- Совместимость с XenForo
- 2.1
- 2.2
- Дополнительные требования
- php 7.0+ Standard Library by Xon
- Per-alert 'mark read' links on each alert
- Multi-select ability to mark alerts as read or unread.
- Avoid unexpected marking alerts as read by browser prefetch, this may result in alerts not being marked as read as expected.
- Supports the following add-ons:
- Content Ratings 1.3.x
- Global Optional, Alert summarization by selected content type or user
- User Option to prevent marking as read when accessing /accounts/alerts page.
- User Option to prevent summarization when accessing /accounts/alerts page.
- User Option to adjust summarization threshold
- Only mark alerts that are viewed on alert page/alert pop-up, not all alerts
- If an alert was explicitly marked as unread, skip marking that alert as read.