Articles Using C object files in Delphi by Rudy Velthuis


5 Май 2008
Using C object files in Delphi
Rudy Velthuis
C is a very widely used language, and this has made the worldwide code library for C huge. The code library for Delphi is comparably small, so it would be nice if we could use parts of that huge library directly, without a translation of the entire code in Delphi. Fortunately, Delphi allows you to link compiled C object files. But there is this problem with "unsatisfied externals".

Being a simple but powerful language, C gets most of its functionality from its runtime library. Almost all non-trivial C code needs some of the functions in this library. But Delphi’s runtime doesn’t contain these functions. So simply linking the C object file will make the linker complain about "unsatisfied external declarations". Luckily, C accepts any implementation of such a function, no matter in which code module it is defined. If the linker can find a function with the desired name, it can be used. You can use this to provide missing parts of the runtime yourself, in your Delphi code.

In this article I will demonstrate how to compile and link an object file into a Delphi unit, and provide the missing parts of the C runtime that it needs. For this, I will use the well known public domain regular expression search code that Henry Spencer of the University of Toronto wrote. I only slightly modified it to make it compile with C++Builder. Regular expressions are explained in short in the Delphi help files, and are a way of defining nifty search patterns.

The same principles that apply to DLLs, as described in my article "DLL dos and don’ts, apply to the object files Delphi can use too. This also means that you can’t use C++-specific types like C++ objects or templates from Delphi. Even though I show that you can link to object files generated from some .cpp files, these should only contain C code. To avoid any mangling problems, you should also declare functions as extern "C", e.g.
extern "C" int vc_add_cpp(int a, int b);

If you want to use C++ objects, please read my article about how you can do that. It is not possible by linking to object files containing C++-specific code, though.

Object files
Since this article was originally written, many things have changed with respect to which kind of object files can be used and which kind of object files can be generated by which compiler. There are two Delphi compilers for Windows, and three C++Builder compilers (well, actually four, if you count bcc32x.exe, but that only has a different command line interface and is otherwise the same as bcc32c.exe). And then there are the very popular Microsoft and GNU compilers. I rewrote this section to account for the changes.

C normally generates object files, that are to be linked to an executable. On 32 bit Windows, these usually have the file extension .obj, but sometimes also the extension .o. But these can have different, incompatible formats. Microsoft’s C++ compiler, and some other compatible compilers, generate object files in a slightly modified COFF format (as far as I know, it is called COFF/PE). C++Builder’s Win32 compilers (bcc32 and bcc32c) generate a 32 bit OMF file format, which is also the kind older Delphi compilers need.

Since XE2, the Delphi compiler can also use the 32 bit COFF format object files generated by many other 32 bit C and C++ compilers for Windows.

Tested object files
To find out which kind of object files modern Delphi versions can link to, I made a simple program that generates test .c and .cpp files with different names and differently named functions that all do the same, to be compiled with . For example the file cbc.c (cb for C++Builder, c for C) contains the following function:
#include "cbc.h"

int cb_add_c(int a, int b)
return a + b;

Then I wrote a little batch file that compiles these with three different compilers: Embarcadero’s bcc32c.exe or bcc64.exe, the different versions of Microsoft’s cl.exe, and MinGW’s gcc.exe, explicitly setting the kind of file (C or C++) to be compiled and the bitness (32 or 64 bit). The resulting object files names reflect these differences. E.g. the object file generated for gccpp.cpp, compiled with the 64 bit gcc.exe, is gccpp64.o and contains the function int gc_add_cpp(int a, int b). The relevant parts are:
bcc32c -c cbc.c -o cbc32.obj
bcc32c -c cbcpp.cpp -o cbcpp32.obj
bcc64 -c cbc.c -o cbc64.o
bcc64 -c cbcpp.cpp -o cbcpp64.o

set clpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.12.25827\bin\Hostx64\"

%clpath%"x86\cl.exe" /Fovcc32.obj /Tc vcc.c /c
%clpath%"x86\cl.exe" /Fovccpp32.obj /Tp vccpp.cpp /c
%clpath%"x64\cl.exe" /Fovcc64.obj /Tc vcc.c /c
%clpath%"x64\cl.exe" /Fovccpp64.obj /Tp vccpp.cpp /c

gcc -m32 -c gcc.c -o gcc32.o
gcc -m32 -c gccpp.cpp -o gccpp32.o
gcc -m64 -c gcc.c -o gcc64.o
gcc -m64 -c gccpp.cpp -o gccpp64.o

Then I wrote a little test console app in Delphi, that links to all the generated object files and calls each of the generated functions, both compiled for WIN32 and WIN64.

It turned out that Delphi 10.3 Rio could link to and call the functions in all these object files, except the one compiled as C++ file by Embarcadero’s own bcc32c.exe. Even a conversion from OMF32 to COFF32, with the following did not help:
objconv -fpe cbcpp32.obj cbcpp32-coff.obj

Older Delphi versions
Older Delphi versions can only use OMF files. So if you have COFF files, you will have to use one of the existing converters, or if you have the source code, recompile with C++Builder or the free command line compiler (see below). One good converter is Agner Fog’s Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся converter. I was told that the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся should work too.

Note that the COFF2OMF utility that comes with C++Builder or RAD Studio is only meant to convert import libraries for DLLs from one format to the other. It can not convert full code library files, as it only knows a limited subset of the record types you can find in a full code library file.

If you don’t have a C compiler, you can use any compiler that generates Visual C++ compatible COFF files (see above). For versions older than Delphi XE2, you will however need a compiler that generates OMF object files. There are a number of free compilers from Embarcadero:
  • Since 13 July 2016 there is a new free C++ command line compiler for 32 bit Windows from Embarcadero. It can be found on the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся page. It is the Clang-based C++11 supporting C++ compiler that comes with C++Builder 10.1 Berlin. It generates OMF object files. It comes with a number of Windows headers and command line tools. It is described in Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся by the new product manager, David Millington.
  • Since 1 May 2018, there is yet another new free C++ command line compiler from Embarcadero, the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. It features the latest bcc32c compiler as well as a slightly different bcc32x compiler, which has the Clang and not the Borland command line interface. It comes with the Dinkumware STL, the RTL and various command line tools.
  • Since 18 July 2018, you can even download the free and fully equipped (but limited by license) Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Note that it can’t be installed on the same machine (or virtual machine) as Delphi Community Edition or one of the paid versions of Delphi, C++Builder or RAD Studio.
Library files
C and C++ often use library (.lib) files as well. These simply contain multiple object files, and some C compilers come with a librarian program to extract, insert, replace or simply list object files in them. In Delphi, you can’t link .lib files directly. But you can use the TDUMP utility that comes with Delphi and C++Builder to see what is stored in them. The free C++ compiler and C++Builder come with the TLIB librarian to get at the single object files.

Object file formats for Win64 are different. See the Win64 section below.

The code
I will not discuss the mechanism or use of regular expressions here. There is enough material available in books and on the Internet. But to exploit them with this code, you first pass a regular expression pattern to a kind of very simple compiler, that turns the textual representation into a version that can easily be interpreted by the search code. The compilation is done by the function regcompile(). To search a string for a regular expression pattern, you pass the compiled pattern and the string to the regexec() function. It will return information about if, and where in the string, it found text matching the pattern.

The complete implementation code for the regular expression search is rather complicated and long, so I will not show that. But the header file is of course important for the Delphi code using the object file. Here it is.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

/* */
/* regexp.h */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1986 by Univerisity of Toronto */
/* */
/* This public domain file was originally written by Henry Spencer for the */
/* University of Toronto and was modified and reformatted by Rudy Velthuis */
/* for use with Borland C++Builder 5. */
/* */

#ifndef REGEXP_H
#define REGEXP_H

#define RE_OK 0
#define RE_NOTFOUND 1
#define RE_INTERNAL 20
#define RE_NOPROG 30
#define RE_NOSTRING 31
#define RE_NOMAGIC 32
#define RE_NOMATCH 33
#define RE_NOEND 34

#define NSUBEXP 10

* The first byte of the regexp internal "program" is actually this magic
* number; the start node begins in the second byte.
#define MAGIC 0234

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct regexp
char *startp[NSUBEXP];
char *endp[NSUBEXP];
char regstart; /* Internal use only. */
char reganch; /* Internal use only. */
char *regmust; /* Internal use only. */
int regmlen; /* Internal use only. */
char program[1]; /* Internal use only. */
} regexp;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern int regerror;
extern regexp *regcomp(char *exp);
extern int regexec(register regexp* prog, register char *string);
extern int reggeterror(void);
extern void regseterror(int err);

extern void regdump(regexp *exp);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#pragma pack(pop)

#endif // REGEXP_H

The header above defines a few constant values, a structure to pass information between the regular expression code and the caller, and also between the different functions of the code, and the functions that the user can call.

The #define values that start with RE_ are constants that are returned from the functions to indicate success or an error. NSUBEXP is the number of subexpressions a regular expression may have in this implementation. The number called MAGIC is a value that must be present in each compiled regular expression. If it is missing, the structure obviously doesn’t contain a valid compiled regular expression. Note that 0234 is not a decimal value. The leading zero tells the C compiler that this is an octal value. Like hexadecimal uses 16 as number base, and decimal uses 10, octal uses 8. The decimal value is calculated this way:
  0234(oct) = 2 * 82 + 3 * 81 + 4 * 80 = 128 + 24 + 4 = 156(dec)

The #pragma pack(push, 1) pushes the current alignment state, and sets it to bytewise alignment. #pragma pack(pop) restores the previous state. This is important, because it makes the structure compatible with Delphi’s packed record.



5 Май 2008
Compiling the code
See the section about object files above. You may decide to use another compiler than bcc32.exe, bcc323c.exe or bcc64.exe. The section about objects files shows how I compiled the various test files. Compiling regexp.c can be done similarly.

If you have C++Builder, or RAD Studio, it is a little easier to compile the code. You create a new project, and add the file regexp.c to it via the menu selections Project → Add to project, and compile the project. As a result of this, the directory will contain a file regexp.obj.

If you have the command line compiler, and that is set up correctly, you open a command prompt, go to the directory that contains the file "regexp.c" and enter:
bcc32 -c regexp.c

or, with the new 2016 command line compiler:
bcc32c -c regexp.c

Perhaps you’ll get a warning about an unused variable, or about conversions losing significant digits, but you can ignore them in this case, since you didn’t write the code anyway. I have been using this code myself for years without any problems. After compilation, you’ll find the object file regexp.obj in the same directory as the source file.

To import the object file in Delphi, you should now copy the object file to the directory with your Delphi source.

Importing the object file

To use the code in the object file, you’ll have to write some declarations. The Delphi linker doesn’t know anything about the parameters of the functions, about the regexp type in the header, and about the values that were defined in the file "regexp.h". It doesn’t know what calling convention was used, either. To do this, you write an import unit.

Here is the interface part of the Delphi unit that is used to import the functions and values from the C object file into Delphi:

unit RegExpObj;



// The first byte of the regexp internal "program" is actually this magic
// number; the start node begins in the second byte.
MAGIC = 156;

PRegExp = ^_RegExp;
_RegExp = packed record
StartP: array[0..NSUBEXP - 1] of PChar;
EndP: array[0..NSUBEXP - 1] of PChar;
RegStart: Char; // Internal use only.
RegAnch: Char; // Internal use only.
RegMust: PChar; // Internal use only.
RegMLen: Integer; // Internal use only.
Prog: array[0..0] of Char; // Internal use only.

function _regcomp(exp: PChar): PRegExp; cdecl;
function _regexec(prog: PRegExp; str: PChar): LongBool; cdecl;
function _reggeterror: Integer; cdecl;
procedure _regseterror(Err: Integer); cdecl;

You’ll notice that all the functions got an underscore in front of them. This is because, for historic reasons, most C compilers still generate C functions with names that start with an underscore. To import them, you’ll have to use the "underscored" names. You could tell the C++Builder compiler to omit the underscores, but I normally don’t do that. The underscores clearly show that we are using C functions. These must be declared with the C calling convention, which is called cdecl in Delphi parlance. Forgetting this can produce bugs that are very hard to trace.

The original code of Henry Spencer didn’t have the reggeterror() and regseterror() functions. I had to introduce them, because you can’t use variables in the object files from the Delphi side directly, and the code requires access to reset the error value to 0, and to get the error value. But you can use Delphi variables from the C object file. Sometimes object files even require external variables to be present. If they don’t exist, you can declare them somewhere in your Delphi code.

Ideally, the implementation part of the unit would look like this:



{$LINK 'regexp.obj'}

function _regcomp(exp: PChar): PRegExp; cdecl; external;
function _regexec(prog: PRegExp; str: PChar): LongBool; cdecl; external;
function _reggeterror: Integer; cdecl; external;
procedure _regseterror(Err: Integer); cdecl; external;


But if you compile that, the Delphi linker will complain about unsatisfied externals. The Delphi unit will have to provide them. Most runtime functions are simple, and can easily be coded in Delphi. Only functions that take a variable number of arguments, like printf() or scanf(), are impossible to do without resorting to assembler. Perhaps, if you could find the code of printf() or scanf() in the C++ libraries, you could extract the object file and link that file in as well. I have never tried this.

The regular expression code needs the C library functions malloc() to allocate memory, strlen() to calculate the length of a string, strchr() to find a single character in a string, strncmp() to compare two strings, and strcspn() to find the first character from one string in another string.

The first four functions are simple, and can be coded in one line of Delphi code, since Delphi has similar functions as well. But for strcspn() there is no equivalent function in the Delphi runtime library, so it must be coded by hand. Fortunately, I had (admittedly, rather ugly) C code for such a function, and I only had to translate that to Delphi. Otherwise I’d have had to read the specifications really carefully, and try to implement it myself.

The missing part of the implementation section of the unit looks like this:

// since this unit provides the code for _malloc, it can use FreeMem to free
// the PRegExp it gets. But normally, a _regfree() would be nice.

function _malloc(Size: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;
GetMem(Result, Size);

function _strlen(const Str: PChar): Cardinal; cdecl;
Result := StrLen(Str);

function _strcspn(s1, s2: PChar): Cardinal; cdecl;
SrchS2: PChar;
Result := 0;
while S1^ <> #0 do
SrchS2 := S2;
while SrchS2^ <> #0 do
if S1^ = SrchS2^ then

function _strchr(const S: PChar; C: Integer): PChar; cdecl;
Result := StrScan(S, Chr(C));

function _strncmp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; cdecl;
Result := StrLComp(S1, S2, MaxLen);

As you can see, these functions must also be declared cdecl and have a leading underscore. The function names are also case sensitive, so their correct spelling is important.

In my project, I don’t use this code directly. The _RegExp structure contains information that should not be changed from outside, and is a bit awkward to use. So I wrapped it up in a few simple functions, and provided a RegFree function as well, which simply calls FreeMem, since the _malloc() I provided uses GetMem. Ideally, the regular expression code should have provided a regfree() function.

The entire C source code, the code for the import unit and the wrapper unit, as well as a very simple grep program can be found on my page.



5 Май 2008
Circular references
If you have to include several object files, it is very well possible that one object file, let’s call it one.obj, references a function in another object file, say, seven.obj. The Delphi compiler is, more or less, one pass, so if one.obj is listed before seven.obj, you will get an unsatisfied externals error. This can be avoided by rearranging your {$LINK} entries, so that seven.obj is linked before one.obj is linked in.

But it is well possible, that seven.obj also references a function or variable in one.obj. Then, rearranging will not work. The solution is to declare the function or functions as external, before the link code:

function _getLocaleName; external; // defined in one.obj, used in seven.obj
function _convertCase; external; // defined in seven.obj, used in one.obj

{$LINK 'one.obj'}
{$LINK 'seven.obj'}

This is a bit like a forward declaration and will tell the compiler that these functions will be defined in one of the linked in object files.

Of course, if you also need to use these functions, you must provide a full declaration, including parameters, return type and calling convention, but otherwise, the simple declaration of the name is enough.

Thanks to David Heffernan for pointing this out, in this Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся.

Under Win64, a few things are different.

Object file format
The early Windows 64 bit compiler versions (XE2 and XE3) had problems with the 64 bit ELF format generated by the 64 bit Clang-derived C++Builder compiler. They needed the 64 bit COFF format generated by e.g. Visual C++ (see info box below). Versions XE4 and upward are fine with the 64 bit ELF format as generated by C++Builder’s Windows 64 bit compiler.

Tests I have done (see above) show that Delphi is fine with the 64 bit object file formats generated by Embarcadero’s bcc64.exe, Microsoft’s cl.exe (64 bit version), and MinGW’s gcc.exe.

One nice extra is that also object files generated from C++ (.cpp) files are usable by the 64 bit compilers from XE4 upward.

For Delphi XE2 and XE3 you will have to get a free (“free” as in “free beer”) version of Visual Studio, for instance Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся, which can compile C and C++ and produce 64 bit COFF files. Alternatively, you can only download the command line Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся, which is a much slimmer install. I used those to compile my test functions (see Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся).

Note: In the batch file I wrote to test the object files generated by several compilers (see above), I used a much simpler approach than Microsoft proposes. But my object files do not link to any C or C++ libraries, so I did not have to setup any search or library paths. The several different Developer Command Prompts, that Microsoft tells you to use, do that for you.

If you want to compile with GNU’s C or C++ compilers, you can install Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся or Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. The former is a more minimal install of the GNU development tools (you can pick which), the latter is a complete POSIX-compatible environment including compiler, libraries, etc. I used MinGW for the tests.
Calling convention
There is only one calling convention in Win64 (well, actually two, but the other one is very low level), so there is no need to declare one anymore. For code that must compile for Win32 as well as for Win64, you can leave the stdcall, register or cdecl calling conventions in your source. They will be ignored by the 64 bit compiler.

On Win64, the (Microsoft) convention is that function names are not decorated with a leading underscore. As far as I know, Delphi also follows this convention. To make code compile under both Win64 and Win32, you can use the same trick Embarcadero uses in their code for macOS or iOS, i.e. something like this:

_PU = '';
_PU = '_';


function regcomp(exp: PAnsiChar): PRegExp; cdecl; external name _PU + 'regcomp';

Using msvcrt.dll
Some of the following has been superseded by the introduction of the unit System.Win.Crtl.pas in Delphi XE2, which wraps some of the routines exposed by msvcrt.dll. Each of the functions is both declared with and without leading underscore. This means you probably won’t have to use the unit I wrote and describe below.

Instead of writing all these functions yourself, you could also use functions from the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library. This is a DLL which Windows also uses, and that is why it should be present on all versions of Windows.

FWIW, this is not my idea, I got it as a suggestion from Rob Kennedy in the former Borland newsgroups. It seems the JEDI project also uses this technique in some of their sources.

Using msvcrt.dll, instead of the code above, you could simply declare most of the routines external. Be sure to use the name clause in the external declaration, because these routines do not have an underscore in the DLL:

// Note that you don't want to use the C memory manager,
// so you must still rewrite routines like _malloc() in Delphi.

function _malloc(Size: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;
GetMem(Result, Size);

// The rest can be imported from msvcrt.dll directly.

function _strlen(const Str: PChar): Cardinal; cdecl;
external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'strlen';

function _strcspn(s1, s2: PChar): Cardinal; cdecl;
external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'strcspn';

function _strchr(const S: PChar; C: Integer): PChar; cdecl;
external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'strchr';

function _strncmp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer;
cdecl; external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'strncmp';

This will even work for complicated routines like sprintf() or scanf(). Where C requires a file handle, you simply declare a pointer. The effect is the same. Examples:

function _sprintf(S: PChar; const Format: PChar): Integer;
cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'sprintf';

function _fscanf(Stream: Pointer; const Format: PChar): Integer;
cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll' name 'fscanf';

I put a slightly tested version of an interface unit for msvcrt.dll on my page. I will change this page as soon as it is well tested.

In the meantime, I have encountered a few problems which might be interesting for the reader. For the conversion, I wrote a simple test program in C, which uses many of the routines imported from msvcrt.dll. But it turned out that some of the routines are not routines at all. They are implemented as macros, which directly access structures, and these don’t always exist or are accessible in this mix of BCB C, Delphi and Microsoft C.

getchar() and putchar()
For instance, take the getchar() routine. In stdio.h, this is declared as a macro, which accesses stdin->level, and stdin is again a macro for &_streams[0]. If this level variable is positive, the routine uses a character from the buffer, otherwise it will use _fgetc() (IOW, __fgetc() on the Delphi side). So no matter how you declare your own routine, it will simply not get called.

This meant I had to declare __streams, and initialize the level fields to something negative. The problem is that the msvcrt.dll routines will have their own versions of similar structs (there is no guarantee that the FILE struct is the same, there), and these do not set or read from the BCB variable _streams. So I wrote my own Delphi version of __fgetc() which checks if the stream parameter passed is the same as @__streams[0], indicating it is called with stdin, the standard input stream. If it is, this means it is called as _fgetch(stdin); which is what the getchar() macro amounts to. If this is the case, it calls Delphi’s Read, otherwise it uses the _fgetc() routine in msvcrt.dll.

I hope that this will do, but I’d like to know it if it doesn’t. Please email me about any problems you encounter.

FWIW, I am aware of the fact that one of the routines (fwrite(), I think) stops at an int 3 breakpoint in ntdll.DbgBreakPoint, if it is run in the debugger. If you do an F9 or Run, the program will continue.

But the putchar() routine is a macro too, and this could increment the level again. So there may be similar problems with that routine. I did not encounter any, yet. But the changes I made for getchar() mean that probably ungetc() might not work properly (AFAICS, this is a macro too). If necessary, I might have to emulate the entire system in Delphi. Just because C uses a few macros.

This goes to show that it is not always a case of simply redirecting calls to something like msvcrt.dll after all. Macros ruin this idea.

FWIW, macros are evil evil evil.

fgetpos() and fsetpos()
It seems that in msvcrt.dll these two routines store additional data in the pos parameter. In BCB, pos is a simple long integer. Using _fgetpos() with the declaration of fpos_t in BCB’s stdio.h caused an access violation. So I wrote my own versions of these routines, using _fseek() and _ftell().

In theory, fpos_t is an opaque type, and both routines only use pointers to one. But in BCB it is declared as a long, so it won’t be larger than 4 bytes, and that is what is allocated. So if msvcrt.dll tries to store more than that into it, some kind of data will be overwritten, and your program will not work properly, or cause an access violation. That is the risk of using code that is written with a different compiler.

Provided you have a little knowledge of C, and are not afraid to write a replacement for a few missing C runtime library functions yourself (if you use msvcrtl.dll, that number will be very limited), linking C object files to a Delphi unit is easy. It allows you to create a program that does not need a DLL, and can be deployed in one piece.

If you need help with using the free C++Builder command line compiler (compiler version 5.5), you will find excellent help in the Borland newsgroups or forums, such as:
Or you can use the equivalent NNTP newsgroups and a newsreader. I wish you a nice time experimenting.