Wiper Wizard v2.7

Wiper Wizard - Программа сканирует и удаляет ваши следы активности в интернете также программа удаляет файлы, которые ненужны и занимают лишнее дисковое пространство на вашем жестком диске. Wiper Wizard также удаляет файлы без возможности их восстановления.
A lot of people do not realize that their PC store information about what they have done, what documents they have used, what web sites they have visited, and various other activities they have performed. Therefore, anyone else can see what you have been doing on your computer, which raises several privacy concerns. Furthermore, much of your activity information takes up valuable disk space, and recovering this space can be very beneficial.
Wiper Wizard scans and removes traces of your Internet and computing activity as well as delete a variety of junk files that litter your hard drive. Wiper Wizard also wipe those files from your hard disk without the possibility to recover them.
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