About The Protector
"The Protector" centers on divorced mother Gloria Sheppard (Ally Walker, "Sons of Anarchy," "Profiler"), who juggles her demanding personal and professional life as an intuitive LAPD homicide detective while raising two boys, Leo (Thomas Robinson, "Heroes") and Nick (Sage Ryan, "The Closer"), with the live-in help of her troubled younger brother Davey (Chris Payne Gilbert, "Dexter," "Bones"). The series also stars Tisha Campbell-Martin ("Rita Rocks," "My Wife and Kids") as Gloria’s partner Michelle Dulcett, Miguel Ferrer ("Crossing Jordan," "Traffic") as their boss Lieutenant Felix Valdez and Terrell Tilford ("Soul Food," "One Life to Live") as police officer Ramon “Romeo” Rush.
"The Protector" is produced by ABC Studios. Writer Jeffrey Bell ("Angel," "Alias"), Nina Wass ("Less than Perfect") and Gene Stein ("Less than Perfect") are executive producers.
The Protector
General Information
LOL Release: 06/12/2011
Video: XviD
Audio: MP3 2ch 48khz
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Resolution: 624x352
Frame Rate: 23.976024 fps
Size: 350MB
LAPD Detective Gloria Sheppard (Ally Walker) and her partner Michelle (Tisha Campbell-Martin) investigate what looks to be a mugging gone wrong. But when Gloria uncovers evidence that links the victim to a psychic, it appears that it may have been a targeted murder. At home, Gloria's life as a divorced mom, raising two boys with the help of her younger brother Davey, has its own challenges especially when her youngest son wants an elaborate homemade costume for his school play.