
  1. FireWind

    IBExpert Developer Studio

    IBExpert Developer Studio IBExpert is the most comprehensive GUI tool for Firebird and InterBase® on the market today. You develop SQL databases professionally and need an efficient and powerful tool? With IBExpert you have made the right choice. It enables you in just a short space of time...
  2. FireWind

    News Firebird 4.0 is released

    Firebird 4.0 is released June 01, 2021 Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 4.0 — the latest major release of the Firebird relational database. Firebird 4.0 introduces new data types and many improvements without radical changes in architecture or operation...
  3. FireWind

    Firebird 4.0 Language Reference

    Firebird 4.0 Language Reference This Language Reference describes the SQL language supported by Firebird 4.0. This Firebird 4.0 Language Reference is the third comprehensive manual to cover all aspects of the query language used by developers to communicate, through their applications, with the...
  4. FireWind

    Firebird 4 Migration Guide

    Firebird 4 Migration Guide Denis Simonov, editor and contributor of "Firebird Language Reference", and also the author of "Firebird Developer Guide", has written the "Short Firebird Migration Guide To Firebird 4.0": Manual installation of Firebird 40 on Windows...
  5. FireWind

    Component IBObjects (IBO)

    IBObjects IB Objects is the most powerful toolbox available for developing client and service applications for InterBase/Firebird in Delphi and Borland C++Builder without the BDE, ODBC or any other middleware. IB Objects provides more than 80 components for use with 32bit Delphi and...
  6. FireWind

    Firebird On-Disk-Structure (ODS) converter

    Firebird On-Disk-Structure (ODS) converter Firebird "ODS 11 to 12" is a scripting tool that converts Firebird database in ODS 11 structure to ODS 12. In practice it means that the tool converts the database file from Firebird 2.x to a form compatible with Firebird 3.x. Copyright © Jacek Laskowski
  7. FireWind

    Component Devart InterBase and Firebird Data Access Components (IBDAC)

    Devart InterBase and Firebird Data Access Components (IBDAC) InterBase (and FireBird) Data Access Components (IBDAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to InterBase and Firebird from Delphi and C++Builder including Community Edition, as well as Lazarus (and Free Pascal)...
  8. murat turan

    Orbada multi platform multi database management tool

    ORBADA is an excellent tool for database developers, SQL developers, DBA administrators, as well as for users who wish to broaden their knowledge and skills in SQL. Advanced functionally and intuitive and clear graphical interface makes it easier to administer the database. By using JDBC...
  9. D

    Запретить пользователю SYSDBA доступ к базе Firebird

    Подскажите, пожалуйста, можно ли каким-то образом запретить SYSDBA подключаться к базе. Задачка простая и поэтому не хотелось бы шифровать данные(дольше буду разбираться с шифрованием, чем писать программу), а клиента очень волнует вопрос безопасности. Вобщем, необходимо сделать так, чтобы...