Программа позволяет просмотреть изображение шаблона, введя лишь его номер в окошко программы. Морд английский и немецкий.
This program helps people to see what certain template monsters look like by simply typing in the #. When you type in the number and hit enter it shows a picture of the template. To enlarge, just double click on the template picture. The program needs no updates since it takes the pictures right from the template monster website. It just makes people who buy (or download) templates easier.
This program comes in 2 languages: English and German.
This program helps people to see what certain template monsters look like by simply typing in the #. When you type in the number and hit enter it shows a picture of the template. To enlarge, just double click on the template picture. The program needs no updates since it takes the pictures right from the template monster website. It just makes people who buy (or download) templates easier.
This program comes in 2 languages: English and German.