ViewCompanion Pro v3.37
ViewCompanion Pro - очень мощное приложение для просмотра и печати HPGL, HPGL/2, TIFF, CALS, HP-RTL и других форматов.
Одна из самых важных особенностей в ViewCompanion - способность конвертировать рассматриваемый файл в другой формат.
В настоящее время может конвертировать форматы:
Adobe Postscript™
Adobe PDF
AutoDesk DWF
AutoDesk DXF
CALS Group 4 Raster
Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
Gerber RS-274X
JPEG Raster
Paintbrush PCX (PCX)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
TIFF Raster
Windows Bitmap (BMP)
Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
Windows Metafile (WMF)
ViewCompanion Pro™ is a very powerful application for viewing and printing HPGL, HPGL/2, TIFF, CALS and other formats. The HP-RTL format is also supported, so HPGL/2 files with embedded pictures will be shown correctly.
Markups can be added to the loaded file, and among the supported markup elements you will find rectangles, ellipses, polygons, text, arrows and images.
Markup elements will be stored in a separate file. The original file will be left unchanged.
One of the most important features in ViewCompanion is the ability to convert the viewed file into another format.
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ViewCompanion Pro - очень мощное приложение для просмотра и печати HPGL, HPGL/2, TIFF, CALS, HP-RTL и других форматов.
Одна из самых важных особенностей в ViewCompanion - способность конвертировать рассматриваемый файл в другой формат.
В настоящее время может конвертировать форматы:
Adobe Postscript™
Adobe PDF
AutoDesk DWF
AutoDesk DXF
CALS Group 4 Raster
Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
Gerber RS-274X
JPEG Raster
Paintbrush PCX (PCX)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
TIFF Raster
Windows Bitmap (BMP)
Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
Windows Metafile (WMF)
ViewCompanion Pro™ is a very powerful application for viewing and printing HPGL, HPGL/2, TIFF, CALS and other formats. The HP-RTL format is also supported, so HPGL/2 files with embedded pictures will be shown correctly.
Markups can be added to the loaded file, and among the supported markup elements you will find rectangles, ellipses, polygons, text, arrows and images.
Markup elements will be stored in a separate file. The original file will be left unchanged.
One of the most important features in ViewCompanion is the ability to convert the viewed file into another format.
качать. 1/9 мб.
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