Книги по Медицине


22 Фев 2004
Инфекционные болезни.(цветной атлас)

Прекрасно иллюстрированный атлас инфекционных болезней.Издание предназначено для медицинских работников.
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22 Фев 2004
"Поясничные" боли.
П.Л. Жарков

Книга посвящена самому частому заболеванию опорно-двигательной системы. Авторы доказывают ведущую роль мышц, сухожилий, связок в данной патологии и полную непричастность к ней позвоночника. Это требует коренного пересмотра всей стратегии диагностики и лечения при «поясничных» болях.
Формат: PDF 7.8 mb
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8 Апр 2006
Нет ли у кого-нибудь ссылки на Федеральное руководство по использованию лекарственных средств 2006 в одном файле?


23 Июн 2005
всем говорить спасибо
мегастраничка hттp://ihtik.lib.ru/servage_med_22dec2006.html


срочно нужна пропеда, скиньте у кого имеется


19 Апр 2007
Атлас по Микробиологии. А.А. Воробьёв
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Медицинская и санитарная микробиология. А.А. Воробьёв
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Методичка по Микробиологии. Н.П. Елинов
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Учебник по Микробиологии. А.А. Воробьёв
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19 Апр 2007
Хирургичесая анатомия фасций и клетчаточных пространств человека (Кованов В.В., Аникина Т.И.)
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Медицинские инструменты (Сабитов В.X.)
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Н.И.Пирогов (Штрайх С. Я.)
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19 Апр 2007
Volume 13 Number 3 November 2006 ISSN (Printed) 0969-7667
59 Varicella Pathogenesis: from Hox to Mutated
gE Glycoproteins
Charles Grose
Original Articles
60 Prevention of VZV Infection in
Immunosuppressed Patients Using Antiviral
Michael Boeckh
66 Oncolytic HSV-1 for the Treatment of Brain
James M Markert, Jacqueline N Parker, Donald
J Buchsbaum, William E Grizzle, G Yancey
Gillespie and Richard J Whitley
75 Investigations of the Pathogenesis of Varicella
Zoster Virus Infection in the SCIDhu Mouse
Ann M Arvin
Case Report
72 Primary Infection by Human Herpesvirus 6
Variant A with the Onset of Myelitis
Marinella Portolani, Monica Pecorari, William
Gennari, Francesca Beretti, Anna Maria Teresa
Sabbatini, Chiara Casolari, Fabio Rumpianesi,
Claudio Cermelli, Michele Sintini and
Fernanda Mori
Meeting Report
81 Highlights from 5th International Conference
on HHV-6 and -7
Anthony L Komaroff, Steven Jacobson, Dharam
V Ablashi and Koichi Yamanishi

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19 Апр 2007
Медицинские ресурсы
Resources for Healthcare Professionals

All the Virology of the WWW
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On 'All the Virology on the WWW', you can find information about viruses, virology, microbiology and infectious disease. This comprehensive index site aims to provide information to a wide audience including virologists, students and patients.

American Academy of Dermatology
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The Professional Information section of this website provides the medical community with access to information about the specialty of dermatology. Under this section, you will find links to meeting details, press releases and other professional updates and resources. Contact information and hyperlinks for foundations, institutes and support groups are highlighted.

American Herpes Foundation (AHF)
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The official website of the American Herpes Foundation (AHF), a non-profit organization committed to improving the management and prevention of herpesvirus infections through research and education. The site contains both patient and physician information, and details of the AHF publication, the AHF Monitor.

American Public Health Association
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The website of the American Public Health Association (APHA). The APHA is a quality resource for public health professionals. With more than a century of achievements, APHA is at the forefront of disease prevention and health promotion.

American Sexually Transmitted Disease Association (ASTDA)
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ASTDA is an organization devoted to the control and study of sexually transmitted diseases. Its objectives are: the support, control and ultimate eradication of STDs; to support research in all aspects of STDs, including medical, epidemiological, laboratory, social and behavioural studies; to recognize outstanding contributions in STD control; to disseminate authoritative information concerning STDs.

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
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Following an Extraordinary General Meeting in 2002, members of MSSVD (the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases) and AGUM (the Association for Genitourinary Medicine) voted overwhelmingly in favour of merging to form a new Association, the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH).

The MSSVD was originally founded in 1922 to facilitate the exchange of scientific information related to sexually transmitted diseases and to co-ordinate efforts at control and prevention of these infections.

Center for Bio-Medical Communication, Inc. (CBC)
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The Center for Bio-Medical Communication, Inc. (CBC), founded in 1986, is a medical communications company dedicated to serving the scientific community by providing quality educational programming. Specialists in healthcare communications, education and conference services, CBC brings innovative and focused scientific communication to life.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Contains news, scientific data and statistics, details of CDC publications, health information and advice for travellers.

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D@nderm or Danish Info on Dermato-venereology is the website of the Danish National Service on Dermato-venereology. The aim of this service is to inform on issues of interest for dermato-venereologists, mainly in Denmark. The site also hosts the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) at Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Doctor's Guide to the Internet
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Doctor's Guide to the Internet is brought to you by P/S/L Consulting Group Inc., an organization dedicated to providing the information and information services most likely to help promote the informed and appropriate use of medicines by healthcare professionals and organizations as well as by the people to whom they are prescribed.

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Doctors.net.uk is an award-winning medical network, created by doctors for doctors. Launched in 1998, 100565 doctors are now registered on the Doctors.net.uk website, making it the most popular and trusted channel for doctors in the UK.
Doctors.net.uk members enjoy a free e-mail address for life and a secure forum area for clinical discussion. They have access to the widest range of medical education in the UK and a wealth of professional library resources.

European Society for Clinical Virology
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The website of the European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV). The aims of the Society are to promote knowledge of viruses, particularly its relation to the clinical diagnosis and management of viral diseases, their pathogenesis, natural history, treatment and prevention. In addition, the Society promotes viral epidemiological studies and good contacts with relevant organizations and other virological groups.

Fleming Forum: the site for infection
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The information provided on this site is designed to inform medical practitioners and members of the public about important aspects of infection and infectious disease. The public areas of the site exist to support the existing patient–doctor relationship and not replace it.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
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The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center's (FHCRC) Clinical Research Division runs a program in infectious diseases. This Division supports a number of programs that specialize in major independent areas of research.

healthfinder® is a gateway consumer health and human services information website from the United States government.

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Healthsites.co.uk is a leading medical portal for non-medical people and healthcare professionals. In particular it brings together, under one bookmark, the best medical websites that are often competing for your attention.

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The site has been designed to provide disease and diagnostic information to patients, healthcare providers and laboratories. Each section is hosted by a professional with extensive experience in his or her field.

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The HerpesWeb site provides comprehensive information about genital herpes for both the general public and healthcare professionals. General visitors will find information about recognizing genital herpes, living with herpes, and treatment options. The healthcare professionals’ section has been developed to facilitate the proper exchange of information and medical views with respect to a particular topic. These pages contain information about treatment options, congresses, management strategies and much more.

HIV InSight
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HIV InSight is an information resource on AIDS-related issues. You'll find the latest findings in clinical research, along with such things as what researchers say works and doesn't work for preventing the disease.

Infectious Disease Association of California (IDAC)
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Founded in 1985, the Infectious Disease Association of California (IDAC), an affiliate of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, is a non-profit corporation providing continuing medical education to medical doctors in California with an interest in clinical infectious diseases. The website offers a good range of infectious disease links.

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
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The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) represents physicians, scientists and other healthcare professionals who specialize in infectious diseases. The IDSA's purpose is to improve the health of individuals, communities and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health and prevention relating to infectious diseases.

International Herpes Alliance
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The International Herpes Alliance (IHA) is a newly formed organization that aims to offer support and information to those with genital herpes, those helping to manage the disease and national patient support groups around the world. It is an independent, non-profit association run by a board of people from diverse backgrounds, including patients, medical professionals and patient support group leaders.

International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections
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The website of the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI), whose objective is the achievement of international co-operation in the control of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection. Contains information about IUSTI, its Executive Committee, its statutes and minutes of its general assembly. There are also contributed papers from members of IUSTI Executive.

Johns Hopkins AIDS Service
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This site is a comprehensive AIDS source covering epidemiology, managed care, prevention and treatment. The sections on medical education, publications and resources are useful, as is the ‘Expert Question and Answer Forum’. Clinicians can test their AIDS knowledge and compare it with other professionals by completing the on-line ‘exam’.

MD net guide
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MD net guide was launched in May 1999. It integrates both electronic and print media to provide physicians with user-friendly access to online medical content. This integration of print and online media is intended to streamline physicians’search for healthcare information. Besides providing links to medical information and continuing medical education sites, MD net guide also offers a biweekly e-Newsletter, message-board forums on pertinent healthcare topics, a unique resource of links to audio/video events archived around the Web, and a calendar of upcoming events, as well as links to medication sites, pharmaceutical company sites, pharmacy resources and more.

Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health
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The Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health is a charity which works with health professionals to meet the challenges of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. It does this by influencing policy and by providing information and advice to professionals. This site gives information about current policy and practice, answers some frequently asked questions, and provides links to a wide range of other sources of information.

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Medicdirect.co.uk is a free, interactive website that provides a complete health information resource for both consumers and medical practitioners. The site is hosted by 26 leading specialists in the field of medicine; these consultants also comprise the majority shareholders in the company.

Medline Plus
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MedlinePlus is a goldmine of health information from the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine. Health professionals and consumers alike can depend on it for information that is authoritative and up to date. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials. MedlinePlus is updated daily and can be bookmarked at the following URL: medlineplus.gov. There is no advertising on this site, nor does MedlinePlus endorse any company or product.

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Aimed primarily at physicians and other healthcare professionals, this searchable site features articles, drug and disease info, and news for professionals and patients.

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Microbes.info is an internet web site designed to bring useful and interesting microbiology informational resources to you. With literally billions of web pages out there in cyberspace, searching effectively and efficiently for any information is becoming increasingly difficult. Finding accurate and specific information on microbiology topics is much like "looking for a needle in a haystack". This website attempts to reduce the clutter and the size of the haystack in an effort to help you filter through the information in an organized manner.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Provides major support for scientists conducting research aimed at developing better ways to diagnose infectious diseases.

National Library of Medicine AIDS Portal
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A comprehensive AIDS information service is vital to enable us to combat the AIDS epidemic. Scientists, physicians, educators and other health professionals need rapid access to the latest information on AIDS research, diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention. Consumers require similar access to appropriate information for decision-making about their behavioural choices and treatment. Community-based organizations, clinics and other types of service provider also need access to high quality, accurate and timely information for their staff and clients. The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, has been developing AIDS information services since the AIDS crisis began in 1980.

Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology on the Internet
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A searchable and browse-able directory compiled for medical students, residents and other health professionals.

Open Directory Project
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The Open Directory Project is a large, comprehensive Web directory. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Website
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The Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Website is a multidisciplinary educational and practical resource for Pediatric Critical Care.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
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The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society aims to advance the knowledge of pediatric infectious diseases and its application to the care of children, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. The website includes patient resources, a journal listing, and details of training opportunities, meetings and events.

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PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles dating back to the 1950s. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

Society of Critical Care Medicine
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The Society of Critical Care Medicine is a not-for-profit international, multidisciplinary, scientific and educational organization whose mission is to secure the highest quality care for all critically ill and injured persons.

The Health Protection Agency
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The Health Protection Agency is an independent body that protects the health and well-being of everyone in England and Wales.
The Agency plays a critical role in protecting people from infectious diseases and in preventing harm when hazards involving chemicals, poisons or radiation occur. The agency also prepares for new and emerging threats, such as a bio-terrorist attack or virulent new strain of disease.

The Pan American Society for Clinical Virology
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The Pan American Society for Clinical Virology (PASCV) was founded in 1977 as the Pan American Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis (PAG-RVD) to help raise the standards of diagnostic virology in the Americas. The name was changed in 1995 to reflect the expanding role of the society in all areas of clinical virology, including diagnostics, manifestations of viral diseases and viral pathogenesis, prevention of and therapy for viral diseases and the improved understanding of all of these. The PASCV sponsors symposia, workshops and annual awards in clinical virology.

The Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP)
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The Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) is an association of health professionals dedicated to promoting the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents. The Society's diverse membership comprises pharmacists and other allied health care professionals, who are concerned with widely varied aspects of antimicrobial use in settings which include clinical patient care, research, teaching, the pharmaceutical industry and government. All professionals with an interest in infectious diseases are welcomed as members of SIDP.

Tufts-New England Medical Center
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A world-class academic medical centre offering outstanding patient care to both adults and children, teaching generations of future physicians the most advanced medical science and breaking new ground with ongoing, innovative research.

UK Clinical Virology Network
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The UK CVN aims to work as both a managed clinical network and as a local area network. The primary aim of the Network is to provide a modern and comprehensive virology service, with equality of service provision across the UK.

University of Washington Virology Research Clinic
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The University of Washington Virology Research Clinic was established 25 years ago to conduct research on viral sexually transmitted infections. Its mission is to investigate the epidemiology and natural history of herpes simplex virus (HSV), and to evaluate new therapies and vaccines for HSV.

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Wordnet's complete guide to the diagnosis and management of all infectious diseases and an account of medically relevant viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

World Health Organization
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Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for Health for All. WHO has four main functions: to give worldwide guidance in the field of health, to set global standards for health, to co-operate with governments in strengthening national health programmes, to develop and transfer appropriate health technology, information and standards. This website gives access to WHO produced information and statistics as well as public health information from all over the world.

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14 Окт 2004
Люди добрые нужны срочно книги по нефрологии особенно по детской плиз


17 Сен 2004
Патофизиология в 2-х томах
Автор: П.Ф. Литвицкий
Издательство: ГЭОТАР-МЕД
Год: 2003
Страниц: 752, 808
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 9.4 и 11.7 Mb

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Последнее редактирование модератором:


17 Сен 2004
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14 Окт 2004
есть видаль 2007 если нужно закачаю 50 метров


Да (№148) - свежий Vidal 2007 очень бы хотелось скачать.