Redis View Counters

Xenforo Redis View Counters 2.2.0

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Совместимость с XenForo
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Moves some view counters to use Redis-based increment counters rather than scratch tables in MySQL. Redis provides atomic get & del when pushing view counts totals into the database.

  • Currently only handles thread or attachment views.
  • There is an effective limit of ~100000 threads that can be updated per 'Update View Counters' cron task run.
Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a GitHub Pull request via the "Find more info at" link.


If you appreciate this add-on, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be provide via private conversation.

Please contact me if you wish for different licencing arrangements.
Перемещает некоторые счетчики для использования счетчиков приращения на основе Redis, а не рабочих таблиц в MySQL. Redis предоставляет атомарные команды get и del при отправке итоговых значений количества просмотров в базу данных.
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