asseco-2 написал(а):
Frodo Torbins,
Ты великий человек!!!
Раз уж про Семилетнюю войну разговор зашел, а Компейны по ней не мелькали: Колин, Росбах с Лейтеном?
Ну я же их не рожаю, все что есть:
Osprey - Elite 072 - Napoleon's Commanders 1. 1792 - 1809
Osprey - Elite 101 - Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 1792 - 1815
Osprey - Fortress 007 - The Lines of Torres Vedras 1809 - 1811
Osprey - Men at Arms 058 - The Landsknechts
Osprey - Men at Arms 096 - Artillery Equipments of the Napoleonic Wars
Osprey - Men at Arms 153 - Napoleon's Guard Infantry 1
Osprey - Men at Arms 176 - Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars 1. Infantry
Osprey - Men at Arms 181 - Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars 2. Cavalry
Osprey - Men at Arms 195 - Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe 1000 - 1568
Osprey - Men at Arms 200 - El Cid and the Reconquista 1050 - 1492
Osprey - Men at Arms 240 - Frederick the Great's Army 2. Infantry
Osprey - Men at Arms 241 - The Russian Army of the Crimean War 1854 - 1856
Osprey - Men at Arms 257 - Napoleon's Campaign in Italy
Osprey - Men at Arms 276 - Austrian Army 1740 - 1780 2. Infantry
Osprey - Men at Arms 280 - The Austrian Army 1740 - 1780 3. Spesialist Troops
Osprey - Men at Arms 339 - The King's German Legion 2. 1812 - 1816
Osprey - Men at Arms 355 - Wellington's Belgian Allies 1815
Osprey - Men at Arms 371 - Wellington's Dutch Allies 1815
Osprey - Men at Arms 381 - Prussian Staff & Specialist Troops 1791 - 1815
Osprey - Men at Arms 400 - Wellington's Peninsula Regiments 2. The Light Infantry
Osprey - Men at Arms 416 - German Armies 1870 - 1871 1. Prussia
Osprey - New Vanguard 065 - British Napoleonic Artillery 1793 - 1815 2. Siege & Coastal Artillery
Osprey - New Vanguard 072 - Austrian Napoleonic Artillery 1792 - 1815
Osprey - Warrior 024 - Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry 1788 - 1816
Osprey - Warrior 086 - Boer Commando 1876 - 1902
Пишите, что выкладывать (только по порядку), что было (только с номерами постов, чтобы pariman'y было удобнее править шапку) и где Адрианополь???