникает 550-ая ошибка. Используем обычные качалки типа FlashGet.
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15 Окт 2004
Много книг, очень много

Ссылка для тех кому надоело ждпть новых книг :) 2 - 3 за месяц ужас. Короче идите по ссылке, а там все сами поймете

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ex-Team DUMPz
10 Мар 2004
Hardening Windows Systems
by Roberta Bragg


Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Osborne
ISBN: 0-07-225354-1, 544 Pages, May 2004.


10 Дек 2004
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