SmartProtector Pro v4.13
программа удаляет все следы, которые остаются на вашем компьютере после посещения различных сайтов в интернете : (cookies, history, набранные адреса сайтов и т.д.).
While you are browsing in the Internet your browser leaves a lot of tracks about the addresses you visit.
These tracks include cookies, history, temporary Internet files, index.dat files, home page, files in the recycle bin and your recent documents.
They can give a chance to other people who use your computer to spy on you. Thus they can obtain valuable information from your computer, which may be used against you.
The objective of this program is to protect your privacy by removing these tracks. It also gives two more abilities:
1.To choose exactly what tracks to remove.
2. To save the state of all tracks at a certain moment and to restore them later erasing only the tracks left by you but not by the people who have used the computer before you.
This is really useful, as people who use your computer will not wonder where all their history, cookies etc have gone.
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
программа удаляет все следы, которые остаются на вашем компьютере после посещения различных сайтов в интернете : (cookies, history, набранные адреса сайтов и т.д.).
While you are browsing in the Internet your browser leaves a lot of tracks about the addresses you visit.
These tracks include cookies, history, temporary Internet files, index.dat files, home page, files in the recycle bin and your recent documents.
They can give a chance to other people who use your computer to spy on you. Thus they can obtain valuable information from your computer, which may be used against you.
The objective of this program is to protect your privacy by removing these tracks. It also gives two more abilities:
1.To choose exactly what tracks to remove.
2. To save the state of all tracks at a certain moment and to restore them later erasing only the tracks left by you but not by the people who have used the computer before you.
This is really useful, as people who use your computer will not wonder where all their history, cookies etc have gone.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
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