SnapCanvas Clarific Pro v1.4.Retail
Программа предназначена для удаления шумов и зернистости с цифровых фотографий, а также дефектов, возникающих при сильном сжатии изображиний.
Также программу можно использовать для повышения резкозти изображений, полученных со сканера. Есть возможность пакетной обработки фотографий.
Are your details masked by noise, grain, compression effects, or any other corruptions?
Photographs taken by mobile phone cameras always need big improvements, especially those ravaged by digital zoom or taken in dark environments.
Highly compressed Jpeg images from the web have blockiness and grainy halos.
Even the best digital cameras can produce grain and noise in dark environments or at high ISO settings.
Scanned images are grainy at high magnification.
Images caputured from video are poor quality.
Clarific works to fix all these problems. It uses advanced techniques to remove unwanted corruptions like these while leaving important textures and details intact. It's easy to use, fast, and powerful.
See examples of improving photographs taken in dim light, examples of improving corrupted and noisy images, and a gallery showing how Clarific removes noise and preserves detail, sharpening the image in the process.
Remove unwanted noise and grain in your images - Clarific is unique in its ability to work with severe levels of noise.
Make larger photo prints.
Magnify low resolution images (Clarific Pro only)
Noisy or low resolution images can be made crisp enough for professional work.
Remove Jpeg artifacts.
Fast and easy to use.
Batch mode: process many images in one operation (Clarific Pro only).
Command line operation (Clarific Pro only).
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
Программа предназначена для удаления шумов и зернистости с цифровых фотографий, а также дефектов, возникающих при сильном сжатии изображиний.
Также программу можно использовать для повышения резкозти изображений, полученных со сканера. Есть возможность пакетной обработки фотографий.
Are your details masked by noise, grain, compression effects, or any other corruptions?
Photographs taken by mobile phone cameras always need big improvements, especially those ravaged by digital zoom or taken in dark environments.
Highly compressed Jpeg images from the web have blockiness and grainy halos.
Even the best digital cameras can produce grain and noise in dark environments or at high ISO settings.
Scanned images are grainy at high magnification.
Images caputured from video are poor quality.
Clarific works to fix all these problems. It uses advanced techniques to remove unwanted corruptions like these while leaving important textures and details intact. It's easy to use, fast, and powerful.
See examples of improving photographs taken in dim light, examples of improving corrupted and noisy images, and a gallery showing how Clarific removes noise and preserves detail, sharpening the image in the process.
Remove unwanted noise and grain in your images - Clarific is unique in its ability to work with severe levels of noise.
Make larger photo prints.
Magnify low resolution images (Clarific Pro only)
Noisy or low resolution images can be made crisp enough for professional work.
Remove Jpeg artifacts.
Fast and easy to use.
Batch mode: process many images in one operation (Clarific Pro only).
Command line operation (Clarific Pro only).
Для просмотра ссылки Войди