What Is The InheritsFrom Method?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim September 14, 2021
InheritsFrom or DelphiVCL.Application.InheritsFrom method determines the relationship between two object types.
Use InheritsFrom to determine whether a particular class type or object is an instance of a class or one of its descendants. InheritsFrom returns True if the object type specified in the aClass parameter is an ancestor of the object type or the type of the object itself. Otherwise, it returns False.
See the responses in our Windows command prompt:
See the responses in our Windows command prompt:
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim September 14, 2021
InheritsFrom or DelphiVCL.Application.InheritsFrom method determines the relationship between two object types.
Use InheritsFrom to determine whether a particular class type or object is an instance of a class or one of its descendants. InheritsFrom returns True if the object type specified in the aClass parameter is an ancestor of the object type or the type of the object itself. Otherwise, it returns False.
What are the properties and methods of the InheritsFrom method?
Let’s browse all the properties and methods of the DelphiVCL.Application.InheritsFrom using dir() command:
import DelphiVCL
How do I see more information about the InheritsFrom method?
You can also read short information about the DelphiVCL.Application.InheritsFrom using the print() command: