Xlight FTP Server 2.70
Xlight FTP Server - FTP-сервер, который оптимизирован под минимальное использование системных ресурсов. Обладает всеми необходимыми функциями, некоторые из которых приведены ниже:
- поддержка удаленного администрирования FTP-сервера
- поддержка 128 bits SSL
- поддержка ODBC (логины и пароли могут храниться в отдельной базе)
- поддержка IPv6
- возможность тонкой настройки использования траффика
- и много другое...
Xlight ftp server is a high performance and easy to use ftp server designed to use very little memory and CPU.
Xlight ftp server has native ftp users isolation, so that system administrator won't need to worry about locking user in his home directory. It also has many useful features, you can click here to see its main features list. The following are some of advanced features supported:
GUI based Remote Administration - Server can be securely administrated from anywhere.
128 bits SSL - FTP sessions can be protected by industry security standard.
ODBC - User accounts can be stored in external database for easy management.
Advanced Configuration Management - Configuration changes will take place in real-time, without restarting the ftp server.
Hierarchy Virtual Paths - Provide virtual paths of public, group for easy management and files sharing. Group virtual path can be seen by all users of group, public virtual path can be seen by all users.
Advanced Access Control - Provides many methods to control user's access right inside ftp server.
Advanced Bandwidth Control - Bandwidth can be fine-tuned by virtual servers, groups and users or scheduled by time range.
IPv6 Support - Seamless IPv6 integration into ftp server functions.
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