отличная статья, создаем панель кнопочек для nero используя neroCMD, пытался сделать сам, оказалось уже все придумано до нас
Erase CD: Erases a CDRW, LMB=quick RMB=full
Open Tray: Opens the tray
Close Tray: Closes the tray
Burn CD: Select file/s dir/s and hit BURN. It is that simple. Basic sanity checking is performed, so you won't trash CDs when you try to burn 720 MB to a 700 MB CD.
Burn Audio: Select MP3 and/or WAV files, hit Burn Audio. MP3s are converted on the fly. Again, basic sanity checking is performed.
Burn ISO: Select an ISO image, (MUST have .ISO extension!) hit Burn ISO. Viola! It is there;-)
Rip Track: Rips individual audio tracks and saves them as .WAV files.
Template: Brings up a DOS box that displays the NeroCmd template. (see the SDK docs for FULL documentation)
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