BASCOM AVR - интегрированная среда разработки программ для микроконтроллеров семейства Atmel AVR на языке высокого уровня бейсик.

28 Янв 2020

Год/Дата Выпуска: 2020
Разработчик: MCS Electronics
Сайт разработчика: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Разрядность: 32bit
Язык интерфейса: Мультиязычный (русский присутствует)
Лечение присутствует
Системные требования: Windows 2000 и выше.
Bascom-AVR - интегрированная среда разработки программ для микроконтроллеров семейства Atmel AVR на языке высокого уровня бейсик.
В состав Bascom входят следующие компоненты разработки:
Компилятор языка бейсик для AVR
Редактор кода
Эмулятор терминала
Контекстная информационно-справочная система
Утилиты загрузки аппаратных эмуляторов и программаторов.
Имеются операторы для работы с устройствами, расположенными на кристалле микроконтроллера, и внешними устройствами, наиболее часто используемые в микропроцессорных системах. Компилятор позволяет создавать программы для микроконтроллеров AVR - Tiny, Mega, Xtiny и Xmega.
Добавлено в этой версии
2083.003 special build
- corrected xmega dat file options for COM ports (C3/D3)
- added shortcut CTRL+ALT+P for proper indent
- fixed Xmega-E series config XPIN for slewrate which works on the entire port and uses PORTCFG_SRLCTRL register
- config printbin has only one option but NORMAL was added since that is the default: CONFIG PRINTBIN=EXTENDED|NORMAL
- x.m = y.m or z.m resulted in a storebit error when bytes were used
- crc16uni can handle words now
- local did not support new dim syntax : Local Start_idx , Temp_idx , Temp_step As Byte
- config rc5 background mode has an additional option to manual specify the prescaler value. by default it is calculated.
- new option SAFE for variables. Dim b as bit SAFE , see help.
- added BOOTONLY option to $LOADER directive. $loader bootaddress[,BOOTONLY] this will write just the boot loader code to the BIN file. The HEX remains as is.
- you can select the Options_Select_Settings_File now. This setting is stored in the registry.
- project files are stored with absolute files names inside the prj file. An absolute file name is relative to the location.
- simulator bug fixed where SI file simulation data was not processed properly.
- MemFill added.
- using instr() with {xxx} for the search string does not work : pos=instr(someAString,"{065}")
- using compare_a/compare_b=clear for timer0 results in SET instead of CLEAR. you can use COMPARE_A_PWM=CLEAR_UP instead.
- bascomp command line utility updated to support new file structure
- multiple instances bug fixed.
- mcs.lbx was not in sync with mcs.lib.
- when using channel specifier without # you will get an error
- stk500v2 based programmers like mkII and stk500v2 could give a program error when your code contains empty blocks And the processor has multiple 64KB segments. applies to normal mega only.
- crc8 overloaded version added for big strings.
- 2082 broke the default printing function
- added DES asm instruction.
- added DesEncrypt and DesDecrypt which are also supported by the simulator
- inputbin accepts an optional variable for the number of bytes to receive. delimited by a ;
- simulator update.
- simulator double click cycles, will reset cycles
- simulator allows to load a custom serial data file from file
- Xtiny support, requires a commercial add on
- CTS/RTS bug fixed : only part of the buffer was used
- added PA version of dat files M88PAdef,M644PAdef,M48PAdef,M168PA. These are almost the same as the P versions. They are binary compatible and have the same ID
- searching in files would not search in the specified folder when the folder name contained a space. Instead the root folder was used.
- $programmer option did not support conditional compilation. It was global. Now supports #IF/#ENDIF. but only when 'Use new method' is used in environment IDE options.
- CLEAR serialinx buffer did not clear the RTS pin when cts/rts was used for xmega uarts 4-7.
- xmega high baud calculation > 2MB and higher did not support double rate flag resulting in a wrong baud rate
- for next using a step for bytes could fail when the byte boundary was crossed.
- xmega num2str code rewritten and xmega routine rewritten that used _XmegaFix_Rol_R1014 and _XMEGAFIX_CLEAR. These routines are not used anymore!
- using a string function with select case, could result in improper branching, depending on the user function.
select case mid(someString,start,len) for example.
- bascom-AVR and the SETUP are now code signed.