

2 Ноя 2004
UniExtract 1.6.1

Программа для распаковки различных типов архивов и инсталляционных файлов, сделанных в различных инсталляторах таких как Inno Setup, WISE, InstallShield и др. Распаковывает также .msi файлы. UniExtract является надстройкой над множеством других мелких утилит, которые, собственно и занимаются распаковкой отдельных форматов файлов. Автоматически встраивается в контекстное меню.

Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program, or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package. This is still a work in progress (see details below), but so far it's proven quite useful and I feel others can also benefit from it.

I should stress that this application is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It will never replace WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. What it will do is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, compression method, etc. The original motivation behind this project was that I wanted an easy, convenient way to extract files from installation packages, such as Inno Setup or Windows Installer packages, without pulling up a command line every time. In the process I got a little carried away and ended up throwing in support for every kind of archive format I possibly could find.

Оф.сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Изменения: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Setup:Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (5.3 мб)
Portable:Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (4.95 мб)
Последнее редактирование модератором:


UniExtract 1.3
Added support for UHARC archives
Added support for KGB archives, including encrypted and self-extracting archives
Added support for MHTML (.mht) files
Added support for Wise for Windows Installer installers
Added support for InstallShield 3.x archives (.z, .1, and .lib)
Added support for decompressing UPX and ASpack files, including .dll files
Added additional support for MSI files
Added additional scanning options for PEiD
Added external database support for PEiD
Added ability to choose context menu items in installer
Added support for compressed files (.??_) to installer
Added command line usage information to installer (run with /?)
Added application-specific support for McAfee SuperDAT updater and CMenu installer
Fixed support for Microsoft hotfixes
Fixed miscellaneous typos
Fixed RPM file association in installer
Fixed miscellaneous file association bugs in installer
Updated PEiD to 0.94
Updated 7-zip to 4.42 (still using 4.40 nsis.dll)
Updated UnRAR to 3.60
Updated Inno Setup unpacking to include embedded files
Updated Inno Setup support to include newer versions
Updated InstallShield support to include support files when using cache option
Updated file scanning to speed up filetype detection
Updated Zip support to include files compressed with bzip2
Updated Zip support to include .wz extension
Updated Microsoft CAB support to include .imf extension
Updated Wise and InstallShield filetype detection to yield more accurate results
Installer (2.9 MB):
RAR (2.69 MB):


UniExtract 1.3.1 (09/27/2006)
Added Start Menu, Dersktop, Quick Launch icon options to installer
Fixed 7-Zip and InfoZip checks on unknown executables
Fixed 7-Zip extraction - now bypasses user input to prevent program hangs
Fixed Windows 9x compatability issues
Fixed .wz file association
Updated InstallShield support to recognize additional installers
Updated WinRAR to 3.61
Installer (2.9 MB):
RAR (2.69 MB):


UniExtract 1.4 (11/18/2006):
Added support for internationalization
Added option to disable history
Added option to specify location for debug file
Added ability to display log file if extraction fails
Added /d switch to @comspec calls to disable AutoRun conflicts
Added support for LIT (Microsoft ebook) files
Added support for Office 2007 beta installer
Added minor code optimizations
Changed UniExtract.exe to run from base directory rather than bin\
Changed UniExtract.exe to use .ini file for history rather than registry
Fixed typo in installer
Updated .exe file scanning process to speed up extraction
Updated installer to only offer system path option to Admin or Power Users
Updated KGB decompressor to
Updated UPX to 2.0.3
Installer (2.95 MB):
RAR (2.74 MB):


UniExtract 1.4.1 (11/21/2006):
Added Chinese (Simplified), French, and German translations
Fixed bug in directory selection when archive name is passed to uniextract.exe
Fixed .imf file association in installer
Updated UniExtract to allow dynamic GUI language selection
Updated UniExtract to allow dynamic GUI control positioning
Updated UniExtract to prevent 100% CPU utilization during GUI display
UniExtract Installer (2.96 MB):
UniExtract Binary Archive (2.75 MB):


Universal Extractor 1.4.1 Update
_http://www.legroom.net/~jbreland/transfer/UniExtract.exe - 213 KB


UniExtract 1.4.2 (11/28/2006):
Added preferences page to installer to set defeault UniExtract options
Added multilingual support to installer (using Inno Setup message files)
Added multilingual support for context menu entries and custom installer messages
Added Chinese (Traditional), Italian, Japanese, and Thai translations
Fixed UniExtract crash when selecting archive file to extract through GUI
Fixed support for Windows Installer 2.0
Fixed combo box bug in history and language lists under Windows 9x
Fixed path issue under Windows 9x that prevented the noinst archive from working
Fixed translation error for KGB Self-Extracting archives
Updated installer to only offer context menu association to Admin or Power Users
Updated innounp to 0.18
Updated Inno Setup installer to 5.1.8
Updated Inno Setup CLI Help to 1.1
Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation
Updated UniExtract to display status box higher on screen to prevent overlap
UniExtract Installer (3 MB):
UniExtract Binary Archive (2.78 MB):


UniExtract 1.5 (02/22/2007)
UniExtract Installer (4.6 MB):
UniExtract Binary Archive (4.44 MB):
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Universal Extract v1.6 beta
UniExtract Installer:
UniExtract Binary Archive (4.64 MB):


Universal Extractor 1.6 Release Candidate
Installer: _http://uniextract.c1pher.com/uniextract16rc.exe
Standalone: _http://uniextract.c1pher.com/uniextract16rc_noinst.rar


Universal Extractor 1.6
Released: 10/17/2008


Installer: _http://download.c1pher.com/uniextract16.exe
Standalone: _http://download.c1pher.com/uniextract16_noinst.rar


2 Ноя 2004
UniExtract 1.6.1 в шапке