Susan E. McGregor - Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality (2021)

28 Янв 2020
Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality
Автор: Susan E. McGregor (2021)
This book is intended for true beginners; all you need are a basic understanding of how to use computers (e.g., how to download a file, open a program, copy and paste, etc.), an open mind, and a willingness to experiment. I especially encourage you to take a chance on this book if you are someone who feels intimidated by data or programming, if you’re “bad at math,” or imagine that working with data or learning to program is too hard for you. I have spent nearly a decade teaching hundreds of people who didn’t think of themselves as “technical” the exact skills contained in this book, and I have never once had a student who was genuinely unable to get through this material. In my experience, the most challenging part of programming and working with data is not the difficulty of the material but the quality of the instruction. I am grateful both to the many students over the years whose questions have helped me immeasurably in finding ways to convey this material better, and for the opportunity to share what I learned from them with so many others through this book. While a book cannot truly replace the kind of support provided by a human teacher, I hope it will at least give the tools you need to master the basics—and perhaps the inspiration to take those skills to the next level. Folks who have some experience with data wrangling but have reached the limits of spreadsheet tools or want to expand the range of data formats they can easily access and manipulate will also find this book useful, as will those with frontend programming skills (in JavaScript or PHP, for example) who are looking for a way to get started with Python.