Physical Database Design
TITLE : Physical Database Design: the database professional's guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more (Paperback)
AUTHOR : by Sam S. Lightstone (Author), Toby J. Teorey (Author), Tom Nadeau (Author)
PUBLISHER : Morgan Kaufmann publisher
ISBN : 0123693896
PUB DATE : March 21, 2007
LANGUAGE : English
[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]
The rapidly increasing volume of information contained in relational
databases places a strain on databases, performance, and
maintainability: DBAs are under greater pressure than ever to optimize
database structure for system performance and administration. Physical
Database Design discusses the concept of how physical structures of
databases affect performance, including specific examples, guidelines,
and best and worst practices for a variety of DBMSs and configurations.
Something as simple as improving the table index design has a profound
impact on performance. Every form of relational database, such as Online
Transaction Processing (OLTP), Enterprise Resource Management (ERP),
Data Mining (DM), or Management Resource Planning (MRP), can be improved
using the methods provided in the book.
· The first complete treatment on physical database design, written by
the authors of the seminal, Database Modeling and Design: Logical
Design, 4th edition.
· Includes an introduction to the major concepts of physical database
design as well as detailed examples, using methodologies and tools most
popular for relational databases today: Oracle, DB2 (IBM), and SQL
Server (Microsoft).
· Focuses on physical database design for exploiting B+tree indexing,
clustered indexes, multidimensional clustering (MDC), range
partitioning, shared nothing partitioning, shared disk data placement,
materialized views, bitmap indexes, automated design tools, and more!
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