Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra - Unza Unza Time



Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra - Unza Unza Time
Official site: _http://www.thenosmokingorchestra.com

Info: _http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00004U5AU/ref=ase_kustucom-20/104-2067678-6975951?v=glance&s=music

Рецензия на русском языке: _http://blin.exler.ru/music/kusturica_2000/01.shtml

1. Unza Unza Time
2. Djindji Rindji Bubamara
3. Lubenica
4. Prnavor
5. Pitbull Terrier
6. Was Romeo Really A Jerk
7. Drang Nach Osten
8. Corfu
9. Upside Down
10. Sanela
11. Devil In Business Class
12. Gruss Gott Trauer
13. Emir’s Dream
14. Imao Sam Bjelog Konja
15. Some Other Man
16. Furja Djildje


Тексты песен: _http://www.thenosmokingorchestra.com/download/Lyrics_UnzaUnza.zip