Registry Crawler


18 Июл 2004
Registry Crawler v4.5.0.4


Registry Crawler - программа, позволяющая системным администраторам, разработчикам и опытным пользователям быстро находить и конфигурировать настройки реестра.
Мощный механизм поиска и возможность быстрого перехода к найденому разделу + возможность создавать закладки в реестре для быстрого доступа к часто используемым разделам.

Registry Crawler enables system administrators, developers and other power users to quickly find and configure Registry settings. The software provides a powerful search engine that allows you to find Registry information based on a search criterion.
Results are displayed in a list allowing you to access any key found with a single mouse click. Registry Crawler has built in support for ‘bookmarks’. You can bookmark any key in the Registry and then access it directly from the system tray. This powerful feature allows you to create a set of Registry keys that you access frequently, eliminating the need to manually open REGEDIT. Registry Crawler uses the REGEDIT tool so you don’p’t need to learn how to edit, delete or rename registry keys. It also has built in support for Registry editing, multiple key deletions.

Using Registry Crawler you can search multiple machines on your network and view search results in a single list. An advanced search & replace feature, enables you to quickly change Registry settings on your local PC or any other PC in your LAN.
Users that access the Registry on a daily basis will find Registry Crawler to be a great time saver.

Key Features:
- Search the Windows Registry for any piece of information quickly and easily. 5 times faster than REGEDIT!
- Bookmark any key in the Registry and access it from the system tray.
- Search & Replace Registry information on multiple computers within seconds.
- Generate HTML or Text reports from your search results for easy printing, saving or analysis.
- View search results in a list allowing you to jump to any of the keys with a single mouse click.
- Fully integrated with the Windows REGEDIT tool.
- Clipboard support for easy copying and pasting of Registry information.
- Search Usenet (newsgroups) for any key or value you find in the Registry.
- Search the Registry on multiple remote computers.
- Delete multiple keys from the Registry with a single click (from the search results window)
- Export multiple keys to a single .REG file.

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Скачать / Download Registry Crawler v4.5.0.4 Incl. keygen
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