Main Demo Version Limitations:
* Casting new charts is limited to dates in year range 1930 to 1939 only
* New charts cannot be saved for future re-use
* Charts can only be opened from the supplied sample chart files
* There are limited built-in atlas locations and timezone tables (full version includes ACS Atlas)
* Ephemeris range is limited to 1800CE to 2400CE (full version has range 5400BCE to 5400CE)
* Ability to import files and settings from earlier version of Solar Fire is disabled
* The "Solar Live" feature is unavailable (full version has live feed of useful web links)
* Solar Maps Lite feature is unavailable (full version includes Solar Maps Lite)
* Planetarium is unavailable (full version includes Planetarium)
* Automatic check for program updates via the web is disabled
* Automatic creation of email for technical support is disabled
* The new Encyclopedia feature feature is unavailable (full version includes Encyclopedia)
You can download the program from the following link:
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся (25MB)
Ждемссс fullversion!
Main Demo Version Limitations:
* Casting new charts is limited to dates in year range 1930 to 1939 only
* New charts cannot be saved for future re-use
* Charts can only be opened from the supplied sample chart files
* There are limited built-in atlas locations and timezone tables (full version includes ACS Atlas)
* Ephemeris range is limited to 1800CE to 2400CE (full version has range 5400BCE to 5400CE)
* Ability to import files and settings from earlier version of Solar Fire is disabled
* The "Solar Live" feature is unavailable (full version has live feed of useful web links)
* Solar Maps Lite feature is unavailable (full version includes Solar Maps Lite)
* Planetarium is unavailable (full version includes Planetarium)
* Automatic check for program updates via the web is disabled
* Automatic creation of email for technical support is disabled
* The new Encyclopedia feature feature is unavailable (full version includes Encyclopedia)
You can download the program from the following link:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Ждемссс fullversion!