0-DAYS EbookZ and more. Part 2

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


10 Дек 2004
1. Actualtests.Cisco.640-863.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
2. Actualtests.Cisco.642-425.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
3. Actualtests.Cisco.642-453.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
4. Actualtests.Cisco.642-511.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
5. Actualtests.Cisco.646-058.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
6. Actualtests.Cisco.646-096.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
7. Actualtests.Cisco.646-171.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK
8. Apress.Pro.LCS.Live.Communications.Server.Administration.May.2007.eBook-BBL
9. OReilly.SOA.in.Practice.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
10. Wrox.Professional.Apache.Tomcat.6.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL

eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.640-863.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [443sXfQGjTD8TJjuYiNqphK99vQ]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.640.863.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (3417) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.642-425.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [hvHJHj31vENnNghcgHIuxaAokAs]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.642.425.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (2731) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.642-453.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [Z3zLPTH6xM43ne3aRxzYHMX6EOE]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.642.453.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (3418) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.642-511.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [2agtZysYOvC4lbZg/Xv1AgeHONM]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.642.511.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (1745) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.646-058.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [8R2Wqj+kN0lB4bKav00ikINQqzE]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.646.058.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (291) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.646-096.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [wriSnynSj5kjDJBaYQ8ifXBgGKw]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.646.096.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (106) KB


eBook:Actualtests.Cisco.646-171.Exam.Q.And.A.08.10.07-ARNEBOOK hash [oACOrjLsboDROLuIV3msEy3C4w8]

file:2007_1008_wrz_act-cis.646.171.exa.q.and.a.08.10.07.arn.izp (205) KB



Pro LCS: Live Communications Server Administration (Pro)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Andrew Edney,Rui Maximo
ISBN: 1590598369
ISBN-13: 9781590598368
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2007
Pages: 383

Product Description
Pro LCS: Live Communications Server Administration will guide you on how to best leverage Microsoft's
Live Communications Server 2005 (LCS) to improve your business communications. This information-packed
volume includes everything you need to know about LCS, but were afraid to ask. This includes all the different
clients that you can utilize and how you can best deploy them.
This book comes loaded with handy hints
and tips, useful real-world scenarios, and extensive walkthroughs aimed at getting you up and running
as quickly and painlessly as possible. It even includes a complete discussion about setting up a pilot
deployment and rolling out the final solution in your chosen environment. This book is the expert guide
to LCS for administrators, systems integrators, architects, and product or project managers who want
to get the most out of LCS.

eBook:Apress.Pro.LCS.Live.Communications.Server.Administration.May.2007.eBook-BBL hash [RhqDA/5BsiKQkUuEF8IHoZbxtTc]

file:2007_1008_wrz_apr-pro.lcs.liv.com.ser.adm.may.200.ebo.bbl.izp (19026) KB



SOA in Practice: The Art of Distributed System Design (Theory in Practice)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Nicolai M. Josuttis
ISBN: 0596529554
ISBN-13: 9780596529550
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Year: 2007
Pages: 342

Product Description
This book demonstrates service-oriented architecture (SOA) as a concrete discipline rather than a
hopeful collection of cloud charts. Built upon the author's firsthand experience rolling out a SOA at
a major corporation, SOA in Practice explains how SOA can simplify the creation and maintenance of large-scale
applications. Whether your project involves a large set of Web Services-based components, or connects
legacy applications to modern business processes, this book clarifies how -- and whether -- SOA fits
your needs. SOA has been a vision for years. This book brings it down to earth by describing the real-world
problems of implementing and running a SOA in practice. After defining SOA's many facets, examining
typical use patterns, and exploring how loose coupling helps build stronger applications, SOA in Practice
presents a framework to help you determine when to take advantage of SOA. In this book you will:
squarely on real deployment and technology, not just standards maps
Examine business problems to determine
which ones fit a SOA approach before plastering a SOA solution on top of them
Find clear paths for building
solutions without getting trapped in the mire of changing web services details
Gain the experience
of a systems analyst intimately involved with SOA "The principles and experiences described in this
book played an important role in making SOA at T-Mobile a success story, with more than 10 million service
calls per day." --Dr. Steffen Roehn, Member of the Executive Committee T-Mobile International (CIO)
"Nicolai Josuttis has produced something that is rare in the over-hyped world of SOA; a thoughtful work
with deep insights based on hands-on experiences. This book is a significant milestone in promoting
practical disciplines for all SOA practitioners." --John Schmidt, Chairman, Integration Consortium
"The book belongs in the hands of every CIO, IT Director and IT planning manager." --Dr. Richard Mark Soley,
Chairman and CEO, Object Management Group; Executive Director, SOA Consortium
eBook:OReilly.SOA.in.Practice.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [rNyUMGtn/KsZU3nLd2Phosud9EY]

file:2007_1008_wrz_ore-soa.in.pra.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2504) KB



Professional Apache Tomcat 6 (WROX Professional Guides)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Vivek Chopra,Sing Li,Jeff Genender
ISBN: 0471753610
ISBN-13: 9780471753612
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2007
Pages: 629

Product Description

Tomcat is the official reference implementation of Sun's servlet and JSP specifications, and Java
developers must test all Web applications on Tomcat to ensure they work as designed
Boasting more than
40 percent new and updated material, this book covers all the major new features affecting server administration
and management
Explores the additional built-in tools of Tomcat, which help Java developers program
more efficiently, and looks at how Apache's other open source servlet/JSP technologies are designed
to work with Tomcat
Features full coverage of Release 6, which supports the latest JSP and servlet specifications:
JSP 2.1 and Servlets 2.5
Addresses solving real-world problems encountered during all phases of server
administration, including managing class loaders and connectors, security, shared hosting and clustering,
and system testing
eBook:Wrox.Professional.Apache.Tomcat.6.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [sYPqP0uZGtKALvHzKQjcIWtUgEY]

file:2007_1008_wrz_wro-pro.apa.tom.6.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (15077) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. Academic.Press.3G.Evolution.HSPA.and.LTE.for.Mobile.Broadband.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
2. CRC.Press.WiMAX.Applications.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
3. CRC.Press.WiMAX.Technologies.Performance.Analysis.and.QoS.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
4. Focal.Press.How.to.Cheat.in.Photoshop.CS3.May.2007.eBook-BBL
5. Focal.Press.Mobile.TV.DVB-H.DMB.3G.Systems.and.Rich.Media.Applications.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL
6. Focal.Press.Painter.X.for.Photographers.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Focal.Press.The.Adobe.Photoshop.Layers.Book.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL


3G Evolution
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Erik Dahlman,Stefan Parkvall,Johan Skold,Per Beming
ISBN: 012372533X
ISBN-13: 9780123725332
Publisher: Academic Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 498

Product Description
This very up-to-date and practical book, written by engineers working closely in 3GPP, gives insight
into the newest technologies and standards adopted by 3GPP, with

detailed explanations of the specific
solutions chosen and their implementation in HSPA and LTE. The key technologies presented include multi-carrier

advanced single-carrier transmission, advanced receivers, OFDM, MIMO and adaptive
antenna solutions, advanced radio resource management and protocols, and different radio

architectures. Their role and use in the context of mobile broadband access in general is explained.
Both a high-level overview and more detailed step-by-step

explanations of HSPA and LTE implementation
are given. An overview of other related systems such as TD SCDMA, CDMA2000, and WIMAX is also provided.This
is a must-have

resource for engineers and other professionals working with cellular or wireless broadband
technologies who need to know how to utilize the new technology to stay ahead of

the competition.The authors
of the book all work at Ericsson Research and are deeply involved in 3G development and standardisation
since the early days of 3G research.

They are leading experts in the field and are today still actively
contributing to the standardisation of both HSPA and LTE within 3GPP.* Gives the first explanation of
the radio access technologies and key international standards for moving to the next stage of 3G evolution:
fully operational mobile broadband* Describes the new

technologies selected by the 3GPP to realise
High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) for mobile broadband * Gives both higher-level
overviews and

detailed explanations of HSPA and LTE as specified by 3GPP
eBook:Academic.Press.3G.Evolution.HSPA.and.LTE.for.Mobile.Broadband.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [3TeTr3pP639Vu/CuiUZKmS7iSDA]

file:2007_1010_wrz_aca-pre.3g.evo.hsp.and.lte.for.mob.bro.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3187) KB



WiMAX: Applications
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
ISBN: 1420045474
ISBN-13: 9781420045475
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 248

Product Description
As the demand for broadband services continues to grow worldwide, traditional solutions, such as digital
cable and fiber optics, are often difficult and expensive to

implement, especially in rural and remote
areas. The emerging WiMAX system satisfies the growing need for high data-rate applications such as
voiceover IP, video

conferencing, interactive gaming, and multimedia streaming. WiMAX deployments
not only serve residential and enterprise users but can also be deployed as a backhaul for

Wi-Fi hotspots
or 3G cellular towers. By providing affordable wireless broadband access, the technology of WiMAX will
revolutionize broadband communications in the

developed world and bridge the digital divide in developing
countries. Part of the WiMAX Handbook, this volume focuses on the applications of WiMAX. The book describes
the logical architecture of IEEE 802.16, introduces some of the main IEEE 802.16 family standards, compares
WiMAX to Wi-Fi, and studies the feasibility of supporting VoIP

over WiMAX. It also looks at the residential
use of WiMAX as well as the strategies of using WiMAX in remote locales and rural communities. In addition,
the book examines

the backhaul requirements of a large fixed wireless network and the problem of centralized
routing and scheduling for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. With the revolutionary

technology of WiMAX, the
lives of many will undoubtedly improve, thereby leading to greater economic empowerment.
eBook:CRC.Press.WiMAX.Applications.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [XXMnftn7RoiwfoBVBTS89bREY8E]

file:2007_1010_wrz_crc-pre.wim.app.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2294) KB



WiMAX: Technologies, Performance Analysis, and QoS (Wimax Handbook)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
ISBN: 1420045253
ISBN-13: 9781420045253
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2007
Pages: 296

Product Description
As the demand for broadband services continues to grow worldwide, traditional solutions, such as digital
cable and fiber optics, are often difficult and expensive to

implement, especially in rural and remote
areas. The emerging WiMAX system satisfies the growing need for high data-rate applications such as
voiceover IP, video

conferencing, interactive gaming, and multimedia streaming. WiMAX deployments
not only serve residential and enterprise users but can also be deployed as a backhaul for

Wi-Fi hotspots
or 3G cellular towers. By providing affordable wireless broadband access, the technology of WiMAX will
revolutionize broadband communications in the

developed world and bridge the digital divide in developing
countries. Part of the WiMAX Handbook, this volume focuses on the technologies behind WiMAX, its performance
capabilities, and its control mechanisms. The book introduces programmable baseband processors suited
for WiMAX systems, describes an innovative methodology for the design

of multi-band WiMAX antennas,
addresses space-time block codes, and reviews space-frequency/space-time-frequency code design
criteria. It also proposes a combined call

admission control and scheduling scheme, focuses on the performance
analysis of the IEEE 802.16 mesh mode, and analyzes the performance of both single-input-single-output
and space-time-block-coded OFDM systems in mobile environments. The final section establishes a framework
of an ideal reservation period controller, examines the ecosystem

in which scheduling for IEEE 802.16e
systems must be performed, and presents a fuzzy logic controller for admission control. With the revolutionary
technology of WiMAX,

the lives of many will undoubtedly improve, thereby leading to greater economic
eBook:CRC.Press.WiMAX.Technologies.Performance.Analysis.and.QoS.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [W5tF8hfnWfpyG5EXCN1k7yQKO3I]

file:2007_1010_wrz_crc-pre.wim.tec.per.ana.and.qos.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1973) KB



How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3: The art of creating photorealistic montages (How to Cheat in)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Steve Caplin
ISBN: 0240520629
ISBN-13: 9780240520629
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 416

Product Description
With his in-depth knowledge of the little-known secrets used by the pros to produce awardwinning illustrations,
Steve is THE go-to guru for professional designers, graphic

artists, illustrators, retouchers and
students of design media and illustration who want to create photorealistic effects using Photoshop.
Updated for Photoshop CS3, this

must-have resource unlocks your creativity and helps you save time in
the software so you can spend more time creatively. The book is also relevant to any version of

* Create convincing smoke effects and make effective explosions the simple way * Take years off someone's
appearance * Turn a photograph of someone looking

straight into the camera into a different perspective
with the entire head (not just the eyes) * Modify a statue so it looks like a living person or paint hair directly
on any surface * Produce the perfect cutout in the shortest time with Photoshop CS3's new Quick Selection
tool... and more
eBook:Focal.Press.How.to.Cheat.in.Photoshop.CS3.May.2007.eBook-BBL hash [BZF87bZdcYV5ySoWXgLm2Euc+lk]

file:2007_1010_wrz_foc-pre.how.to.che.in.pho.cs3.may.200.ebo.bbl.izp (33930) KB



Mobile TV: DVB-H, DMB, 3G Systems and Rich Media Applications
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Amitabh Kumar
ISBN: 0240809467
ISBN-13: 9780240809465
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 512

Product Description
Exclusively dedicated to Mobile TV, this book provides a detailed insight to mobile multimedia characterized
efficient compression techniques, protocols formalized by 3GPP

or 3GPP2, capabilities of broadcast,
and mobile networks for delivering multimedia content. Network requirements such as spectrum; chipsets,
software and handsets which

enable multimedia services; delivery platforms and content protection
technologies which provide revenue assurance are covered in detail. Written with a global

this book takes a detailed look at the networks deployed worldwide with examples and is rich in diagrams
providing extraordinary visualization of the new

technologies.* A complete introduction and overview
of mobile multimedia, mobile TV, and multimedia networks worldwide* Includes multimedia services
for streaming, live

TV, downloads, MMS, VoD in the mobile environment* Describes enabling technologies
and protocols such as MPEG-4, H.264, AAC+,3GPP-PSS and 3G-324M* Detailed chapters on

DVB-H, DMB and
3G technologies for mobile TV* Content security, conditional access and DRM for the mobile world* Handset
features for mobile TV and multimedia services
eBook:Focal.Press.Mobile.TV.DVB-H.DMB.3G.Systems.and.Rich.Media.Applications.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL hash [t2tazjErflH9epJ074SjNjiVvl4]

file:2007_1010_wrz_foc-pre.mob.tv.dvb.h.dmb.3g.sys.and.ric.med.app.mar.200.ebo.bbl.izp (13400) KB



Painter X for Photographers: Creating Painterly Images Step by Step
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Martin Addison
ISBN: 0240520335
ISBN-13: 9780240520339
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 360

Product Description
Whether you are just starting out with Painter, or are a seasoned pro who wants to take your photographs
to the next level, you cant go wrong with this essential guide by

your side! Covering Painter X, but also
applicable to earlier versions and to both PC and Macintosh users, this reader friendly book and DVD package
will show you how to

get the most out of this powerful program. Uniquely written specifically for photographers,
Martin Addison gives a complete overview of the program, showing how to master

each exciting tool, including
the brand-new RealBristle and Smart Stroke brush libraries. Two all-new portraiture chapters show
you how to turn photographs of your family

members or professional clients into works of art ideal for
framing. Youll be able to give all of your precious photographs the painterly touch in no time! Be sure

visit the accompanying website Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся to view even more images and
information to get you started! Pictures by Martin and Doreen Addison can be

seen on their website: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
your photographs into stunning works of art using Corel's Painter X *Packed with beautiful color images

precise, step-by-step instructions *Accompanying DVD contains over TWO HOURS of video tutorials
plus all the images from the book for you to work on

2007_1010_wrz_foc-pre.pai.x.for.pho.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp 100MB, 3 parts


The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book: Harnessing Photoshop's Most Powerful Tool, covers Photoshop CS3
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Richard Lynch
ISBN: 0240520769
ISBN-13: 9780240520766
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 288

Product Description
Create, correct, and control with layers, the most powerful tool in Photoshop and Photoshop ElementsImagine
yourself in total control of every adjustment to your photos.

Youve seen the illustrations in glossy
magazines, the fine art reproductions in museum catalogs, the award-winning pictures of professional
photographers. To produce this

kind of magic, understanding how to use layers for your entire breadth
of image correction is key.Discover the best ways to showcase your talent with the full power of

from best-selling author/digital image specialist Richard Lynch. Learn what layers can do for you as
an integral part of organizing image development, creating and

storing image versions with nondestructive
editing, and promoting a positive workflow. Timeless, not version specific, this book will help you
take layers to a new level

to increase your efficiency and produce better end results, whatever release
of the software you use. Step-by-step instructions and practical examples illustrate how

toDont make
your work harder than it needs to be when you can use layers to control any adjustment using multiple forms
of blending concurrently transparency, clipping,

opacity/fill, masking, modes, channel targeting,
Blend If, and styles. Author Richard Lynch is a photographer, designer, editor, web developer, and author
of the popular

Hidden Powers series on Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. He also writes for PCPhoto,
Popular Photography, Digital Photographer, and Digital Photography Techniques.*

Leverage layer
power to correct and enhance color, fix problems in composition, repair damage or flaws, and isolate
image areas for changes, adjustments and experimental

concepts* Incorporate layers in a workflow that
extracts the maximum from your camera, exploits the potential in every image and helps you organize your
perceptions and

ideas according to your unique vision* Recombine layers to form new images in a nondestructive
process that preserves both the original image and intermediate layers for

further editing - or tomorrow's
inspirations* Dip into the accompanying CD with a robust library and presets of practice images. Create
your own set of favorite

composition techniques
eBook:Focal.Press.The.Adobe.Photoshop.Layers.Book.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [bopJAryxKjhCISYrHknRdKZgmpc]

file:2007_1010_wrz_foc-pre.the.ado.pho.lay.boo.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (31055) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. SkillSoft.Adding.and.Fixing.Printers.and.Scanners-LiB
2. SkillSoft.Adding.Optimizing.and.Troubleshooting.PC.Components-LiB
3. SkillSoft.Application.Security-LiB
4. SkillSoft.C.harp.2005.Threading.Service.Processing.and.Application.Domains-LiB
5. SkillSoft.C.Sharp.2005.System.Types.and.Collections-LiB
6. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Campus.Networks-LiB
7. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Wireless.LANs-LiB
8. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Implementing.IPv6-LiB
9. SkillSoft.Creating.Interactive.Web.Pages.in.Dreamweaver.8-LiB
10. SkillSoft.Extending.Ethernet.Networks-LiB
11. SkillSoft.Oracle.Database.10g.Monitoring.and.Maintenance.Release.2-LiB
12. SkillSoft.Windows.Forms.Creation.and.Configuration.with.C.Sharp.2005-LiB
13. SkillSoft.XML.and.Mobile.Web.Applications.with.C.Sharp.2005.and.ASP.NET.2.0-LiB

eBook:SkillSoft.Adding.and.Fixing.Printers.and.Scanners-LiB hash [YQqJwj/jsvtL8o5jG2Oh1UnpBH0]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-add.and.fix.pri.and.sca.lib.izp (9502) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Adding.Optimizing.and.Troubleshooting.PC.Components-LiB hash [fiwYhvM/UZ35qnakbyeSbHKPrNY]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-add.opt.and.tro.pc.com.lib.izp (10778) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Application.Security-LiB hash [EqpGHM3SbFpYgDvW/XY2BiJEabE]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-app.sec.lib.izp (9749) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.C.harp.2005.Threading.Service.Processing.and.Application.Domains-LiB hash [VHfXIpGX94+W6YJUiDbX8Lr0Tzw]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-c.har.200.thr.ser.pro.and.app.dom.lib.izp (11826) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.C.Sharp.2005.System.Types.and.Collections-LiB hash [DAvSdzyBTYmJIym/Jb5MzlZ+hDM]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-c.sha.200.sys.typ.and.col.lib.izp (10989) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Campus.Networks-LiB hash [TCcmPCi2CJTfwDprGB8AYEx9AT0]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.cam.net.lib.izp (8260) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Wireless.LANs-LiB hash [X9THUO/gl7LZgR8yTQIo+fnnGSk]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.wir.lan.lib.izp (10381) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Implementing.IPv6-LiB hash [sQ0fbEGWlWsX5JE7QgspnyXbn0w]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.imp.ipv.lib.izp (12034) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Creating.Interactive.Web.Pages.in.Dreamweaver.8-LiB hash [nka5gVa2nqzFN1qoW4MUakpyRCc]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-cre.int.web.pag.in.dre.8.lib.izp (14914) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Extending.Ethernet.Networks-LiB hash [3nGR76vn6x/sllvG0lJKwS1C9TY]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-ext.eth.net.lib.izp (8951) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Oracle.Database.10g.Monitoring.and.Maintenance.Release.2-LiB hash [5EZqhZq6mWzXzcYihp70wxrZ4sE]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-ora.dat.10g.mon.and.mai.rel.2.lib.izp (9991) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Windows.Forms.Creation.and.Configuration.with.C.Sharp.2005-LiB hash [PxyGG+G902cYlpSzNCmKHoUrqKM]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-win.for.cre.and.con.wit.c.sha.200.lib.izp (14186) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.XML.and.Mobile.Web.Applications.with.C.Sharp.2005.and.ASP.NET.2.0-LiB hash [ODR0NIk/X+kLDvS4RItHR/9KuD4]

file:2007_1010_wrz_ski-xml.and.mob.web.app.wit.c.sha.200.and.asp.net.2.0.lib.izp (12048) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. Cambridge.Press.Concurrent.and.Real.Time.Programming.in.Ada.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
2. For.Dummies.Adobe.Creative.Suite.3.Web.Premium.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
3. For.Dummies.Excel.2007.Workbook.For.Dummies.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
4. For.Dummies.Microsoft.Office.Project.2007.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
5. SAS.Publishing.Saving.Time.and.Money.Using.SAS.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
6. Sybex.Mastering.AutoCAD.2008.and.AutoCAD.LT.2008.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Sybex.Mastering.InDesign.CS3.for.Print.Design.and.Production.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
8. Sybex.Mastering.Photoshop.CS3.for.Print.Design.and.Production.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
9. Sybex.Photoshop.CS3.for.Forensics.Professionals.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
10. Sybex.PMP.Project.Management.Professional.Exam.Study.Guide.4th.Edition.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
11. Wiley.Data.Mining.Using.SAS.Enterprise.Miner.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
12. Wiley.The.Shellcoders.Handbook.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
13. Wrox.SharePoint.2007.and.Office.Development.Expert.Solutions.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL


Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Ada
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Alan Burns,Andy Wellings
ISBN: 0521866979
ISBN-13: 9780521866972
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 476

Product Description
Ada is the only ISO-standard, object-oriented, concurrent, real-time programming language. It is
intended for use in large, long-lived applications where reliability and

efficiency are essential,
particularly real-time and embedded systems. In this book, Alan Burns and Andy Wellings give a thorough,
self-contained account of how the Ada

tasking model can be used to construct a wide range of concurrent
and real-time systems. This is the only book that focuses on an in-depth discussion of the Ada tasking
model. Following on from the authors' earlier title Concurrency in Ada, this book brings the discussion
up to date to include the new Ada 2005 language and the recent

advances in real-time programming techniques.
It will be of value to software professionals and advanced students of programming alike: indeed every
Ada programmer will

find it essential reading and a primary reference work that will sit alongside the
language reference manual.
eBook:Cambridge.Press.Concurrent.and.Real.Time.Programming.in.Ada.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [6PVNKeX9moqW4OJzpfQoCekAB3U]

file:2007_1012_wrz_cam-pre.con.and.rea.tim.pro.in.ada.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1754) KB



Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Damon Dean,Andy Cowitt,Jennifer Smith,Christopher Smith
ISBN: 0470120991
ISBN-13: 9780470120996
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2007
Pages: 882

Product Description
The future looks bright for Web developers! With Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium, you now have fantastic
tools that enable you to create a wide array of content and

graphics to deploy on a Web site that is dynamic
and easy to maintain. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is a hands-on,
easy-to-understand guide to the main features in all the CS3 Web development products. The no-nonsense
approach is designed to help you build Web sites by covering the

basics of each program—Dreamweaver,
Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Flash, Contribute, and Acrobat—as well as the new features
in a clear and concise

minibook. You get all the expert guidance you need to:
Choose the right tools for
the job
Create basic HTML Web pages
Punch up your pages with forms and frames in

Save Photoshop
images for print and the Web
Work with text, shapes, and images in Fireworks
Understand page layout

Use layers, filters, and effects in

Work with animation, sound, and video in Flash
interactivity to PDF files in Acrobat
Integrate Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, and Contribute with
other Adobe products
Tackle advanced concepts
And much, much more! This friendly guide doesn’t
just cover all the new tools in the Suite; it also offers you a

primer on Web design as well as insight into
how the Suite influences design. Complete with helpful hints on securing your work, Adobe Creative Suite
3 Web Premium

All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is your one-stop guide to making the most of the Suite
and developing for the Web quickly and easily!
eBook:For.Dummies.Adobe.Creative.Suite.3.Web.Premium.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash


file:2007_1012_wrz_for-dum.ado.cre.sui.3.web.pre.all.in.one.des.ref.for.dum.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (11087) KB



Excel 2007 Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Greg, PhD Harvey
ISBN: 0470169370
ISBN-13: 9780470169377
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2007
Pages: 408

Product Description
From formulas to functions to the latest features - practice and plan Excel tasks with ease Confused by
Excel? Want to make the most of its capabilities? No worries - this

hands-on workbook gets you up to speed
in a step-by-step manner. From navigating the new user interface and creating your first spreadsheet
to using formulas, working

with charts and graphics, managing and securing data, and creating macros,
you'll do it all with the help of practice files and more than 30 walk-throughs of Excel

features on the
CD-ROM. Plus, you get full coverage of all the new and enhanced features of Excel 2007! See how to * Set up,
format, and edit basic spreadsheets * Manage

and secure your Excel data * Create formulas and functions
for finance, date and time, math, text, and more * Master data analysis with pivot tables * Save and share

spreadsheet data Quick refresher explanations Step-by-step procedures Hands-on practice exercises
Tear-out Cheat Sheet A dash of humor and fun All this on the bonus CD-ROM

* Dynamic video walk-throughs
demonstrate Excel features and tasks * Practice files let you work through the exercises in the book For
details and complete system

requirements, see the CD-ROM appendix.
eBook:For.Dummies.Excel.2007.Workbook.For.Dummies.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash


file:2007_1012_wrz_for-dum.exc.200.wor.for.dum.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4606) KB



Microsoft Office Project 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (For Dummies: Home & Business Computer Baiscs)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Elaine Marmel,Nancy C. Muir
ISBN: 0470137673
ISBN-13: 9780470137673
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2007
Pages: 740

Product Description
Microsoft Office Project 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is a compilation of multiple short
reference-style books covering Microsoft Project, enhanced by the

format of a single, easy-to-use,
task-oriented step-by-step package. All-in-One For Dummies books are made up of multiple minibooks
that could each stand alone. Each

minibook covers one topic completely. This book features a companion
Web site where readers can download Microsoft Project add-ins, templates, and author-generated

The book also features a gate-fold cheat sheet that contains myriad quick-reference information, tips,
and shortcuts for reference when using Microsoft Project

2007. The structure of the book is as follows:
Book I: Project Basics Book II: Structure of a Project Book III: Defining Task Details Book IV: Establishing
Task Timing

Book V: Working with Resources and Costs Book VI: Communicating Project Information Book
VII: Resolving Problems with Your Plan Book VIII: Tracking Book IX: Advanced

Project Topics Book X: Project
in the Enterprise Environment Book XI: Project Case Studies
eBook:For.Dummies.Microsoft.Office.Project.2007.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash


file:2007_1012_wrz_for-dum.mic.off.pro.200.all.in.one.des.ref.for.dum.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (18334) KB



Saving Time and Money Using SAS
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Philip R. Holland
ISBN: 1590475747
ISBN-13: 9781590475744
Publisher: SAS Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 248

Product Description
Get the most from your SAS software! In this expert collection of strategic and tactical solutions, author
Philip Holland shows you how to save time and money by making

the most of your SAS software. You'll gain
a deeper knowledge of your existing SAS components, improve your coding efficiency, and learn how to
develop applications that

are easier to maintain. Filled with invaluable tips and hints and with coding
examples that can be adapted to your specific projects, this book is the ultimate reference

source that
you will reach for again and again as you develop your business processes. You'll learn how to perform
many tasks, including the following: access SAS data by

using the SAS ODBC Driver, DDE, and SAS Integration
Technologies make productive use of available space in mainframe, Windows, and UNIX environments produce

graphic report formats by using SAS/GRAPH® import data from and export data to external databases
and spreadsheets without using SAS/ACCESS read specific data types from

flat files into SAS data sets
develop SAS applications by using SAS Enterprise Guide Whether you're a beginner or an advanced SAS programmer,
this guide will increase

your understanding of SAS and help you get the full value from your SAS software!

eBook:SAS.Publishing.Saving.Time.and.Money.Using.SAS.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [SOBlohiy5JR7HqQ4WOPEanFQfOM]

file:2007_1012_wrz_sas-pub.sav.tim.and.mon.usi.sas.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1938) KB



Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 (Mastering)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): George Omura
ISBN: 047013738X
ISBN-13: 9780470137383
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2007
Pages: 1000

Product Description
The World's Bestselling AutoCAD Resource Fully Updated for 2008 There's a reason why Mastering AutoCAD
is so popular year after year. Loaded with concise explanations,

step-by-step instructions, and hands-on
projects, this comprehensive reference and tutorial from award-winning author George Omura has everything
you need to become an

AutoCAD expert. If you're new to AutoCAD, the tutorials will help you build your skills
right away. If you're an AutoCAD veteran, Omura's in-depth explanations of the

latest and most advanced
features, including the exciting annotation, notes, and layer properties features, will turn you into
an AutoCAD pro. Whatever your experience

level and however you use AutoCAD, you'll refer to this indispensable
reference again and again. Coverage includes: * Creating and developing AutoCAD drawings * Drawing
curves and applying solid fills * Effectively using hatches, fields, and tables * Manipulating dynamic
blocks and attributes * Linking drawings to databases and

spreadsheets * Rendering realistic interior
views with natural lighting * Giving a hand-drawn look to 3D views * Presenting 3D models with cutaway
and x-ray views *

Making spiral forms with the Helix and Sweep tools * Exploring your model in real time
with the Walk and Fly tools * Adding hyperlinks to drawings * Converting multiple

layer settings and other
layer translator options Master the New Text and Table Features Explore the Layer Manager Enhancements
Annotate, Secure, and Authenticate Files

Track Your Projects with the Sheet Set Manager Publish Drawings
over the Internet and eTransmit Your Files Customize the New Dashboard and Control Panel
eBook:Sybex.Mastering.AutoCAD.2008.and.AutoCAD.LT.2008.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [6UGYKOrYsAmmdT7cucQzq0AHF8c]

file:2007_1012_wrz_syb-mas.aut.200.and.aut.lt.200.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (22449) KB



Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production (Mastering)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Pariah Burke
ISBN: 0470114568
ISBN-13: 9780470114568
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2007
Pages: 492

Product Description
Mastering InDesign for Print Design and Production shows how experienced professionals with deadlines
and billable hours use InDesign efficiently and effectively. Through

the case studies and interviews,
readers will find inspired to look beyond the over-emphasized basic features and into the depths of InDesign's
utility for real-world

print design. Most InDesign books are written for beginners, and experienced
users are frustrated by them. When you already know how to make, fill, and thread a text box,

the entire
first half of most InDesign books is useless. But this one doesn't dwell on the basics. Mastering InDesign
for Print Design and Production fulfills the promise

of the Mastering series, to provide real-world
skills to professionals and students. Like all Mastering books, this one includes:
A "by pros for pros"
approach: The

author is an active professional working in the field of graphic arts, layout, and design,
writing for professionals who want to improve their skills or learn new skills.
Real-world examples:
Running throughout the text are examples of how the various skills are applied in real scenarios, described
throughout the book in the form of

examples and case studies from the author's own design and consulting
work, as well as interviews with other designers using InDesign on the job.
Skill-based teaching

hands-on exercises Although the book has a comprehensive glossary, page one begins right away speaking
to the core market—print professionals—in industry

terms about industry challenges.
This immediately lets experienced InDesign users know the book is about them. The approach is humorous,
making the digestion and

retention of complicated information easier for the reader through quips,
anecdotes, and design- and print-geek humor. But at all times the book is true to its mission:

a professional do their job in InDesign without frustration, confusion, or aesthetic compromise.
eBook:Sybex.Mastering.InDesign.CS3.for.Print.Design.and.Production.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [T+V37KgKq5/ARzrF8M/rcKF1T8c]

file:2007_1012_wrz_syb-mas.ind.cs3.for.pri.des.and.pro.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (11839) KB



Mastering Photoshop CS3 for Print Design and Production (Mastering)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Ted LoCascio
ISBN: 0470114576
ISBN-13: 9780470114575
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2007
Pages: 573

Product Description
Unlike the early days of Photoshop, for several years now most Photoshop books have been aimed at photographers;
there is a big hole on the bookstore shelf that needs to

be filled by a Photoshop book that is geared specifically
towards graphic design professionals and production artists. This core audience should not have to
wade through

useless chapters of content geared towards other users of the application, namely professional
photographers, web designers, and video editors. Mastering Photoshop for

Print Design and Production
sets graphic designers and production artists in the right direction when implementing the latest version
of Photoshop into their everyday

workflow. It demonstrates how to use Photoshop for all aspects of print,
from simpler tasks such as basic color correction and masking, to more advanced tasks such as

color management,
utilizing layer comps, and troubleshooting and automating RGB-to-CMYK color conversion. Entirely
four-color throughout, Mastering Photoshop for Print

Design and Production fulfills the promise of
the Mastering series, to provide real-world skills to professionals and students. Like all Mastering
books, this one

A "by pros for pros" approach: The author is an active professional working
in graphic arts, layout, and design, writing for professionals who want to improve

their skills or learn
new skills.
Real-world examples: Running throughout the text are examples of how the various skills
are applied in scenarios faced by real

Skill-based teaching and hands-on exercises.

Companion files for tutorials and projects are provided on the accompanying CD-ROM. Note: CD-ROM/DVD

other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
eBook:Sybex.Mastering.Photoshop.CS3.for.Print.Design.and.Production.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [aWLNJgQpTqpRczcLOnym8HmokyM]

file:2007_1012_wrz_syb-mas.pho.cs3.for.pri.des.and.pro.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (38370) KB



Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): George Reis
ISBN: 0470114541
ISBN-13: 9780470114544
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2007
Pages: 252

Product Description
Digital imaging technology has been used in forensics since at least 1992, yet until now there?has been?no
practical instruction available to address the unique issues of

image processing in an everyday forensic
environment. Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals serves the everyday, real-world needs of law
enforcement and legal

personnel dealing with digital images (including both photos and video stills).
This book is an excellent tool for: Law enforcement personnel, from crime scene and arson

detectives, and patrol officers to forensic photographers, fingerprint examiners, video analysts,
tool mark and footwear examiners, and criminalists.

Security pros in such fields as private investigation,
insurance, fraud detection, and loss prevention. Scientific and technical users of Photoshop with
workflows similar

to law enforcement, such as medical photographers, research imaging experts, engineering
and architecture staff, and industrial photographers. Staff responsible for

maintaining a photo archive
or printing images for court. Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals is the only book to provide forensics
professionals with specific

answers to their imaging questions. This is the perfect resource for those
who want to move from simple theory to the essential skills needed to be more effective. This

is dividied into three parts: Part I: The Essentials is about setting up your workflow, archiving your
images, and familiarizing yourself with Adobe Photoshop

and Adobe Bridge, including the setting up
of preferences. Also covered are the best practices in writing reports and providing courtroom testimony.
Part II: The Digital

Darkroom teaches how to use Photoshop to accomplish what traditionally was done
in the darkroom, from correcting color casts to making prints and exhibits for courtroom

use. Part III:
Image Analysis & Enhancement covers techniques for clarifying images so that details can be better viewed
and used for analysis or comparison, from

contrast enhancement and pattern removal to even forensic
video analysis. The companion CD-ROM provides sample images—including various accident and

scenes—you can use to practice the techniques from the book while?following along with
the tutorials. It also includes several scripts, plug-ins, and actions so you

can work more effectively.
In addition, instructor's materials are available so you can use book in workshops and training seminars.
Order this one-of-a-kind resource

today! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not
included as part of eBook file.
eBook:Sybex.Photoshop.CS3.for.Forensics.Professionals.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Ez1HIU1TileKFSGzziQYgbFFbbU]

file:2007_1012_wrz_syb-pho.cs3.for.for.pro.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (9906) KB



PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Kim Heldman
ISBN: 0470152508
ISBN-13: 9780470152508
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2007
Pages: 594

Product Description
Get the full coverage you need for the PMP Exam! Get the preparation you need for the challenging Project
Management Professional (PMP) certification exam in this

comprehensive study guide. In addition to
coverage of all exam objectives, you'll find practical advice including "How This Applies to Your Current
Project" and "Real

World Scenario" sidebars, as well as coverage for the Certified Associate in Project
Management (CAPM) exam, and much more.
Full coverage of all exam objectives in a

systematic approach,
so you can be confident you're getting the instruction you need for the exam
Practical hands-on exercises
to reinforce critical skills

scenarios that put what you've learned in the context of actual
job roles
Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day
Exam Essentials,

key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become proficient in before taking
the exam
A handy tear card that maps every official exam objective

to the corresponding chapter in the
book, so you can track your exam prep objective by objective The accmpanying CD features:
The Sybex test
engine, which includes all

of the chapter review questions and bonus exams.
Electronic flashcards
that reinforce your understanding and run on your PC, Pocket PC, or Palm handheld.
More than two

of audio instruction so you can fine-tune your project management skills.
The entire book in searchable
and printable PDF. Order today so you can study anywhere,

any time, and approach the exam with confidence.

eBook:Sybex.PMP.Project.Management.Professional.Exam.Study.Guide.4th.Edition.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [B6NQVnmdKR8Wik/ox8do0qEfmT8]

file:2007_1012_wrz_syb-pmp.pro.man.pro.exa.stu.gui.4th.edi.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4602) KB



Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner (Wiley Series in Computational Statistics)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Randall Matignon
ISBN: 0470149019
ISBN-13: 9780470149010
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Year: 2007
Pages: 564

Product Description
Data Mining Using SAS® Enterprise Miner introduces the reader to a wide variety of data mining techniques
in SAS® Enterprise Miner. This first-of-a-kind book explains the

purpose of -- and reasoning behind
-- every node that is a part of Enterprise Miner with regard to SEMMA design and data mining analysis. Each
chapter starts with a short

introduction to the assortment of statistics that are generated from the
various Enterprise Miner nodes, followed by detailed explanations of configuration settings

are located within each node. The end result of the author’s meticulous presentation is a well
crafted study guide on the various methods that one employs to

both randomly sample and partition data
within the process flow of SAS® Enterprise Miner.
eBook:Wiley.Data.Mining.Using.SAS.Enterprise.Miner.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [5p6ez9il6yMgT6jELxRzY6YyNlc]

file:2007_1012_wrz_wil-dat.min.usi.sas.ent.min.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (57850) KB



The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Chris Anley,John Heasman,Felix Linder,Gerardo Richarte
ISBN: 047008023X
ISBN-13: 9780470080238
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 718

Product Description

This much-anticipated revision, written by the ultimate group of top security experts in the world,
features 40 percent new content on how to find security holes in any

operating system or application

New material addresses the many new exploitation techniques that have been discovered since the first
edition, including attacking

"unbreakable" software packages such as McAfee's Entercept, Mac OS X,
XP, Office 2003, and Vista
Also features the first-ever published information on exploiting Cisco's
IOS, with content that has never before been explored
The companion Web site features downloadable
code files
eBook:Wiley.The.Shellcoders.Handbook.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [8/NAZ5bT6a+QRA5ScjULduGlXYk]

file:2007_1012_wrz_wil-the.she.han.2nd.edi.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3108) KB



SharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions (Programmer to Programmer)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Randy Holloway,Andrej Kyselica,Steve Caravajal
ISBN: 047009740X
ISBN-13: 9780470097403
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2007
Pages: 324

Product Description

Features end-to-end scenarios for using Office 2007 and SharePoint 2007, from generating Office documents
programmatically to integrating document-based workflows with

line of business applications or Web
Takes an in-depth look at integrating the information worker products from Microsoft into broader
solutions for the

Some of the topics covered include building a workflow solution with Office
and SharePoint 2007; programming SharePoint lists, items, and libraries; building

Business Intelligence
(BI) including Excel BI, Excel and Access Reporting, and SharePoint integration; using Web Content
Management with SharePoint; and more
eBook:Wrox.SharePoint.2007.and.Office.Development.Expert.Solutions.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [z5FIkMmIISdIsrMP5UOOTw4E4GQ]

file:2007_1012_wrz_wro-sha.200.and.off.dev.exp.sol.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (7191) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.CS3.for.Photographers.May.2007.eBook-BBL
2. Focal.Press.How.to.Cheat.in.Flash.CS3.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
3. Focal.Press.Photography.Foundations.for.Art.and.Design.4th.Edition.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL
4. Morgan.Kaufmann.Aspect.Oriented.Programming.with.the.e.Verification.Language.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
5. Newnes.The.Definitive.Guide.to.the.ARM.Cortex.M3.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
6. SAS.Publishing.Learning.SAS.by.Example.A.Programmers.Guide.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL


Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers: A Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Martin Evening
ISBN: 0240520289
ISBN-13: 9780240520285
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 704

Product Description
Master the power of Photoshop CS3 with an internationally renowned photographer by your side.Adobes
Photoshop CS3 comes with powerful new features with huge payoffs. But it can be overwhelming to learn,
even for professional photographers, graphic designers, keen amateurs, and others who already have
an initial grasp of Photoshop. Acclaimed photographer Martin Evening, who wrote the best-selling previous
books, 'Adobe Photoshop for Photographers', makes it easy with this new, thoroughly updated edition.
* Illustrated throughout with before-and-after pictures more than 750 professional, color illustrations!*
Practical techniques and real-life assignments* Step-by-step tutorials* Keyboard shortcut reference
guideIncludes FREE DVD with:* QuickTime movie tutorials for MAC and PC * Searchable tips on tools, palettes
layer styles, and shortcuts * Includes images selected for you to experiment with to get you up to speed
with everything in the book, including the new Photoshop CS3 features, fast! * Updated Camera Guide to
help you decide which will best suit your needs, plus bonus Digital Capture chapter in printable PDF formatUncover
quickly exactly what Adobes CS3 now offers photographers. New tutorials focus on the key features introduced
in CS3. You lose no time in finding out how to put your ideas to work with:* Adobes Camera Raw 4 plug-in that
can now also process TIFFs and JPEGs* New Align controls for combining HDR images; Photomerge; new Clone
Stamp; Curves dialog that now incorporates Levels functionality; and improved controls for Brightness/Contrast
to match raw image processing controls* The latest on Black and White adjustment, which provides all
the black and white conversion tools you need for optimum monochrome conversions* A pros scoop on choosing
from among dozens of Photoshops image adjustment methods to get the results you want* Tips on Bridge 2.0
and Lightroom when you should use each* Top tactics for successful composite images, insider guidance
on editing shadows and highlight adjustments, and lessons on how to preview and re-edit filter effects
as many times as you want without complex workaroundsGet the preeminent advice from one photographer
to another as Martin completely updates you on the core aspects of working with Photoshop, digital workflow,
and improving accessibility. Real-life examples, diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations
ensure that youre up to speed with the next generation of digital photography in no time!Foreword by Adobe
Systems key Director of Engineering, Digital Imaging, Marc Pawliger* Over 750 professional, color
images make this book stand above the rest * New DVD! Searchable info explains tools, palettes & layer
styles, also includes invaluable QuickTime movie tutorials * Master the power of Photoshop CS3 under
the instruction of an internationally recognised Photoshop expert & Adobe alpha tester
eBook:Focal.Press.Adobe.Photoshop.CS3.for.Photographers.May.2007.eBook-BBL hash [TTLTwxBqsCpWqplPzdwX30ZnPy8]

file:2007_1018_wrz_foc-pre.ado.pho.cs3.for.pho.may.200.ebo.bbl.izp (135021) KB



How to Cheat in Flash CS3: The art of design and animation in Adobe Flash CS3
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Chris Georgenes
ISBN: 0240520580
ISBN-13: 9780240520582
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 280

Product Description
Frustrated by the overwhelming nature of Flash? Want to get up to speed with the program fast so you can
concentrate on your animation? Need to solve problems quickly to get work done to time and to budget?Then
'How to Cheat in Flash' is for you!This book is different from the rest because it shows you, step by step,
how to work from the problem to the solution when creating Flash animations, from the viewpoint of an animator
who has been commissioned to create a job and is working to a deadline. It is task orientated; every example
shows real life commercial work. So, it's not so much a case of 'what does this filter/tool/option do?',
as 'this is the task I've been set - how do I achieve it?' The solution may involve a variety of tools and techniques;
it may take many steps to complete, or only a few. The free CD-Rom includes all the files you need to put your
skills into practice as you read, and much more! It's an accessible (conversational in style), practical
book and CD package which also provides artistic inspiration, a goldmine of timesaving practical tips,
tricks and step-by-step workthroughs. You will wonder how you survived without it.* Successful, bestselling
How to Cheat coverage now available for Flash* Learn a myriad of tips and tricks based on real life working
methods to help you work faster and more efficiently with Flash* Work from the problem to the solution,
gaining the best possible results from Flash
eBook:Focal.Press.How.to.Cheat.in.Flash.CS3.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Jvokzxa90JKax1mj6GO+g1qx/H4]

file:2007_1018_wrz_foc-pre.how.to.che.in.fla.cs3.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (39105) KB



Photography Foundations for Art and Design, Fourth Edition: The creative photography handbook (Photography Foundations for Art & Design) (Photography Foundations for Art & Design)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Mark Galer
ISBN: 0240520505
ISBN-13: 9780240520506
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 248

Product Description
Photography: Foundations for Art and Design is the perfect introductory guide for those of you learning
the basics of photography. Offering a clear and well-illustrated structured approach to the tools and
techniques, it will also guide you through the important aspects of photography as a means of self-expression
and communication. The main focus is setting a comprehensive list of objectives and resources for clarity
at the outset. A series of sequential study exercises intended as independent learning resources are
provided and each exercise will help you to build design skills, teach you how to properly research, and
execute work in a systematic manner. This new edition includes more digital information and also an entire
new chapter on Still Life. Support materials are provided on the companion website: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
This unique book covers both digital and film photography * This edition now in full color to focus on more
eye catching photographs! * New layout for easier reading and clearer comprehension * All new images
to teach and inspire * Additional chapter on Still Life Photography
eBook:Focal.Press.Photography.Foundations.for.Art.and.Design.4th.Edition.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL hash [hFgW9/+LfjujKoxVhg++euWDt/I]

file:2007_1018_wrz_foc-pre.pho.fou.for.art.and.des.4th.edi.mar.200.ebo.bbl.izp (42013) KB



Aspect-Oriented Programming with the e Verification Language: A Pragmatic Guide for Testbench Developers (Systems on Silicon)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): David Robinson
ISBN: 0123742102
ISBN-13: 9780123742100
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
Year: 2007
Pages: 272

Product Description
Whats this AOP thing anyway, reallywhen you get right down to itand can someone please explain what an
aspect actually is?Aspect-Oriented Programming with the e Verification Language takes a pragmatic,
example based, and fun approach to unraveling the mysteries of AOP. In this book, youll learn how to: Use
AOP to organize your code in a way that makes it easy to deal with the things you really care about in your
verification environments. Forget about organizing by classes, and start organizing by functionality,
layers, components, protocols, functional coverage, checking, or anything that you decide is important
to you Easily create flexible code that eases your development burden, and gives your users the power
to quickly do what they need to do with your code Truly create a plug-and-play environment that allows
you to add and remove functionality without modifying your code. Examples include how to use AOP to create
pluggable debug modules, and a pluggable module that lets you check that your testbench is still working
before you begin a regression Utilize AOP to sidestep those productivity roadblocks that seem to plague
all projects at the most inconvenient of times Discover why return is evil, and some other gotchas with
the AOP features of eAll of the methodologies, tips, and techniques described in this book have been developed
and tested on real projects, with real people, real schedules and all of the associated problems that
come with these. Only the ones that worked, and worked well, have made it in, so by following the advice
given in this book, youll gain access to the true power of AOP while neatly avoiding the effort of working
it all out yourself. Use AOP to organize your code in a way that makes it easy to deal with the things you really
care about in your verification environments. Forget about organizing by classes, and start organizing
by functionality, layers, components, protocols, functional coverage, checking, or anything that
you decide is important to you Easily create flexible code that eases your development burden, and gives
your users the power to quickly do what they need to do with your code Truly create a plug-and-play environment
that allows you to add and remove functionality without modifying your code. Examples include how to
use AOP to create pluggable debug modules, and a pluggable module that lets you check that your testbench
is still working before you begin a regression Utilize AOP to sidestep those productivity roadblocks
that seem to plague all projects at the most inconvenient of times Discover why return is evil, and some
other gotchas with the AOP features of e
eBook:Morgan.Kaufmann.Aspect.Oriented.Programming.with.the.e.Verification.Language.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [AIqQivfB7swKaiNvN5AYGhhkOiI]

file:2007_1018_wrz_mor-kau.asp.ori.pro.wit.the.e.ver.lan.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1527) KB



The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Joseph Yiu
ISBN: 0750685344
ISBN-13: 9780750685344
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 400

Product Description
This user's guide does far more than simply outline the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU features; it explains step-by-step
how to program and implement the processor in real-world designs. It teaches readers how to utilize the
complete and thumb instruction sets in order to obtain the best functionality, efficiency, and reuseability.
The author, an ARM engineer who helped develop the core, provides many examples and diagrams that aid
understanding. Quick reference appendices make locating specific details a snap! Whole chapters are
dedicated to: Debugging using the new CoreSight technologyMigrating effectively from the ARM7 The
Memory Protection Unit Interfaces, Exceptions,Interrupts ...and much more!*The only available guide
to programming and using the groundbreaking ARM Cortex-M3 processor *Easy-to-understand examples,
diagrams, quick reference appendices, full instruction and Thumb-2 instruction sets are all included
*The author, an ARM engineer on the M3 development team, teaches end users how to start from the ground
up with the M3, and how to migrate from the ARM7
eBook:Newnes.The.Definitive.Guide.to.the.ARM.Cortex.M3.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [UDmpg+VPvBeHbjrWyP/QLk738RQ]

file:2007_1018_wrz_new-the.def.gui.to.the.arm.cor.m3.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3320) KB



Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Ron Cody
ISBN: 1599941651
ISBN-13: 9781599941653
Publisher: SAS Publishing
Year: 2007
Pages: 664

Product Description
If you like learning by example, then this straightforward book makes it easy to learn SAS programming.
In an instructive and conversational tone, author Ron Cody clearly explains each programming technique
and then illustrates it with one or more real-life examples, followed by a detailed description of how
the program works. The text is divided into four major sections: Getting Started; DATA Step Processing;
Presenting and Summarizing Your Data; and Advanced Topics. Subjects addressed include: Reading data
from external sources Learning details of DATA step programming Subsetting and combining SAS data sets
Understanding SAS functions and working with arrays Creating reports with PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE
Learning to use the SAS Output Delivery System Getting started with the SAS macro language Introducing
PROC SQL You can test your knowledge and hone your skills by solving the problems at the end of each chapter.
(Solutions to odd-numbered problems are located at the back of this book. Solutions to all problems are
available to instructors by visiting the book's companion Web site for details.) This book is intended
for beginners and intermediate users. Readers should know how to enter and submit a SAS program from their
operating system. Includes a free CD-ROM with the example code, data sets, and solutions to odd-numbered
eBook:SAS.Publishing.Learning.SAS.by.Example.A.Programmers.Guide.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL hash [f6puPKnMQ1IGrx0kw6QFX/pqyjo]

file:2007_1018_wrz_sas-pub.lea.sas.by.exa.a.pro.gui.mar.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2861) KB



Не появилась ли такая книга:
"Business Process Management with JBoss jBPM"
Packt Publishing, Aug, 2007
ISBN 184719236X
ISBN 13 978-1-847192-36-3


10 Дек 2004
1. Apress.Beginning.HTML.with.CSS.and.XHTML.Modern.Guide.and.Reference.Jun.2007.eBook-BBL
2. OReilly.ActionScript.3.0.Design.Patterns.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
3. OReilly.Programming.Collective.Intelligence.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
4. OReilly.Regular.Expression.Pocket.Reference.2nd.Edition.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL
5. OReilly.Security.Power.Tools.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL


Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): David Schultz,Craig Cook
ISBN: 1590597478
ISBN-13: 9781590597477
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2007
Pages: 430

Product Description
If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you need is a solid understanding
of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the language that the majority of web site content is written
Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference incorporates practical examples
that will show you how to structure your data correctly using (X)HTML, along with styling and layout basics
using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You'll also learn how to add dynamic behavior to your data using the
JavaScript™ language.
This book is forward-thinking because all the featured code and techniques
are standards compliant and demonstrate best practices—so you won't waste time on outdated,
bad techniques. Your web pages will work properly in most web browsers and be accessible to web users with
disabilities, easily locatable with popular search engines, and compact in file size.
Even if you already
know HTML and CSS basics, this book will still be useful to you. It features comprehensive reference tables
at the back, so you can look up all of the troublesome attributes, codes, and properties quickly and easily.

Pick up a copy of this book because it:

Teaches standards-compliant HTML--not outdated techniques

Includes reference sections for you to easily look up syntax
Doesn't require previous programming
experience for comprehension Bruce Lawson and Gez Lemon acted as technical reviewers of Beginning HTML
with CSS and XHTML. Bruce and Gez are active members of the Web Standards Project's Accessibility Task
Force, and have helped ensure that the book follows current guidelines and best practice.

eBook:Apress.Beginning.HTML.with.CSS.and.XHTML.Modern.Guide.and.Reference.Jun.2007.eBook-BBL hash [3suhBAVuNPVrUOhr4ACGAgwo/+I]
file:2007_1024_wrz_apr-beg.htm.wit.css.and.xht.mod.gui.and.ref.jun.200.ebo.bbl.izp (6958) KB



ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns: Object Oriented Programming Techniques (Adobe Developer Library)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): William Sanders,Chandima Cumaranatunge
ISBN: 0596528469
ISBN-13: 9780596528461
Publisher: Adobe Dev Library
Year: 2007
Pages: 530

Product Description
Now that ActionScript is reengineered from top to bottom as a true object-oriented programming (OOP)
language, reusable design patterns are an ideal way to solve common problems in Flash and Flex applications.
If you're an experienced Flash or Flex developer ready to tackle sophisticated programming techniques
with ActionScript 3.0, this hands-on introduction to design patterns is the book you need. ActionScript
3.0 Design Patterns takes you step by step through the process, first by explaining how design patterns
provide a clear road map for structuring code that actually makes OOP languages easier to learn and use.
You then learn about various types of design patterns and construct small abstract examples before trying
your hand at building full-fledged working applications outlined in the book. Topics in ActionScript
3.0 Design Patterns include:
Key features of ActionScript 3.0 and why it became an OOP language
characteristics, such as classes, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism
The benefits of using
design patterns
Creational patterns, including Factory and Singleton patterns
Structural patterns,
including Decorator, Adapter, and Composite patterns
Behavioral patterns, including Command, Observer,
Strategy, and State patterns
Multiple design patterns, including Model-View-Controller and Symmetric
Proxy designs During the course of the book, you'll work with examples of increasing complexity, such
as an e-business application with service options that users can select, an interface for selecting
a class of products and individual products in each class, an action game application, a video record
and playback application, and many more. Whether you're coming to Flash and Flex from Java or C++, or have
experience with ActionScript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns will have you constructing truly
elegant solutions for your Flash and Flex applications in no time.
eBook:OReilly.ActionScript.3.0.Design.Patterns.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [Bvj9/SZfU3C3ekmgHsJrD1pvX2Y]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ore-act.3.0.des.pat.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3150) KB



Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Toby Segaran
ISBN: 0596529325
ISBN-13: 9780596529321
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Year: 2007
Pages: 360

Product Description
Want to tap the power behind search rankings, product recommendations, social bookmarking, and online
matchmaking? This fascinating book demonstrates how you can build Web 2.0 applications to mine the enormous
amount of data created by people on the Internet. With the sophisticated algorithms in this book, you
can write smart programs to access interesting datasets from other web sites, collect data from users
of your own applications, and analyze and understand the data once you've found it. Programming Collective
Intelligence takes you into the world of machine learning and statistics, and explains how to draw conclusions
about user experience, marketing, personal tastes, and human behavior in general -- all from information
that you and others collect every day. Each algorithm is described clearly and concisely with code that
can immediately be used on your web site, blog, Wiki, or specialized application. This book explains:

Collaborative filtering techniques that enable online retailers to recommend products or media

Methods of clustering to detect groups of similar items in a large dataset
Search engine features --
crawlers, indexers, query engines, and the PageRank algorithm
Optimization algorithms that search
millions of possible solutions to a problem and choose the best one
Bayesian filtering, used in spam
filters for classifying documents based on word types and other features
Using decision trees not only
to make predictions, but to model the way decisions are made
Predicting numerical values rather than
classifications to build price models
Support vector machines to match people in online dating sites

Non-negative matrix factorization to find the independent features in a dataset
Evolving intelligence
for problem solving -- how a computer develops its skill by improving its own code the more it plays a game
Each chapter includes exercises for extending the algorithms to make them more powerful. Go beyond simple
database-backed applications and put the wealth of Internet data to work for you. "Bravo! I cannot think
of a better way for a developer to first learn these algorithms and methods, nor can I think of a better way
for me (an old AI dog) to reinvigorate my knowledge of the details." -- Dan Russell, Google "Toby's book
does a great job of breaking down the complex subject matter of machine-learning algorithms into practical,
easy-to-understand examples that can be directly applied to analysis of social interaction across
the Web today. If I had this book two years ago, it would have saved precious time going down some fruitless
paths." -- Tim Wolters, CTO, Collective Intellect
eBook:OReilly.Programming.Collective.Intelligence.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [vIdw2wTH7rTgeaaf4aRK6K6oHfo]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ore-pro.col.int.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2585) KB



Regular Expression Pocket Reference: Regular Expressions for Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, C, Java and .NET (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Tony Stubblebine
ISBN: 0596514271
ISBN-13: 9780596514273
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Year: 2007
Pages: 126

Product Description
This handy little book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular
expressions that are at the heart of every text-processing application. Ideal as a quick reference,
Regular Expression Pocket Reference covers the regular expression APIs for Perl 5.8, Ruby (including
some upcoming 1.9 features), Java, PHP, .NET and C#, Python, vi, JavaScript, and the PCRE regular expression
libraries. This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and
data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an
outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression
Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters,
modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete
regex listings including:
Supported metacharacters for each language API
Regular expression classes
and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C#
Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8
Regular expression
module objects and functions for Python
Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor
methods and objects for JavaScript
Unicode Support for each of the languages With plenty of examples
and other resources, Regular Expression Pocket Reference summarizes the complex rules for performing
this critical text-processing function, and presents this often-confusing topic in a friendly and
well-organized format. This guide makes an ideal on-the-job companion.
eBook:OReilly.Regular.Expression.Pocket.Reference.2nd.Edition.Jul.2007.eBook-BBL hash [3h+EhqF7W4nOPsgfF/bXAFdDUo8]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ore-reg.exp.poc.ref.2nd.edi.jul.200.ebo.bbl.izp (859) KB



Security Power Tools
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Bryan Burns,Dave Killion,Nicolas Beauchesne,Eric Moret,Julien Sobrier,Michael Lynn,Eric Markham,Chris Iezzoni,Philippe Biondi,Jennifer Granick,Steve Manzuik,Paul Guersch
ISBN: 0596009631
ISBN-13: 9780596009632
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Year: 2007
Pages: 856

Product Description
What if you could sit down with some of the most talented security engineers in the world and ask any network
security question you wanted? Security Power Tools lets you do exactly that! Members of Juniper Networks'
Security Engineering team and a few guest experts reveal how to use, tweak, and push the most popular network
security applications, utilities, and tools available using Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms.
Designed to be browsed, Security Power Tools offers you multiple approaches to network security via
23 cross-referenced chapters that review the best security tools on the planet for both black hat techniques
and white hat defense tactics. It's a must-have reference for network administrators, engineers and
consultants with tips, tricks, and how-to advice for an assortment of freeware and commercial tools,
ranging from intermediate level command-line operations to advanced programming of self-hiding exploits.
Security Power Tools details best practices for:
Reconnaissance -- including tools for network scanning
such as nmap; vulnerability scanning tools for Windows and Linux; LAN reconnaissance; tools to help
with wireless reconnaissance; and custom packet generation
Penetration -- such as the Metasploit
framework for automated penetration of remote computers; tools to find wireless networks; exploitation
framework applications; and tricks and tools to manipulate shellcodes
Control -- including the configuration
of several tools for use as backdoors; and a review of known rootkits for Windows and Linux
Defense --
including host-based firewalls; host hardening for Windows and Linux networks; communication security
with ssh; email security and anti-malware; and device security testing
Monitoring -- such as tools
to capture, and analyze packets; network monitoring with Honeyd and snort; and host monitoring of production
servers for file changes
Discovery -- including The Forensic Toolkit, SysInternals and other popular
forensic tools; application fuzzer and fuzzing techniques; and the art of binary reverse engineering
using tools like Interactive Disassembler and Ollydbg A practical and timely network security ethics
chapter written by a Stanford University professor of law completes the suite of topics and makes this
book a goldmine of security information. Save yourself a ton of headaches and be prepared for any network
security dilemma with Security Power Tools.
eBook:OReilly.Security.Power.Tools.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [HBcv8jt7vp9q+cBLf5mtsyZQvpM]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ore-sec.pow.too.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (8986) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Configuring.and.Implementing.WLANs-LiB
2. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Configuring.Campus.Switches.to.Support.Voice-LiB
3. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Defining.Virtual.Local.Area.Networks.VLANS-LiB
4. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Implementing.Spanning.Tree-LiB
5. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Implementing.Trunks.and.the.Virtual.Trunking.Protocol.VTP-LiB
6. SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Mitigating.Service.Loss.and.Data.Theft-LiB
7. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.BGP.for.Enterprise.ISP.Connectivity-LiB
8. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Configuring.Advanced.Elements.of.OSPF-LiB
9. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Configuring.Simple.Elements.of.OSPF-LiB
10. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Implementing.Multicast-LiB
11. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Manipulating.Routing.Updates-LiB
12. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.The.IS-IS.Protocol-LiB
13. SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Tuning.OSPF.Configurations-LiB
14. SkillSoft.Cryptography-LiB
15. SkillSoft.Implementing.IT.Security-LiB
16. SkillSoft.Managing.Laptops.and.Portable.Devices-LiB
17. SkillSoft.Oracle.Database.10g.Managing.Backup.and.Recovery.Release.2-LiB
18. SkillSoft.Understanding.and.Supporting.Networks-LiB
19. SkillSoft.Using.Effective.Remote.Communication-LiB
20. SkillSoft.Visual.Basic.2005.Customized.Programming-LiB

eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Configuring.and.Implementing.WLANs-LiB hash [SIKYPU+P7sPH7KLmnzM7gryuo24]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.con.and.imp.wla.lib.izp (12837) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Configuring.Campus.Switches.to.Support.Voice-LiB hash [otIrySdUjgc73Vx6YohY6HirXiY]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.con.cam.swi.to.sup.voi.lib.izp (468) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Defining.Virtual.Local.Area.Networks.VLANS-LiB hash [/p5LvigVPOqbMxjYVdW9jhlgxD4]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.def.vir.loc.are.net.vla.lib.izp (9024) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Implementing.Spanning.Tree-LiB hash [M21KukZmJwSmfu0luDRzhF9m0zA]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.imp.spa.tre.lib.izp (12989) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Implementing.Trunks.and.the.Virtual.Trunking.Protocol.VTP-LiB hash [fvTAHc4GIU7X6jZQfK/SGKJC3Ac]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.imp.tru.and.the.vir.tru.pro.vtp.lib.izp (10899) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BCMSN.3.0.Mitigating.Service.Loss.and.Data.Theft-LiB hash [igdxQqoRxoGHaLJP7m69glurPGY]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bcm.3.0.mit.ser.los.and.dat.the.lib.izp (13582) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.BGP.for.Enterprise.ISP.Connectivity-LiB hash [EfJL6sqk7ziTlHZrNRH32E4VbWw]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.bgp.for.ent.isp.con.lib.izp (10634) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Configuring.Advanced.Elements.of.OSPF-LiB hash [LD8ROsKGncT4fU/U4HaUVwtYEJk]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.con.adv.ele.of.osp.lib.izp (9606) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Configuring.Simple.Elements.of.OSPF-LiB hash [Y6L+AKnCILfHW+dN7QKoiI9OCPA]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.con.sim.ele.of.osp.lib.izp (10101) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Implementing.Multicast-LiB hash [GxxlOECoqv2q7RE+WxbGmH2VTKU]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.imp.mul.lib.izp (10676) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Manipulating.Routing.Updates-LiB hash [tII9KCz+GsD7ugA2STergUflWpI]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.man.rou.upd.lib.izp (13271) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.The.IS-IS.Protocol-LiB hash [OGpH489NxL9WeONSyni283gIc+Y]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.the.is.is.pro.lib.izp (12865) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cisco.BSCI.3.0.Tuning.OSPF.Configurations-LiB hash [aO5XehS3M37yPc/9AaJB/lY6hk4]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cis.bsc.3.0.tun.osp.con.lib.izp (10657) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Cryptography-LiB hash [crKoLjKzeqTzNVkjK/RJ3NfjTJE]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-cry.lib.izp (10473) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Implementing.IT.Security-LiB hash [egAPRRGrixu53uwnweyfSqqulZM]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-imp.it.sec.lib.izp (10454) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Managing.Laptops.and.Portable.Devices-LiB hash [lg+GeTho7yMtkHc/iEAdgRySvQE]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-man.lap.and.por.dev.lib.izp (8772) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Oracle.Database.10g.Managing.Backup.and.Recovery.Release.2-LiB hash [kFVRl+nKEnIPhV9kw4AW92O9RKo]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-ora.dat.10g.man.bac.and.rec.rel.2.lib.izp (13061) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Understanding.and.Supporting.Networks-LiB hash [iacbwCe8TdPb5uqaBsnkV3Bh1rQ]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-und.and.sup.net.lib.izp (8876) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Using.Effective.Remote.Communication-LiB hash [FxyckuzGxK2O/0tz6ZMc0+PBZXc]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-usi.eff.rem.com.lib.izp (6336) KB


eBook:SkillSoft.Visual.Basic.2005.Customized.Programming-LiB hash [gwKyItU7X33hvxgSqEOPbIuHlb4]
file:2007_1024_wrz_ski-vis.bas.200.cus.pro.lib.izp (11648) KB



7 Июн 2005
Ищу такую книгу
Facelets By Robert Swarr
March 2007
First Edition: March 2007
Series: Short Cut
Format: PDF
ISBN 10: 0-596-52924-4
ISBN 13: 9780596529246
Pages: 100



10 Дек 2004
1. Springer.Distributed.Services.with.OpenAFS.Jun.2007.eBook-BBL
2. Wiley.Cognitive.Networks.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
3. Wiley.Cryptology.Unlocked.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
4. Wiley.Enabling.Technologies.for.Mobile.Services.The.MobiLife.Book.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL
5. Wiley.Patterns.for.Computer.Mediated.Interaction.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL
6. Wiley.Symbian.OS.Communications.Programming.2nd.Edition.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
7. Wiley.The.Next.Generation.CDMA.Technologies.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL


Distributed Services with OpenAFS: for Enterprise and Education
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Wolfgang A. Gehrke,Franco Milicchio
ISBN: 3540366334
ISBN-13: 9783540366331
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2007
Pages: 400

Product Description
This book shows in detail how to build enterprise-level secure,redundant, and highly scalable services
from scratch on top of theopen source Linux operating system, suitable for small companies aswell as
big universities. The core architecture presented is based onKerberos, LDAP, AFS, and Samba. It is shown
how to integrate web,message related, data base and other services with this backbone. Thisarchitecture
provides a Single-Sign-On solution for different clientplatforms and can also be employed for clustering.
Although it isimplemented with Debian GNU/Linux, the content can be applied to otherUNIX flavors.
eBook:Springer.Distributed.Services.with.OpenAFS.Jun.2007.eBook-BBL hash [xTaOmdxHC1XF0OFXJteeY7E6hAM]
file:2007_1101_wrz_spr-dis.ser.wit.ope.jun.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2562) KB



Cognitive Networks: Towards Self-Aware Networks
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
ISBN: 0470061960
ISBN-13: 9780470061961
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Year: 2007
Pages: 368

Product Description
Cognitive networks can dynamically adapt their operational parameters in response to user needs or
changing environmental conditions. They can learn from these adaptations and exploit knowledge to
make future decisions. Cognitive networks are the future, and they are needed simply because they enable
users to focus on things other than configuring and managing networks. Without cognitive networks,
the pervasive computing vision calls for every consumer to be a network technician. The applications
of cognitive networks enable the vision of pervasive computing, seamless mobility, ad-hoc networks,
and dynamic spectrum allocation, among others. In detail, the authors describe the main features of
cognitive networks clearly indicating that cognitive network design can be applied to any type of network,
being fixed or wireless. They explain why cognitive networks promise better protection against security
attacks and network intruders and how such networks will benefit the service operator as well as the consumer.
Cognitive Networks
Explores the state-of-the-art in cognitive networks, compiling a roadmap to future
Covers the topic of cognitive radio including semantic aspects.
Presents hot topics such
as biologically-inspired networking, autonomic networking, and adaptive networking.
the applications of machine learning and distributed reasoning to cognitive networks.
cross-layer design and optimization.
Discusses security and intrusion detection in cognitive networks.
Cognitive Networks is essential reading for advanced students, researchers, as well as practitioners
interested in cognitive & wireless networks, pervasive computing, distributed learning, seamless
mobility, and self-governed networks. With forewords by Joseph Mitola III as well as Sudhir Dixit.
eBook:Wiley.Cognitive.Networks.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [F0U7XyFTHZD19I0C7Iz5qeoQdw0]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-cog.net.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (4477) KB



Cryptology Unlocked
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Reinhard Wobst
ISBN: 0470060646
ISBN-13: 9780470060643
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 554

Product Description
Cryptology includes data encryption (cryptography), cryptographic protocols and code breaking to
provide the fundamentals of data security. This new book introduces cryptography in a unique and non-mathematical
style. Cryptology Unlocked explains encryption, crypto analysis (classic and modern algorithms),
cryptographic protocols, digital standards and much more. This innovative book will reveal some of
the dangers of code breaking, and highlights ways to master code-breaking and attack algorithms. Topics
range from the simplest enciphering methods to precise investigations of modern algorithms. Everything
you need to understand the delicate balance between complex and actual information, with a peppering
of anecdotes along the way. Join the cryptology adventure, and understand:
The difference between
good and bad algorithms
Whether or not secret services can read all messages
The real-world affect
cryptography had on World War II
The unspoken security risks behind digital mobile standards GSM and
The everyday implications on digital signatures, PINs and online banking
eBook:Wiley.Cryptology.Unlocked.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [F1NXUv4ZYOZ2tZWEVXOMZB22REc]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-cry.unl.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1983) KB



Enabling Technologies for Mobile Services: The MobiLife Book
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Mika Klemettinen
ISBN: 0470512903
ISBN-13: 9780470512906
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 438

Product Description
This book’s emphasis is on describing a complete architectural framework, which combines theory
and practice in a way that gives a realistic view of the opportunities and challenges in the applications
and services area, including results from both extensive user evaluations and technical evaluations.
It will cover topics in the B3G area that are not yet well covered, namely applications and services from
the users, key enabling technologies, regulatory and business models, end-user evaluations and applications/services
creation points of views. Especially, the book describes the results and conclusions of practical work
that has taken place during the major collaborative MobiLife research project with around 1500 person-months
of work during 2.5 years (Sep/2004-Dec/2006), and is building on the former and parallel interaction
with the Wireless World Research Forum. It will also include, a defined service architecture/infrastructure
with interoperable components on user interaction, context-awareness, privacy & trust, personalization,
and services support; definitions of key enabling technologies; reference applications for several
application/service concepts; and qualitative evaluations and field studies with more than 250 end-users
in Italy and Finland. Thus, the architecture and enabling technology solutions have been validated
both in technical and non-technical dimensions. It will also describe marketplace analysis with validations
by more than 20 key experts in Finland, The Netherlands, U.K, Italy and Germany; and pioneering legal/regulatory
analysis of the challenges related to new advanced application/service solutions with remarks on,
e.g., personalization and DRM.
eBook:Wiley.Enabling.Technologies.for.Mobile.Services.The.MobiLife.Book.Nov.2007.eBook-BBL hash [ixOXe6davP9eJbAIzf8DZtGpmzo]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-ena.tec.for.mob.ser.the.mob.boo.nov.200.ebo.bbl.izp (7018) KB



Patterns for Computer-Mediated Interaction (Wiley Software Patterns Series)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Till Schummer,Stephan Lukosch
ISBN: 0470025611
ISBN-13: 9780470025611
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 600

Product Description
Written by well-respected experts, this how-to guide provides patterns for the design of human computer
human interaction (HCHI). An increasing number of applications are currently designed for use by more
than one user, eg: multi-player games, interactive web sites, mobile phones, collaborative learning
systems, interactive workspaces and smart environments. In these areas there is a shift from (HCI) human
computer interaction to (HCHI) human computer human interaction. The role of patterns in this movement
is twofold: 1st – patterns focus on the human user of the system; 2nd – patterns assist developers
in the development process of groupware applications.
eBook:Wiley.Patterns.for.Computer.Mediated.Interaction.Aug.2007.eBook-BBL hash [dy2LxKAkYlQqqqEoMokyi2rG4qA]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-pat.for.com.med.int.aug.200.ebo.bbl.izp (12093) KB



Symbian OS Communications Programming (Symbian Press)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Iain Campbell,Dale Self,Emlyn Howell,Ian Bunning,Ibrahim Rahman,Lucy Caffery,Malcolm Box,Matthew Elliott,Natasha Ho,Pierre Cochart,Tim Howes,Twm Davies
ISBN: 0470512288
ISBN-13: 9780470512289
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 462

Product Description
An up-to-date insight into Communications programming at Symbian, incorporating changes introduced
by the latest version of Symbian OS (Symbian OS V9), which is the basis of the new phones currently reaching
the market. It guides developers through the Symbian OS communications architecture and provides essential
information on the communications models and programming interfaces used by Symbian OS.
Clear up-to-date
explanations of how Symbian OS Communications works, demonstrated with full code examples in each chapter

Written by experienced Symbian engineer who leads the Symbian Communications Programming team
special topics to include Bluetooth, HTTP, Serial Communications, OBEX and messaging
eBook:Wiley.Symbian.OS.Communications.Programming.2nd.Edition.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [LHBDv1MEKSEHJFr4QEsZ8ZS1r6g]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-sym.os.com.pro.2nd.edi.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (1592) KB



The Next Generation CDMA Technologies
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Hsiao-Hwa Chen
ISBN: 0470022949
ISBN-13: 9780470022948
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007
Pages: 476

Product Description
The great success of Internet and mobile cellular communications has opened a new vista for future all-IP
wireless applications, being evident in continuously increasing demand for worldwide packet data
services in the current 2.5G and 3G networks. It has been clear that the future wireless systems will be
operating based mainly if not completely on burst data services carrying multimedia traffics, including
voice, data, image and video. The need to support such a great amount of burst-type traffic in wireless
channels has already posed a serious challenge to the currently available air-link technologies based
on either TDMA or CDMA. There has been some debate in the community on the multiple access technologies
most suitable for the Beyond 3G wireless. This book serves as a stimulus to accelerate CDMA technological
evolution towards the next generation.
Addresses the issues related to the next generation CDMA technologies
which will be the key air-link technology in Beyond 3G wireless applications.
Focuses on the introduction
of several promising new CDMA technologies, such as orthogonal complementary codes based CDMA systems,
M-ary CDMA, OFDM-CDMA and optical-CDMA technologies.
Provides a self-contained treatment of the
area starting with the basics and progressing step-by-step to the advanced research topics on new generation
CDMA systems. This book is suitable for researchers in both academia and industry, postgraduate and
senior undergraduate students, practising engineers and R&D engineers throughout the telecommunications
eBook:Wiley.The.Next.Generation.CDMA.Technologies.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [5xCcF39gJUVGu4jzbXz7I/v7G10]
file:2007_1101_wrz_wil-the.nex.gen.cdm.tec.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (6184) KB



10 Дек 2004
1. Academic.Press.Introduction.to.CDMA.Wireless.Communications.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
2. Focal.Press.Photoshop.CS3.Essential.Skills.May.2007.eBook-BBL
3. Newnes.Embedded.Software.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL


Introduction to CDMA Wireless Communications
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Mosa Ali Abu-Rgheff
ISBN: 0750652527
ISBN-13: 9780750652520
Publisher: Academic Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 632

Product Description
The book gives an in-depth study of the principles of the spread spectrum techniques and their applications
in mobile communications. It starts with solid foundations in the digital communications that are essential
to unequivocal understanding of the CDMA technology, and guides the reader through the fundamentals
and characteristics of cellular CDMA communications. Features include:* A very clear and thorough
description of the principles and applications of spread spectrum techniques in multi-user mobile
communications.* Matlab-based worked examples, exercises and practical sessions to clearly explain
the theoretical concepts.* An easy-to-read explanation of the air interface standards used in IS-95
A/B, cdma2000, and 3G WCDMA.* Clear presentations of the high speed downlink and uplink packet access
(HSDPA/HSUPA) techniques used in 3G WCDMA.The book is a very suitable introduction to the principles
of CDMA communications for senior undergraduate and graduate students, as well researchers and engineers
in industry who are looking to develop their expertise.* A very clear and thorough description of the
principles and applications of spread spectrum techniques in multi-user mobile communications.*
Matlab-based worked examples, exercises and practical sessions to clearly explain the theoretical
concepts.* An easy-to-read explanation of the air interface standards used in IS-95 A/B, cdma2000,
and 3G WCDMA.* Clear presentations of the high speed downlink and uplink packet access (HSDPA/HSUPA)
techniques used in 3G WCDMA.
eBook:Academic.Press.Introduction.to.CDMA.Wireless.Communications.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [8m+6ObCpCAVxrikPZY4+PSZkKRg]
file:2007_1102_wrz_aca-pre.int.to.cdm.wir.com.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (3210) KB



Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Mark Galer,Philip Andrews
ISBN: 0240520645
ISBN-13: 9780240520643
Publisher: Focal Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 448

Product Description
Brimming with beautiful pictures, this successful book guides you through a project-based, progressive
curriculum so that you can build all the essential skills to enhance photographs creatively and professionally
with Photoshop CS3. If you are an aspiring professional, enthusiastic amateur photographer, or a student
learning photography, digital imaging, art and design, or design graphics, you'll be amazed at the stunning
results you can achieve!New! DVD is included FREE. Additional learning materials include * full-resolution,
royalty-free images to download for trying-out your new techniques * over 8 hours of QuickTime movie
tutorials to support the practical projects * Presets from layer styles to curves, shapes, and gradients
* indispensable RAW files for editing practiceAnd dont miss the companion website with updates, practice
material, and more at www.photoshopessentialskills.com!"The perfect companion guide for Photoshop
users of multiple levels." Photoshop Creative Magazine"This book provides excellent coverage of Photoshop
as a digital darkroom tool, as well as covering a truly amazing amount of background information. It is
very readable and is truly a gem."Mark Lewis, Director, Mount Saint Mary College, USAThe Essential Skills
Photography Series from Focal Press uniquely offers a structured learning experience for photographers
of all ages, with both the underlying theory and loads of invaluable 'how to' and real-life practice projects
- all from the most talented photography practitioners/educators in the world.Each subject includes:*
learning objectives for each section for class use or self-study * color images of student and teacher/author
work* activities to check learning outcomes* assignments to put theories into creative practice* full
glossary of termsOther titles in the series:Studio Photography: Essential Skills by John Child, Photographic
Lighting: Essential Skills by John Child and Mark Galer and Digital Photography in Available Light by
Mark Galer.*An affordable resource that distills the complexity of Photoshop CS3 to the essentials*
Retouch photographs, create makeovers, produce sophisticated montages, and create special effects
with clear, step-by-step projects * Practice with activities that show the 'why', along with the 'how-to'
* Follow a structured learning approach to gain fundamental skills...and more
eBook:Focal.Press.Photoshop.CS3.Essential.Skills.May.2007.eBook-BBL hash [lzksRwBPbgWfiGD+OgAvOnxz+oI]
file:2007_1102_wrz_foc-pre.pho.cs3.ess.ski.may.200.ebo.bbl.izp (71035) KB



Embedded Software (Newnes Know It All) (Newnes Know It All)
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Jean J. Labrosse,Jack Ganssle,Robert Oshana,Colin Walls,Keith E. Curtis,Jason Andrews,David J. Katz,Rick Gentile,Kamal Hyder,Bob Perrin
ISBN: 0750685832
ISBN-13: 9780750685832
Publisher: Newnes
Year: 2007
Pages: 792

Product Description
The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk
references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules
of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!Embedded software is present everywhere from a garage
door opener to implanted medical devices to multicore computer systems. This book covers the development
and testing of embedded software from many different angles and using different programming languages.
Optimization of code, and the testing of that code, are detailed to enable readers to create the best solutions
on-time and on-budget. Bringing together the work of leading experts in the field, this a comprehensive
reference that every embedded developer will need!Chapter 1: Basic Embedded Programming ConceptsChapter
2: Device DriversChapter 3: Embedded Operating SystemsChapter 4: NetworkingChapter 5: Error Handling
and DebuggingChapter 6: Hardware/Software Co-VerificationChapter 7: Techniques for Embedded Media
ProcessingChapter 8: DSP in Embedded SystemsChapter 9: Practical Embedded Coding TechniquesChapter
10: Development Technologies and Trends*Proven, real-world advice and guidance from such name authors
as Tammy Noergard, Jen LaBrosse, and Keith Curtis*Popular architectures and languages fully discussed*Gives
a comprehensive, detailed overview of the techniques and methodologies for developing effective,
efficient embedded software
eBook:Newnes.Embedded.Software.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [q2E329GXY+Wez4PH4mofUeYdpLo]
file:2007_1102_wrz_new-emb.sof.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (8461) KB



8 Мар 2005
книжка о фотошопе скачалась в формате izp.Я ее попробовала переименовать в zip и распаковать .Она теперь не открывается .Просит " please insect the disk containing ..." (некий файл ....00 которого у меня просто нет ).Нумерация того что получилось после распаковки начинается с 01 .Подозреваю что мне не надо было файл переименовывать .Но как этот izp правильно открывать ?


10 Дек 2004
Окончание izp- что бы запутать rapidshare. Все книги в формате zip. Я пользуюсь RAR-ом. Архив содержит 15 "подархивов". У меня все распаковалось.


10 Дек 2004
1. Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL
2. IGI.Global.Securing.the.Information.Infrastructure.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL


Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): William H. Press,Saul A. Teukolsky,William T. Vetterling,Brian P. Flannery
ISBN: 0521880688
ISBN-13: 9780521880688
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 1256

Product Description
Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes Third Edition
starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. Widely
recognized as the most comprehensive, accessible and practical basis for scientific computing, this
new edition incorporates more than 400 Numerical Recipes routines, many of them new or upgraded. The
executable C++ code, now printed in color for easy reading, adopts an object-oriented style particularly
suited to scientific applications. The whole book is presented in the informal, easy-to-read style
that made earlier editions so popular. New key features:
2 new chapters, 25 new sections, 25% longer
than Second Edition
Thorough upgrades throughout the text
Over 100 completely new routines and upgrades
of many more.
New Classification and Inference chapter, including Gaussian mixture models, HMMs,
hierarchical clustering, Support Vector Machines
New Computational Geometry chapter covers KD trees,
quad- and octrees, Delaunay triangulation, and algorithms for lines, polygons, triangles, and spheres

New sections include interior point methods for linear programming, Monte Carlo Markov Chains, spectral
and pseudospectral methods for PDEs, and many new statistical distributions
An expanded treatment
of ODEs with completely new routines Plus comprehensive coverage of
linear algebra, interpolation,
special functions, random numbers, nonlinear sets of equations, optimization, eigensystems, Fourier
methods and wavelets, statistical tests, ODEs and PDEs, integral equations, and inverse theory And
much, much more!
eBook:Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [uFRskJOm68NDAM0qfKfguLEczMU]
file:2007_1103_wrz_cam-pre.num.rec.3rd.edi.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (7769) KB


Securing the Information Infrastructure
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Product Details
Author(s): Joseph M. Kizza,Florence M. Kizza
ISBN: 1599043793
ISBN-13: 9781599043791
Publisher: IGI Global
Year: 2007
Pages: 368

Product Description
As computer networks spread throughout the globe and as technology advances, we are increasingly dependent
upon these networks to initiate and complete our daily tasks. However, in this steadily evolving environment,
the privacy, security, reliability, and integrity of online content is tested continuously. Securing
the Information Infrastructure provides a framework for building trust in computer technology by exploring
an array of safeguards that can be used to uphold the integrity and reliability of computing systems.
This book challenges readers to examine rapid advances in information technology to recognize its misuse
in society, covering such pressing topics as computer ethics, computer network security, and computer
eBook:IGI.Global.Securing.the.Information.Infrastructure.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL hash [w/zG6i8A94M3DI02ZMl2aflhHno]
file:2007_1103_wrz_igi-glo.sec.the.inf.inf.sep.200.ebo.bbl.izp (2398) KB



21 Сен 2004
Имеются ли следуюшие книги:

"Accelerated C# 2008"
By Trey Nash | ISBN: 1-59059-873-3

"Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional"
By Christian Gross | ISBN: 1-59059-869-5

"Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition"
Andrew Troelsen | ISBN: 1-59059-884-9

"Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008"
By Joseph C. Rattz, Jr. | ISBN: 1-59059-789-3

"Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition"
By Matthew MacDonald | ISBN: 1-59059-891-1

"Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in VB 2008: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition"
By Matthew MacDonald | ISBN: 1-59059-892-X

"Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008, Second Edition"
By Matthew MacDonald | ISBN: 1-59059-893-8
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.