WebCam Monitor 5.01

WebCam Monitor – предназначенна для работы с веб-камерами для наблюдения. Программа может отслеживать появление шума или движения в кадре и сообщать об этом владельцу. При обнаружении движения программа может начинать запись видеофайла, делать скриншоты, отправлять уведомления по почте, издавать звуковой сигнал, запускать другие приложения.
WebCam Monitor также может загружать записанное видео на FTP-сервер, а созданные скриншоты отсылать по почте. WebCam Monitor может записывать видео и выполнять другие действия не только в случае обнаружения движения или шума, но и через заданные промежутки времени. Это удобно, например, если, сидя на работе, вы хотите узнать, чем занимается дома ваш ребенок.
WebCam Monitor is a motion detection software that monitors your home, office, or any premise. The software records action triggered by motion or noise as it happens. It is as simple as connecting a USB camera to your PC or selecting an IP camera and using WebCam Monitor to turn your computer to an inexpensive video surveillance system that is on guard 24 hours a day. You can view activities monitored by your camera from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Get immediate email notification along with a photo directly in your mailbox as soon as motion or noise intrusion is detected. You can customize alerts like video and audio recording, taking snaps with date and time, sounding alarms, and sending SMS notifications. Automatically upload recorded video, audio and snaps to a FTP server of your choice.
Large areas can be effectively monitored using multiple cameras. You can configure individual cameras to start and stop monitoring automatically. You can even schedule automatic monitoring sessions to start and end at weekly or daily intervals, once or at application startup. All monitored activity is displayed in an event log for quick reference.
WebCam Monitor is a complete video security software with multiple camera support and remote monitoring features. With these powerful features and customizable alerts WebCam Monitor goes beyond traditional video security systems. It is the perfect solution to turn your home/office PC to a sophisticated monitoring and surveillance system.
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