Astracadabra v1.6 - For the Pocket PC
Залил программку для Pocket PC. Ссылка для закачки в шапке.
Еще залью несколько программя для Pocket PC.
You need a A Pocket PC or Pocket PC Phone Edition with:
* Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional (not Standard)
* Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, or Windows
Mobile 2003, all for Pocket PC (not the Smartphone version)
* Pocket PC 2002 operating system
* A minimum of 64 MB of RAM
* A touch-sensitive rectangular (portrait) screen, not the square or landscape screens
You also need a Desktop or Laptop PC with a version of Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Please note that Astracadabra CANNOT be installed onto:
* A Smartphone (a phone with SOME Pocket PC functionality), typically
one that does not have a touch-sensitive screen
* A Pocket PC or Pocket PC Phone Edition with a SQUARE screen (240x240
pixels or 480x480 pixels) or a Landscape screen (320x240 pixels).
* A Windows Mobile 6.0 or Windows Mobile 5.0 device that has a security configuration of
"Locked" or "Third-Party Signed". Some telephone companies may set Pocket PC
Phone Editions in one of these two security modes. Our experience so far
suggests that no telephone company has used these security settings yet.
If your Pocket PC or Pocket PC Phone Edition has Windows Mobile 6.0 or Windows Mobile 5.0 as its operating system AND you have Windows XP on your desktop or laptop PC then make sure your Windows XP has been updated to Service Pack 2.