Articles Unicode Finder - Embarcadero Cool Apps Selection by Jim McKeeth


5 Май 2008
Unicode Finder - Embarcadero Cool Apps Selection
Jim McKeeth

Today’s Cool Apps selection is Unicode Finder, from SAGT3K. As the name suggests, Unicode Finder is a utility that allows you to explore the Unicode database to find characters, symbols, and emojis to use in text settings. It was developed in RAD Studio using Delphi and the FireMonkey multi-device framework. Users are given multiple options to search and interact with the database, and as the screenshots show, the app also provides a wealth of information on each item.


One of the things that makes RAD Studio such a great choice for development is its component-based interface. You can clearly see the hallmarks of this in Unicode Finder. The collections of buttons, database connections, and database display tools are easily managed during design time, and the result is a highly functional, visually appealing project that uses less code and is finished faster.


There truly is a wealth of variety in the Unicode library, and the ability to harness it is a pretty cool thing. Unicode Finder is a cool utility that helps you do just that. It is available for download today in the Google Play store, and can be found at the link below. Congratulations to SAGT3K and to Unicode Finder for being the latest Embarcadero Cool Apps selection.

Learn more about Unicode Finder:
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Cool Apps Sections are apps developed with our RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, or InterBase. Did you make something cool? Submit a short description of your application with 3-4 screens, and/or a link to a YouTube Video with a demo. If the application is non-visual, feel free to describe more and if you want to include a code snippet or a diagram, anything that highlights the ingenuity of your solution. Please send your submissions to [email protected] or youДля просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся to walk you through the process.

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