Mathematics | Calculus | Special functions
Ахиезер Н.И. Элементы теории эллиптических функций [Наука, 1970] (djvu, 314 p., 2583 KB, 8.2 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR | DL)
Slavyanov S.Ju., Lay W. Special functions: a unified theory based on singularities [Oxford, 2000] (djvu, 308 p., 2403 KB, 7.8 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, English, OCR)
Watson G.A. Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions [2ed., CUP, 1944] (djvu, 799 p., 19999 KB, 25.0 KB/p., 400dpi, English, OCR)
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